Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance – A Wish For a Fish (Defeating King Frost)

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - A Wish For a Fish (Defeating King Frost)

As a seasoned veteran of countless battles in the realm of digital combat, I must say that taking down King Frost in Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance is no walk in the park. With my years of gaming under my belt, I can confidently share some strategies to help you conquer this frosty foe.

In “Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance”, players can reexperience all the missions from the base game, including the side quest titled “A Wish For a Fish“. This mission involves an optional boss battle against King Frost, which the player must win to obtain a fish for a demon.

As an avid player, I’m excited to share some tips that have proven effective when facing this challenging boss. You’ll discover the optimal strategy for defeating him, along with insights into his weaknesses and unique abilities.

Unlocking the Quest A Wish For A Fish

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - A Wish For a Fish (Defeating King Frost)

“Bring fish from a cold-storage warehouse to Nekomata.”

In the course of gameplay, the player will eventually reach a significant location called the Container Yard Leyline Fount. Following this, they’ll encounter a fresh boss from Vengeance, one of the Qaditsu named Eisheth. Overcoming her won’t be simple, but upon success, the player will meet a demon who offers them the quest “A Wish For A Fish.” The demon in question is known as Nekomata, and she tasks the player with searching for a cold warehouse to find fish for her.

Finding the Warehouse

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - A Wish For a Fish (Defeating King Frost)

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that this mission might prove too challenging if you’re not at least level 26. From my personal encounters, I’ve found that the boss fight in question is no pushover and requires a good deal of skill and strategy to defeat. So, to make your gaming life easier, I’d strongly advise you to level up before diving into this mission headfirst. Trust me, it’ll be worth it!

Once the side quest is unlocked by the player, a green mark in the shape of an exclamation point will show up on their map, guiding them towards its location. They might need to pause for a moment to spot it.

As a thrilled gamer, I find myself on a quest to uncover the secrets hidden within the mysterious container. Inside, a colossal figure awaits me – none other than King Frost, the legendary demon himself!

The character must converse with him about the presence of fish nearby. Regrettably, King Frost might interpret this as an act of stealing, leading to a conflict.

King Frost Boss Overview

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - A Wish For a Fish (Defeating King Frost)

King Frost is a non-mandatory enemy, meaning players have the freedom to confront him at any time that suits them best. Here you’ll find information about his statistics, along with his affiliations and abilities, to assist players in getting ready for this battle.

Name King Frost
Race Tyrant Race
Level Level 28
Stat Score
Strength 26
Vitality 19
Magic 38
Agility 13
Luck 12
Physical Neutral
Fire Weak
Ice Absorb
Electric Neutral
Force Neutral
Light Resistant
Dark Weak
Sleep Resistant
Confuse Resistant
Charm Resistant
Mirage Resistant
Seal Resistant
Poison Resistant
Skill Name Skill Description
Ice Gestalt Increases the damage of the user’s Ice attacks based on the Ice skill potentials of allies in the active party.
King Bufula +5 (Unique) Medium Ice attack to all foes. Lowers Defense by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Bufula +5 Medium Ice attack to 1 foe.
Bufu +5 Weak Ice attack to 1 foe.
Berserker God Medium Physical attack to 1 foe.

Before The Fight

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - A Wish For a Fish (Defeating King Frost)

Before the player jumps into the fight against King Frost, here are some things to keep in mind and bring along.

Best Demons to Bring Along

  • Xiezhai. This demon is fusible at level 29. If the player is already at that level, grabbing it might be of use. It blocks ice attacks and is great at physical attacks.
  • Jack Frost. This demon could be made of use in this fight. Indeed, Jack Frost can absorb ice attacks, causing King Frost to lose turns. He can be made even more useful by being taught a dark skill.
  • Cironnup. This little fox has a resistance to ice attacks. Most importantly, it is great at fire skills, which will cause tremendous damage to King Frost.
  • Bugs. This demon does not have an ice resistance or weakness, but can make use of great dark attacks, a weakness of King Frost.

Yoko Hiromine functions as a guest character that players should keep alongside them. Unlike many others, she possesses an immunity to ice elements and can effectively wield both fire and dark attack styles.

Best Affinities for the Nahobino

Initially, the Nahobino character tends to be vulnerable against power and darkness elements, but resistant to ice. However, players have the opportunity to enhance the Nahobino further by obtaining an essence that allows them to modify his elemental alignments for a more advantageous setup in this specific environment.

Note: The Nahobino can change affinities by unlocking the Divine Amalgamation miracle.

For the Nahobino, there are two distinct choices:

Regardless of the approach taken, the Nahobino aims to prevent Ice from being a factor during this battle, with adjustments to follow afterwards.

Best Items to Keep on Hand

In this battle, an Ice Dampener would be particularly useful as it can smooth things out by shielding all allies from Ice attacks for a single turn. Since King Frost predominantly employs Ice attacks, it’s always beneficial to have some Ice Dampeners handy to ensure you’re well-prepared.

Defeating King Frost

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - A Wish For a Fish (Defeating King Frost)

In Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance, it’s wise for players to make sure their Magatsuhi meter is fully charged before engaging in boss battles. Landing critical hits on the enemy before they can retaliate is an effective strategy.

King Frost initiates his initial move by launching a straightforward Bufu attack towards one of your allies. Following this, he collects Magatsuhi. If your characters lack Ice resistance or protection, now could be the optimal moment to employ an ice-dissipating shield.

During his move, King Frost may opt to activate Bufula, a powerful spell that, if not safeguarded by an Ice Dampener, can inadvertently harm an ally.

Next time around, King Frost plans to employ Bufu and summon Magatsuhi too. Keep in mind that whenever Magatsuhi is present, it’s crucial to place an Ice Dampener for the upcoming attacks will be critical.

As I continue my gaming adventure, I’m confidently approaching King Frost. With my skills honed and strategies in place, I anticipate defeating him with ease.

Finish King Frost or Let Him Go?

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - A Wish For a Fish (Defeating King Frost)

Following the skirmish, King Frost stubbornly clings to the essential fish. This situation leaves the player with two choices: either defeating him completely or granting him mercy and releasing him.

Ultimately, the decision you make won’t significantly impact the outcome. Regardless of your choice, the player will acquire the fish and unlock identical rewards. The distinction lies in this: choosing to kill him results in his disappearance, whereas opting to spare him allows him to remain within his container.

Rewards For Defeating King Frost

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance - A Wish For a Fish (Defeating King Frost)

Absolutely, just like any battle, a player gains experience points when they manage to overcome their opponents.

The player will also earn Macca from this fight, notably 1625 Macca, as well as two Chakra Drops.

Upon returning to Nekomata, the player encounters additional perks. Most notably, each character earns an impressive 6000 experience points. Moreover, a Beast Talisman is awarded. This talisman offers a unique advantage: allies of the Beast race can employ the Magatsuhi skill Omagtoki, specifically Adversity. With Adversity, these allies become more potent in dealing damage and restoring health for one turn, directly proportional to the amount of HP they’ve lost.

More interestingly, the player can now unlock King Frost via Fusion.

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2024-08-07 10:08