Civilization 7 Fans Are Hoping to See the Return of a Missing Feature

Civilization 7 Fans Are Hoping to See the Return of a Missing Feature


  • Civilization 7 fans want leaders’ clothing styles to reflect civilization advancement for more immersion.
  • Bringing back old gameplay features in Civ7 could add depth and interest to new mechanics.

As a dedicated fan of the Civilization series since its inception, I find myself deeply invested in the ongoing discussions surrounding Civilization 7’s development. The prospect of leaders’ clothing styles evolving with civilization advancement is an intriguing idea that resonates with my nostalgia for the earlier games.

Some enthusiasts are urging the creators of what might be known as “Civilization 7” to reintroduce historical clothing styles for leaders that correspond with their civilization’s degree of progress. Although “Civilization 7” is still under development, many fans find themselves reminiscing about earlier games in the series. Over time, numerous features have been phased out to make way for new gameplay mechanics. Nevertheless, a significant number of gamers yearn for the reintroduction of certain gameplay aspects, some tracing back to titles as old as “Civilization 2” or “3”.

Recently, there’s been discussion about whether Districts should reappear in Civilization 7. While some gamers appreciate the district system, others feel it requires too much management and suggest refining it for less micromanagement. This is just one aspect of the game that some think needs tweaking. However, it’s not just major gameplay elements that spark intense debates among fans. Some players even expressed a desire for a minor visual feature to return to the series.

Reddit user joyousdoodles proposed reintroducing distinct clothing for leaders in Civilization 7, a feature last seen in Civilization 3. This suggestion comes nearly two decades after its initial appearance and several mainline games later. The visual transformation of leaders enhances the game’s immersive experience, particularly during later eras. However, some players suggest that the idea could benefit from refinement if it makes a comeback. Some found the modern suit-and-tie attire to be overly western and limiting to character personality. A user even suggested that Cleopatra in a political pantsuit would be a significant step back.

What Are Possible Issues Should The Developers Bring Back This Feature?

A user has pointed out that in the game ‘Civilization’, each leader and denomination symbolizes distinct cultures with specific traditions and appearances. The main issue is the potential for cultural appropriation, as certain selections might be seen as disrespectful to particular beliefs, nations, or religions. Additionally, other contributors felt that the characters appearing out of their respective eras were unattractive. However, it’s worth noting that the leaders’ iconic costumes played a crucial role in defining their individuality and character.

Despite the planned 2025 release of Civilization 7, there remains a significant amount of room for the developers to explore and refine game features. Many of the previous games contained innovative ideas that could not be fully realized at the time, and this upcoming release might offer an ideal chance to revisit and enhance these mechanics. Some fans argue that Civilization 4 and Civilization 5 were among the best installments in the series, suggesting that the developers may want to reassess the features that were removed from those games and consider bringing them back promptly.

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2024-08-08 04:03