The Best Sonic Characters Who Arent In the Games

The Best Sonic Characters Who Arent In the Games


  • Sonic the Hedgehog’s
    multimedia franchise includes different versions with unique characters and storylines.
  • Characters like Zonic and Cosmo were created for adaptations, expanding the
    series’ world.
  • Villains like Mammoth Mogul from the comics show the dynamic and evolving nature of

As a long-time fan of the Sonic universe, I must say that the characters within this vibrant world are as diverse and intriguing as their fast-paced adventures. Among these fascinating personalities, one that truly stands out is Sally Acorn. Her life’s journey, from being a chipmunk princess leading the Freedom Fighters in the animated series to her continued presence in the Archie Comics, is nothing short of remarkable.

As a die-hard Sonic fan, I’ve got to say that while the heart of it all is undeniably the video game series, this speedy hedgehog has grown into so much more than just games! From TV shows, including some anime adaptations, to comics, and even a movie trilogy, Sonic has truly become a thriving multimedia phenomenon. What’s fascinating is how these different versions often offer unique interpretations of our beloved characters and entirely distinct storylines, creating multiple worlds for us to explore.

Moreover, several new characters are exclusively created for these adaptations, having no equivalent in the original games. Surprisingly, these characters, even though they aren’t tied to the established canon, are highly captivating and contribute to expanding the potential diversity of the Sonic universe.

5 Zonic The Zone Cop

Appears In: Sonic The Hedgehog (Archie Comics)

The Best Sonic Characters Who Arent In the Games

In a comics universe alternative to Sonic’s, there resides a hedgehog from a dimension called the No Zone. This dimension is perpendicular to all other parallel dimensions. He is frequently sent on assignments to observe various realities, and due to the unique angle of his home dimension, he often seems to appear sideways. Frequently, this hedgehog enlists Sonic’s help for tasks involving alternate realities.

Although Zonic is the most recognized member of the team, they are not the sole “Zone Cop.” Other characters such as Zespio, Zector, and Zouge also play significant roles within the force, each with unique responsibilities. There’s even a Warden Zobotnik, who shares similarities with his main counterpart in disliking Zonic, yet they both work together in this Zone.

4 Cosmo

Appears In: Sonic X

The Best Sonic Characters Who Arent In the Games

I hail from the third and concluding season of the captivating anime series, Sonic X (2003-2006), which draws inspiration from the beloved Sonic Adventure video games. I am Cosmo, a unique alien creature with a vegetal form, who found myself under threat by the Metarex – an ominous collective of cyborgs intent on obliterating all life in the cosmos that doesn’t stem from flora. Fortunately, my rescue came at the hands of Sonic and his loyal companions. Moved by my plight, I implored them for assistance in dismantling this malevolent organization. As time passed, I formed meaningful bonds with the gang, especially with Miles “Tails” Prower, who became a cherished friend.

Sadly, Cosmo realized she had to give up her life to halt the Metarex. Tears streaming down his face, Tails reluctantly agreed to help with this selfless plan. However, Cosmo’s spirit lived on in the form of a seed that Sonic managed to salvage. In time, Tails cared for this seed in a pot, watching as it gradually grew into a plant.

3 Mammoth Mogul

Appears In: Sonic The Hedgehog (Archie Comics)

The Best Sonic Characters Who Arent In the Games

As a seasoned video game enthusiast with decades of gaming under my belt, I can confidently say that the Mobian Mammoth is one of the most formidable and complex villains I’ve encountered in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. With his long lifespan and power derived from a Chaos Emerald, this character is truly unique and captivating. The fusion of the emerald with him has granted him intelligence, longevity, and abilities that make him a formidable adversary for Sonic and friends.

In the series, Mammoth Mogul, who was consistently portrayed as an adversary in different appearances, chose to abandon his villainous ways due to a string of losses against Sonic. Finding Sonic invincible, he opted to bide his time, waiting for a moment when Sonic would be weak or no more. A counterpart of Mammoth Mogul from Silver the Hedgehog’s doomed timeline also exists. In this alternate reality, he is a repentant guide who assists Silver and seems to harbor deep regrets about not preventing the disaster that struck Mobius.

2 Agent Stone

Appears In: Sonic The Hedgehog (Film Series)

The Best Sonic Characters Who Arent In the Games

In different storylines, Dr. Ivo Robotnik has had many assistants, but none have stood out as much in recent times as Agent Stone, portrayed by Lee Majdoub. He first appeared as Robotnik’s assistant when Robotnik was working for the US Government in the 2020 movie “Sonic the Hedgehog”. As Jim Carrey developed his own unique portrayal of Robotnik, Stone’s role grew. He quickly became a favorite character, even earning a poster of his own for the sequel. Agent Stone is known for his affection and dedication towards Robotnik, sticking by him even after he was sent into space.

In Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022), upon Dr. Robotnik’s comeback, Stone displays his enthusiasm by crafting a special latte adorned with images of himself and the doctor, accompanied by heart designs. Despite demonstrating intelligence on his own, Stone appears to be less intelligent than Robotnik, and it could be that his admiration for the doctor is rooted in Robotnik’s superior intellect.

1 Sally Acorn

Appears In: Sonic The Hedgehog (TV Series) & Sonic The Hedgehog (Archie Comics)

The Best Sonic Characters Who Arent In the Games

As someone who grew up in the ’90s and was a huge fan of Saturday morning cartoons, I can say with confidence that “Sonic the Hedgehog” (1993-1994) was one of my favorite shows. Coming after “Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog” (1993), it brought some exciting changes to the franchise that set it apart from its predecessor.

Sally Acorn, known for being the head of The Freedom Fighters, often contrasted with Sonic, and even serving as a romantic interest at times, is admired for her tactical prowess and balanced personality. She typically favors a thoughtful strategy over Sonic’s impulsive actions. In just over a year on air, the show spawned one of Archie Comics’ longest-running series, which bore the same name. Although the comic eventually drew more influence from the games, Sally remained a significant figure in the series until it ended in 2017. Sally only appeared once in a video game, Sonic Spinball, making this minor title her sole representation in the gaming world.

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2024-08-10 10:34