Games That Reward Stupid Decisions

Games That Reward Stupid Decisions


  • Make silly choices in games for secret unlockables like extra XP, magic boosts, and powerful allies.
  • Enjoy the rewards of being dumb, like licking a spider or mocking a bear deity for unique perks.
  • From Leeroy Jenkins to Metal Gear Solid, embrace the stupidity for hidden endings and achievements.

As someone who’s spent countless hours immersed in these digital worlds, I must say that these games never cease to amaze me with their creativity and humor. From convincing a Displacer Beast to turn against its master using laced cat food (now that’s a plot twist!), to mocking a bear deity with dad jokes to earn an Inquisition agent, these games truly push the boundaries of what we consider fun in gaming.

Over time in gaming, players have faced numerous options, typically seeing consequences that match their choices. However, an intriguing scenario arises when a game actually rewards poor decision-making. In such cases, the player is left with only two paths: either opt for the tempting rewards (loot) or uphold personal integrity and dignity.

These games don’t penalize players for actions like kicking a chicken or allowing teammates to die. Instead, they celebrate and reward such unconventional decisions by offering unique bonuses that can’t be earned otherwise. Players might even get the chance to play as an oblivious fortunate character. It’s all set for a fun and unusual gaming experience!

7 Fallout 4

The Idiot Savant

Games That Reward Stupid Decisions

In the game ‘Fallout 4’, there’s a skill called Idiot Savant that rewards players for adopting a less intelligent character. This perk is advantageous as it offers benefits when your character acts foolishly. Starting with an intelligence score of 1 and building around this perk can make for an entertaining play style.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I must say that I find this perk intriguing. It seems to cater specifically to those who prefer a more intuitive and less cerebral approach in their gaming style. The way it rewards players based on their Intelligence score is quite unique, making it a refreshing change from the usual stat-based mechanics.

6 Borderlands 2

Get Eridium By Jumping From A Cliff

Games That Reward Stupid Decisions

In the game Borderlands 2, the final stages can be quite challenging, especially when players require a large amount of Eridium to enhance their character for higher difficulty levels. However, don’t fret! Players can acquire an additional 12 pieces of Eridium by completing a simple mission in Eridium Blight, specifically at Lover’s Leap.

The task at hand is assigned by none other than Handsome Jack himself. While we won’t delve into the intricacies of this mission, it’s safe to say that if Jack tells you to jump, you should do just that without question. Successfully completing this mission, which involves sacrificing your “Deathless” achievement, will grant players XP and Eridium, as well as some snarky dialogue from their main antagonist.

5 Fable: The Lost Chapters

Get A Permanent Magic Increase For Being A Glutton

Games That Reward Stupid Decisions

In the Fable series, there’s a unique entity known as The Demon Door, which is a magical, locked chest with a conscious, talking visage that tests players by asking them to perform outlandish deeds in order to claim the prizes within. Specifically, the Barrofields Demon Door from The Lost Chapters requires the player to make a foolish blunder – to become obese.

As an enthusiast, I can tell you that to unlock this magical door holding the precious Will Elixir – a potion that boosts your magic score permanently – you’ve got to indulge in a hearty feast of Beer and Apple Pie right in front of the door. Keep in mind, this is not just any ordinary meal; you’ve got to consume it as if there’s no tomorrow!

4 Baldur’s Gate 3

Licking A Spider Unlocks A Great Shortcut

Games That Reward Stupid Decisions

If anyone told players they’d be able to beat one of the strongest bosses in Baldur’s Gate 3 by licking a dead spider, they’d probably think it was a joke. But it just so happens that gamers can get a great shortcut in a boss fight during the end of Act 2 when they’re sent by Raphael into Shar’s Gauntlet to face the Orthon Yugir, his minions, and his Displacer Beast (note on this last part). The player’s allies (especially Gale) will consider this action as tremendously stupid but hold my beer on that.

As a curious adventurer, I found that tasting the mysterious meat (a favorite snack of Yugir’s feline companion) revealed a hidden Succubus influence. After uncovering this secret, if I engage in Animal Communication, I can persuade the Displacer Beast to betray its master. This unexpected alliance significantly tips the scales in my favor, as the Underdark Panther is an incredibly powerful asset, boosting my chances of success by a staggering 80%.

3 Dragon Age: Inquisition

Mocking A Bear Deity Gets You A Neat Agent

Games That Reward Stupid Decisions

In “Dragon Age Inquisition: Jaws of Hakkon”, the Inquisitor is called upon to assume the roles of judge, jury, and executioner for Storvacker, the lethargic (yet powerful) deity of a local tribe. The tribal elders have deemed Storvacker unfit to rule and oversee the tribe’s welfare, as she also serves as their guardian beast. Players must then make a decision regarding her future.

To convert the bear into an emissary of the Inquisition. This decision will open up several Agent missions on the War Table, where Storvacker must make amends to atone for her actions until she has served her penance.

2 World Of Warcraft

Leeroy Jenkins

Games That Reward Stupid Decisions

Perhaps, the most iconic act of silliness in the history of gaming, and the birth of a legend: Leeroy Jenkins’ battle cry and dive into the Rookery in the Blackrock Spire Dungeon. This single act became a meme so fast, that World of Warcraft wouldn’t be what it is today without Leeroy’s brave (but foolish) act.

If players choose to repeat this action, they will receive a Feat of Strength – an achievement that is challenging and often demands a combination of skill, good timing, and sometimes luck. In fact, earning the Feat of Leeroy Jenkins specifically necessitates a touch of recklessness as well.

1 Metal Gear Solid

Submit To The Shock Therapy

Games That Reward Stupid Decisions

In the video game “Metal Gear Solid”, characters find themselves under the captivity of Revolver Ocelot (also known as The Boss). During this ordeal, they are put through a harrowing torture session. To prevent disclosing crucial details, players must quickly press the action button in rhythm with the electric shocks they receive. However, if players choose to submit and not press any buttons at all, they won’t face an immediate game over, but rather, their characters will appear to have given up vital information.

From my years of gaming and observing various player choices, I can tell you this: Choosing a reckless path in a game often leads to unexpected outcomes. In this particular case, opting for that seemingly ‘stupid (and lazy)’ action will have dire consequences – a friend of Snake’s will meet an untimely end, and the game’s storyline will unfold in an entirely different direction. However, on the bright side, making such a choice might also unlock the Camo Suit, granting you the ability to become invisible within the game world. Though it may seem senseless at first glance, remember that even reckless actions can sometimes yield rewards.

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2024-08-07 06:09