Monster Hunter Wilds’ Hunting Horn Could Be Skating on Thin Ice

Monster Hunter Wilds' Hunting Horn Could Be Skating on Thin Ice


  • The Hunting Horn in Monster Hunter Wilds faces uncertainty due to a potential increase in complexity compared to the last version.
  • The Hunting Horn’s melodies offer unique buffs that can change hunt dynamics unlike other weapons, but its complex MH World version was heavily streamlined in MH Rise.
  • Developers aim to balance complexity and accessibility in the upcoming Monster Hunter Wilds to make the Hunting Horn engaging.

As a seasoned Monster Hunter veteran with countless hours invested in each iteration of this epic series, I can’t help but feel a mix of anticipation and trepidation regarding the Hunting Horn in Monster Hunter Wilds. The potential for complexity in its mechanics, reminiscent of its MH World version, has me both excited and worried about whether newcomers will be able to grasp its intricacies without being overwhelmed.

As a die-hard Monster Hunter fan, I’ve been hyped about the upcoming release of Monster Hunter Wilds. The developers have been making some thrilling announcements, but one in particular caught my eye and left me feeling a bit unsure about the Hunting Horn. Given that there are so many weapon types coming to Monster Hunter Wilds, it seems unusual for one to be singled out like this. However, the spotlight on the Hunting Horn has been intense since the developers mentioned it. So, it could turn out to be a fan favorite in Monster Hunter Wilds, or it might face some challenges. Only time will tell when Monster Hunter Wilds drops!

In the world of Monster Hunter, the Hunting Horn stands out among other weapons for its distinctive attributes. It serves not only as a powerful bludgeon but also as a colossal musical instrument. The impactful strikes it delivers are undeniable, yet its true worth lies in the melodies it produces. By inputting specific sequences of commands, players can generate melodies that provide beneficial effects to themselves and their allies. Remarkably, the melodies from the Hunting Horn have the power to alter the course of a hunt, a feat no other weapon can achieve. Unquestionably, the Hunting Horn exemplifies the role of a supportive weapon within the series.

Monster Hunter Wilds’ Hunting Horn Poses a Crossroads For Potential Players

Monster Hunter World’s Hunting Horn Was its Most Complicated Weapon

In the disclosure, it was stated that the gameplay mechanics of the Hunting Horn in Monster Hunter Wilds will resemble those in Monster Hunter World. In World, the Hunting Horn was arguably the most intricate weapon in the game, with each horn possessing multiple songs that could potentially be played. These songs offered a variety of effects such as attack boosts, health restoration, and even elemental resistances. The wide range of effects made the Hunting Horn extremely adaptable. However, remembering which horn has which songs and their corresponding effects, plus preparing them, creates a steep learning curve when it comes to wielding the weapon effectively. While the Hunting Horn in World boasts tremendous potential, mastering its use requires dedication.

Monster Hunter Rise’s Hunting Horn Was Significantly Less Complicated

In contrast to the Hunting Horn in Monster Hunter Rise, this weapon serves a supportive role with multiple buffs, albeit with some distinct differences. For instance, each Hunting Horn in Rise comes equipped with three predefined songs that are simpler to activate compared to those in Monster Hunter World. While this simplification benefits the player, it restricts each horn to just three tunes, making certain horns less effective than others due to reduced options. Furthermore, the learning curve for Hunting Horns in Rise is less steep, but this comes at the cost of a lower overall potential.

The Hunting Horn’s melodies have the ability to change the flow of a hunt in a way that no other weapon can.

Monster Hunter Wilds’ Hunting Horn Should Take What Worked About World’s Version

Given the high anticipation from fans for another intricate Hunting Horn in Monster Hunter Wilds, it’s crucial that developers deliver, considering how grandiose this new game appears. The flexibility shown in Monster Hunter World’s Hunting Horn was commendable, but it required a more approachable learning curve. If it becomes challenging to use again, it might end up being the least utilized weapon in the game, which would be unfortunate given its utility and distinctiveness. While Monster Hunter World’s Hunting Horn serves as an excellent model, not every aspect of the weapon needs to be replicated exactly. Instead, a balanced approach could be taken to create a more accessible yet still engaging experience for players.

The creators of Monster Hunter Wilds face a delicate balance in the updated design of the Hunting Horn. While it has the potential to become an exceptional tool for combating the various monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds, this can only happen if players can effectively master its use. The developers’ main challenge lies in harmonizing the complexities of the Hunting Horn from Monster Hunter World with a more user-friendly gameplay and a less daunting learning process. If they manage to achieve this balance, the Hunting Horn in Monster Hunter Wilds could be a key element to watch out for in the game’s future.

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2024-08-10 13:03