Wistoria: Wand and Sword Episode 4 – The Calm Before The Storm

Wistoria: Wand and Sword Episode 4 - The Calm Before The Storm


  • Wistoria: Wand and Sword delivers intense action scenes but falls short in storytelling, lacking depth and originality.
  • The Grand Magical Festival introduces a competitive tournament where students can showcase their magical skills and get scouted for the Upper Institute.
  • The plot thickens in episode 4, focusing on character development and introducing new plot points about visitors from other worlds and the true responsibilities of Magia Vanders.

As a long-time fan of fantasy series, I must say that this 4th episode of Wistoria: Wand and Sword truly took me by surprise. After three episodes that were largely action-packed but light on story development, it was refreshing to see the showrunners finally dive deep into the plot.

Despite being just three episodes old, Wistoria: Wand and Sword has already proven to be an anime that shines in creating thrilling and entertaining action scenes. With its swords, magic, monsters, and each battle scene, it’s hard not to get drawn in by the intensity and excitement. However, it’s unfortunate that the narrative aspect could use some improvement.

In the story, we follow an orphan boy who lacks magical abilities but possesses a powerful physique, determined to fulfill a promise made to his cherished childhood friend. If the narrative persists with this central theme for three consecutive episodes, it could become tedious for viewers. However, let’s find out if “Wistoria: Wand and Sword” has fresh surprises in store for us as we delve into the fourth episode.

Grand Magical Festival

Wistoria: Wand and Sword Episode 4 - The Calm Before The Storm

In this episode’s highlights, the grand event is unquestionably the long-awaited Grand Magical Gathering. Students from Regarden Magical Academy are all eligible to join in this spectacular magical event. This is their finest opportunity to establish a reputation and even catch the eye of recruiters for the Higher Council, so let’s delve into the Grand Magical Gathering.

A Tournament by Any Other Name

Wistoria: Wand and Sword Episode 4 - The Calm Before The Storm

At the Grand Magical Festival, students from Regarden Academy have the opportunity to compete in numerous areas, each showcasing distinct aspects of their magical prowess. Ranging from a thrilling dragon race, testing one’s ability to manage these mystical creatures, to a fierce one-on-one duel determining the most skilled combatant among them, there is an array of categories to participate in.

Each year, this tournament attracts countless viewers from across the country. Some may indulge in clandestine betting, simultaneously backing specific participants and pocketing profits.

Getting Scouted for the Upper Institute

Wistoria: Wand and Sword Episode 4 - The Calm Before The Storm

Mentioned previously, students who excel or shine remarkably in any event during the Grand Magical Festival not only gain school rewards but also fame and recognition. Yet, there’s another significant motivation fueling their eagerness to outshine others – they aspire to be selected for the prestigious upper university.

Graduating from the academy marks just the beginning of a magician’s career. To further their knowledge and improve their social status within magical society, as well as connect with influential mages, these graduates must progress to the Higher Institute. The top three students (Julius, Wagnell, and Lihanna) are automatically eligible for this advanced training. However, for students who perform average or below-average, like Will, securing a scout’s recognition could be their only opportunity to join the Higher Institute.

Racism in the Magic Academy

Wistoria: Wand and Sword Episode 4 - The Calm Before The Storm

From the beginning of the show, Will has constantly faced mockery because he cannot perform magic. Interestingly, it appears that such bias and blatant harassment towards those without magical abilities is rather widespread beyond the school’s boundaries.

An Epidemic of Superiority Complex

To this point, it’s primarily Will’s classmates and one teacher who have been criticizing and bullying him. However, it seems that this group isn’t the only ones with a sense of superiority towards Will, as many magicians at the academy also share this perspective. They hold magic in such high regard that they consider those who can’t harness its power as inferior or failures in society. This belief has become so entrenched in their minds that it may be challenging to persuade them to alter their attitudes anytime soon.

“Could you tell me what you have there, little one? I notice a peculiar expression in your gaze. As beings who originated elsewhere, it’s important to remember that we are guests in this land. We are permitted to reside here courtesy of its inhabitants. Let us all respect our roles and positions.”

– Julius Reinberg, Episode 4

Second Class Citizens

The Elves and the Dwarfs hail from another realm, taking sanctuary here. While Elves excel in the art of magic, Dwarves lack this ability, much like Will. However, they compensate for their magical ineptitude by being exceptional at close-quarters fighting. This is why Will finds himself strongly attracted to them and holds them in high esteem.

It’s well known that Dwarves often face ridicule and contempt from humans and elves in the city, despite being allowed to reside and work there. Magicians generally view them with disdain and prefer to avoid any interaction with them. Consequently, they live on the outskirts of the city, rarely interacting with ordinary citizens. In truth, they are often treated as inferior or second-class citizens.

The Plot Thickens

Wistoria: Wand and Sword Episode 4 - The Calm Before The Storm
Character’s Name: Lihanna Owenzaus
Magic Attributes: Thunder
First Appearance: Episode 4

Instead of the typical action-packed sequences, this episode delves deeply into character development, presents crucial narrative elements, and expands the universe’s scope. Combat scenes are minimal in this installment as the emphasis is on storytelling. The intrigue level has significantly increased.

Visitors From the Other Worlds

Wistoria: Wand and Sword Episode 4 - The Calm Before The Storm
Character’s Name: Wignall Lindor
Magic Attributes: Wind
First Appearance: Episode 4

As I delve deeper into this captivating game, I’m stunned by the revelation about visitors hailing from beyond our world – Elves and Dwarfs! This discovery sparks hope that there are other inhabitable galaxies teeming with unique races and lifestyles out there. Yet, a chilling piece of information follows close behind: there exists an indomitable force capable of consuming entire worlds. Even the mighty Elven magic-wielders seem powerless against this foe. It appears that this very adversary is the one causing concern for the Magia Vanders. The tension escalates as I ponder the impending threat lurking in the cosmos, waiting to make its move.

The Responsibilities of Magia Vanders

Wistoria: Wand and Sword Episode 4 - The Calm Before The Storm
Character’s Name: Julius Reinberg
Magic Attributes: Ice
First Appearance: Episode 4

A significant element in the story revolves around the true duties of the Magia Vanders, often perceived as the epitome of magical power. In reality, their roles are far more intricate than what meets the eye. The Magia Vanders possess the unique ability to create and uphold a massive barrier that shields the world from a destructive entity. This barrier, which we see daily as the sky, is in fact a false one.


In the past, the main issue with the series “Wistoria: Wand and Sword” has been its lackluster narrative, failing to hold viewers’ interest. However, that trend reversed with the 4th episode. The showrunners have now dedicated more attention to the storyline, setting up a promising path for an engaging journey. Consequently, we are eagerly anticipating not just the action, but also the unfolding story in the next installment of “Wistoria: Wand and Sword.”

Wistoria: Wand and Sword is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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2024-08-10 20:04