One Piece: Are The Gorosei Imu’s Satellites?

One Piece: Are The Gorosei Imu's Satellites?


  • The Gorosei are revealed to be extremely powerful and potentially connected to Imu in One Piece’s Final Saga.
  • Each Elder showcases unique and overpowered abilities, with hints of a telepathic connection and bizarre regenerative powers.
  • Recent chapters hint at Imu’s connection to the Elders’ powers, but their exact origins and the source of their strength remain a mystery.

As a long-time fan of One Piece, I’ve seen it all – from Luffy’s zany antics to the mind-boggling mysteries that keep us all guessing. But the latest revelations about the Elders, or Gorosei, have left me utterly baffled! It seems these enigmatic figures are not your average Yonko commanders or even Shichibukai members. Nope, they’re something else entirely – and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it all!

This article contains spoilers from One Piece Chapter 1120 and Beyond.

In the popular anime and manga series “One Piece,” the Gorosei, often referred to as the Five Elders, play crucial roles, particularly during the Final Saga. Many viewers initially perceived them as mere political figures within the World Government. However, it’s revealed later that they are some of the most formidable characters in existence.

In the grand finale of the One Piece series, viewers learned that the characters possess extraordinary power, elevating their significance for future storylines. Although it’s known they’re extremely powerful, the origin of their might remains a secret. Hints in One Piece suggest that the Five Elders may share a connection with Imu, much like how Dr. Vegapunk is linked to his satellites.

The Gorosei – Servants Of The King of The World of One Piece

Gorosei Yokai

Saint Topman Warcury Fengxi

Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro Bakotsu

Saint Marcus Mars Itsumade

Saint Shepherd Ju Peter Sandworm

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn Gyuki

In the climactic Final Saga, the Five Ancients were among the formidable personalities that spectators witnessed. The initial Ancient to be thoroughly presented in this narrative was Saint Jaygarcia Saturn. Seeking to dispose of Vegapunk and bolster the Marines, Saturn made his way to Egghead. With scientific acumen of his own, Saturn proved indispensable within the Egghead faction, outperforming even Kizaru in the skirmish against the pirates and researchers. As the story progressed on Egghead, Saturn demonstrated his prodigious abilities by metamorphosing into a Ushi Oni or Gyuki. His powers were nothing short of astonishing, captivating audiences as he displayed the capabilities of inflicting invisible damage, freezing people in place, and coating his body with venom, not to mention launching miniature nuclear explosions that could obliterate significant portions of islands. Saturn was undeniably powerful; however, this was merely a taste of what was to come for fans, as the remaining Elders soon made their appearance as well.

All cursed bloodlines will end right here on Egghead! – Saturn

Spectators witnessed the Five Elders gathering on Egghead, where each one displayed astonishing abilities. For example, Nusjuro demonstrated the prowess of a spectral steed made from bones, while Mars unveiled the might of an avian creature that could fly and emit fiery breath. Meanwhile, Ju Peter exhibited his sandworm-powered vacuum skills, and Warcury astounded everyone with his boar-like strength and resilience. The Elders were beyond comparison in terms of their power, and their might was clearly superior, most notably due to their exceptional Haki abilities.

Discussing Haki, it’s no wonder that the Elders possess all three types of it. This wasn’t unexpected by the audience, given that the Elders are well-known as Imu’s personal bodyguards. It’s only fitting for a world ruler to be surrounded by powerful deities, and their level of power aligns perfectly with this notion. Unintentionally, Oda also hinted at Imu being a formidable character, largely due to the fact that those beneath him are extremely powerful yet still submit to his authority.

The Bizarre Powers Of The Gorosei And Their Telepathic Connection

The Elders Can Use Telepathy

One Piece: Are The Gorosei Imu's Satellites?

