Earth Defense Force 6: Best Solo Class

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Solo Class


  • Fencer is a tank class with heavy weaponry, suited for group play more than solo missions in EDF6.
  • Air Raider, like Ranger but focused on support, struggles in early game but can be unstoppable with the right loadout.
  • Wing Diver is a glass cannon with high mobility and damage potential, requiring careful energy management in solo play.

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I must say that the Ranger from Earth Defense Force 6 is indeed a hidden gem for solo players who crave both versatility and safety in their gaming escapades.

In Earth Defense Force 6, you’ll find just four distinct playable character classes, each offering a unique gameplay experience that sets them apart from the others. These are the Ranger, Air Raider, Wing Diver, and Fencer. Each class possesses its own quirks, specialized tools, individual systems, and advantages/disadvantages. For instance, the Fencer serves as EDF6’s ‘tank class’, boasting a vast array of heavy weaponry for close-quarters combat.

Simultaneously, the Wing Diver stands out as EDF6’s high-damage, yet fragile character, sacrificing durability for mobility and firepower. Interestingly, the classes that excel in multiplayer are starkly different from those that shine in a single-player campaign. With this understanding, let’s delve into the various characters that EDF6 provides (despite its initial challenges) and discuss which one is optimal for a solo playthrough.

4 Fencer

A Class of Extremes

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Solo Class
Name Role Weapon Specialties Unique System Mobility Survivability Versatility
Fencer Tank/Close-Range DPS Heavy Weapons, Melee Weapons, & Shields Booster Dash & Dual-Wielding Low to Medium Very High Medium to High

Leading the pack, but perhaps not the most favorable for ‘top solo class’, we have the Fencer. The Fencer, when properly equipped and handled skillfully, can be a formidable force. However, they’re susceptible to being overwhelmed by enemies due to their relatively low mobility, even with the Deflection Shield booster dash maneuver. The Fencer shines brightest in a team setting, where they can charge into battle with support from their comrades, either being shielded from the rear or having their allies keep the enemies at bay. Meanwhile, the Fencer unleashes its heavy weaponry to obliterate the foes from a distance.

In single-player mode, the Fencer character may find themselves easily overrun by enemies, particularly on challenging settings. Although they possess skills to hold off opponents while darting about, maintaining this consistently is tough and not effective against all enemy types. Playing the Fencer alone resembles playing a tank in an MMORPG; it can be managed, but it’s no match for classes designed for dealing damage or mobility. For instance, consider the character from Helldivers 2, where standing still on higher difficulties could lead to instant death. This comparison sheds light on why the Fencer might face some difficulties when playing alone.

3 Air Raider

Like Ranger, But With More Support Options

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Solo Class
Name Role Weapon Specialties Unique System Mobility Survivability Versatility
Air Raider Ranged DPS/Support Support Equipment, Call-Ins, & Limpet Guns Three Weapon Slots, Rolling, & Vehicle Summons Low to Medium Low to Medium Medium to High

Moving forward, we have the Air Raider, a class that can swing between being exceptionally powerful for solo play and disappointingly weak at times. This character is similar to the Ranger but leans more towards support roles. With additional weapons, the Air Raider acquires an array of utility items such as area-of-effect healing devices, drones, and even vehicle summoning abilities. Yet, this increased utility comes at the cost of fewer straightforward attack options, which can create challenges when enemies get too close.

To clarify, the Air Raider lacks the combat sprint of the Ranger, making it challenging and time-consuming to collect armor, weapons, health packages, or other essential items during gameplay, as they move slower overall. Furthermore, in the initial stages of the game, the Air Raider has limited vehicle summon options, which can make their call-ins essentially useless until players progress past a certain point in the game. However, with an optimal loadout against suitable enemies, the Air Raider can become invincible; but if they’re not properly equipped, even slight missteps can lead to swift defeat.

2 Wing Diver

The Definition of a Glass Cannon

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Solo Class
Name Role Weapon Specialties Unique System Mobility Survivability Versatility
Wing Diver Scout/DPS Energy Weapons Energy Core & Flight Very High Low Medium to High

Coming in second for ‘best solo class’ is the agile Wing Diver, who stands out as the most mobile character in Earth Defense Force 6. This class embodies the concept of a ‘glass cannon’ within EDF, boasting low base armor but possessing immense damage potential and extraordinary mobility. Users of the Wing Diver must stay vigilant about their energy levels, as not only the jetpack but also a significant portion of their weapons drain this energy. As a result, players must frequently make decisions between inflicting damage on enemies or creating distance, and if they attempt to do both while running out of energy, they’ll find themselves nearly incapacitated until their Engine Core recharges. In contrast to the Fencer who requires substantial skill and practice to survive effectively, the Wing Diver only demands a bit of training.

After mastering flight navigation, utilizing dashes, and balancing energy levels, players will discover that maintaining a suitable distance from adversaries becomes manageable. Consequently, though this class carries the risk of being eliminated swiftly upon minor errors, it also offers an opportunity to inflict massive damage while remaining relatively secure – provided care is taken. In single-player scenarios, the challenge intensifies because the enemy’s focus remains singular, but the increased difficulty does not translate to an insurmountable or impossible level of challenge.

1 Ranger

Don’t Underestimate Rolling

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Solo Class
Name Role Weapon Specialties Unique System Mobility Survivability Versatility
Ranger Ranged DPS General Weapons & Jack-of-all-Trades Sprinting & Rolling Medium to High Medium Very High

Leading the pack, surprisingly, is the fundamental class called the Ranger, also known as EDF6. In the Earth Defense Force, the Ranger functions much like Mario does in many games, serving as a foundational character to illustrate the distinctiveness of other classes. While simple may not seem special, it’s effective, and that holds true for EDF6 too. The primary reason the Ranger stands out as the best single-player class is due to its balance. The Ranger manages an almost perfect equilibrium between mobility, variety in weaponry, damage potential, and range. Although they lack some of the more distinctive weapons like the Wing Divers’ Energy Weapons or the Air Raider’s summons, their arsenal is by no means limited.

In EDF6, the rolling ability for the Ranger character is significantly stronger than many players realize, offering an unusually high number of invincibility frames (I-frames). Unlike in other Soulslike games where rolls must be timed carefully due to limited I-frames, the Ranger’s roll can be used more freely during gameplay, particularly when not shooting.

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2024-08-06 11:35