From the very beginning, it was evident that the Gorosei possessed immense power, but there was an unsettling quality about them. Their aura seemed demonic, and what left fans puzzled was Oda’s decision to withhold any indication of Devil Fruit abilities for them. Unlike other characters, such as Saturn who was revealed to be the Gyuki rather than wielding the powers of a Gyuki Devil Fruit, their ability card did not hint at a connection to a Devil Fruit. This discrepancy left fans somewhat bewildered. To make matters more intriguing, their unusual regenerative abilities added fuel to the theory that they were unlike other users of Devil Fruits.

As a gamer using Yokai powers on Egghead, I’ve noticed that the Elders have an extraordinary ability to recover instantly from any harm inflicted upon them. Whether they’re shattered into 100 pieces, beheaded, or cut up, it doesn’t seem to phase them. Their regeneration power is so potent that it nullifies any damage dealt to them. Despite my character Luffy managing to overpower some of the Elders in individual battles, in the grand scheme of things, he exhausts his energy much faster than they do, ultimately leading to losses in our fights.

The Elders were suggested to be capable swimmers, though they never demonstrated this skill directly. However, their fearless attitude towards diving into the ocean suggests they may possess this ability. Furthermore, they seemed to share a unique power of telepathy, allowing them to communicate seamlessly and complete each other’s thoughts. This leads us to speculate that the Gorosei might have additional powers beyond what we’ve seen so far. An intriguing theory is that the Gorosei could be manifestations of Imu, much like Vegapunk’s satellites represent different aspects of his personality.

Imu’s Reaction To Joy Boy’s Haki

Imu Was Hurt By Joy Boy’s Haki Despite Not Being On Egghead

In chapter 1122 of One Piece, viewers got a peek at Imu, fueling the theory among fans that the Gorosei might be different manifestations of Imu himself. When Emet used Joy Boy’s stored Haki, it swept across the island and hit the Elders, sending them back to Marijoa without injury. However, Imu felt the impact of Joy Boy’s Haki and trembled violently, suggesting that if the Gorosei were struck by the Haki, its effects might have been passed on to Imu, who bore the brunt of the damage. This strengthens the theory, but it hasn’t been confirmed yet whether they are like Horcruxes.

Emet, I’m going to seal the greatest of Haki inside of you! – Joy Boy

What separates Imu from Vegapunk is the fact that none of the Elders seem to hold a distinct part of his personality, which was the case with Vegapunk. Furthermore, what disproves this idea even further is the fact that all the Elders are actually part of the 20 Kings who fought against the Ancient Kingdom. Their family names have officially been revealed to the fans. Together, they form a big chunk of the 20 Families who formed The Alliance. The Ethanbaron family, the Topman family, the Shepherd Family, the Marcus Family, and the Jaygarcia Family are all parts of the royal families. This means that they existed before even the creation of the World Government and Imu’s ascension to the Empty Throne, which fans know wasn’t always the case.

Imu hailed from the Nerona family and previously participated in The Alliance before the establishment of the World Government. This indicates that he coexisted with certain individuals during their lifetimes, effectively disproving the theory that the Elders served as Horcruxes since this idea can now be discarded.

One Piece: Are The Gorosei Imu's Satellites?

As a long-time fan of this captivating series, I can’t help but be intrigued by the question of how these characters possess such extraordinary powers. However, at this stage in my life, I find myself unable to offer a definitive answer. Yet, based on what I’ve observed throughout the storyline, it seems plausible that their powers are somehow connected to the enigmatic figure known as Imu.

If Imu is indeed the source of the Elders, then it would make sense for them to suffer harm like he did since they’re merely lesser manifestations of his being. However, since they remained unscathed while Imu was in distress, this suggests that they are separate entities rather than just different aspects of the same body.

You can access “One Piece” for reading through Viz Media. Fans are able to read it officially and at no cost on the Shonen Jump and Manga Plus app. The scheduled release date for chapter 1123 of “One Piece” is August 18, 2024.

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2024-08-08 01:34