Mech Arena: 7 Best Hangars, Ranked

Mech Arena: 7 Best Hangars, Ranked


  • Choose a mech that fits your style for optimal enjoyment in Mech Arena PvP combat.
  • Mastering different hangar builds can give you an edge in team-based matches.
  • Customizing your mechs with the best weapons can help you dominate in battle.

As a seasoned Mech Arena veteran with countless hours under my belt, I must say that these hangar builds are nothing short of extraordinary! Each one caters to a different playstyle and offers unique advantages on the battlefield.

In simpler terms, Mech Arena is an action-packed multiplayer game that lets you pilot your own customizable robots, or mechs, in competitive team battles. As you progress, you can acquire various weapons and mech models to create unique and specialized setups tailored to your playstyle.

In the game “Mech Arena,” a hangar refers to a pre-designed setup for a mech that players have unlocked. This setup includes a mech, its weapon loadout, and the pilot. Experienced players often have multiple prepared hangars they can quickly select before starting a fight. Like many competitive player-versus-player games, certain configurations (known as “meta builds”) are popular because of their demonstrated efficiency.

7 Bastion EMS

Solid Sniper Build

Mech Arena: 7 Best Hangars, Ranked
  • Mech: Bastion
  • Weapons: EM Rifle 12S
  • Pilot: Archangel
  • Good for:
    • 2v2 Deathmatch
    • Control Point Clash

As a devoted fan, I’d like to share my insights about the hangar setup for the Bastion mech in Mech Arena. This build is primarily designed as a long-range sniper, but it surprisingly holds its own in close-quarters combat situations. The strategic choice of the EM Rifle for long-range engagements allows the Bastion to maintain distance and systematically eliminate enemies from afar.

As a fan, I’d say: If the situation calls for it, I can get up close and personal with an adversary to momentarily stun them using my short-range stun ability. Once they’re incapacitated, I can fire my EM Rifles at point-blank range. However, be aware that the shield on my Bastion is relatively weak. When it’s depleted, I become highly vulnerable to enemy sniper mechs.

6 Surge Disc

Flexible And Highly Agile

Mech Arena: 7 Best Hangars, Ranked
  • Mech: Surge
  • Weapons: Disc Launcher 12S
  • Pilot: Stefania
  • Good for:
    • Control Point Clash
    • 5v5 Deathmatch

As a dedicated Mech Arena fan, I’ve found myself drawn to a unique build centered around the swift and nimble Surge mech. This agile warrior excels in countering those pesky snipers. The power of this build lies in leveraging the Surge dash ability, which allows for rapid closures on enemy mechs. Once in close proximity, I’m able to unload a full magazine from both weapons at point-blank range, dealing significant damage and ensuring swift victories.

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I must say that the Disc Launcher build is a fascinating one to explore. It offers a unique blend of combat styles, allowing players to engage enemies both at close quarters and from afar. The range on these weapons is impressive, giving players the opportunity to retreat behind cover and pick off foes from a safe distance.

5 Redeemer EMS

Long-Range Damage

Mech Arena: 7 Best Hangars, Ranked
  • Mech: Bastion
  • Weapons: EM Rifle 12S
  • Pilot: Archangel
  • Good for:
    • 5v5 Deathmatch
    • Control Point Clash

Builds that focus on long-range combat are frequently favored in the fast-paced world of Mech Arena, particularly among novice players still learning to manage various mechs and their unique skills. This Redeemer hangar caters specifically to such players.

The EM Rifle functions effectively at long distances, although it has been slightly weakened in previous updates. This gameplay strategy is straightforward: players should keep their mech concealed while reloading, then emerge from cover to unleash a volley of shots from the EM Rifle’s weapons.

4 Eclipse Rails

Agile Ambush Build

Mech Arena: 7 Best Hangars, Ranked
  • Mech: Eclipse
  • Weapons: Railgun 12S
  • Pilot: Baron
  • Good for:
    • 2v2 Deathmatch
    • 5v5 Deathmatch
    • Control Point Clash

The “Mech Arena” construction we’re discussing is the initial one from the given list that could potentially be too strong or advantageous in some aspect. But, this design calls for a playstyle that might appear unconventional initially. It only seems strange until you give it a try.

As a seasoned battle-hardened veteran of countless skirmishes across the galaxy, I can confidently say that I have seen it all when it comes to unconventional strategies in combat. However, the Eclipse Rails build is something truly unique. With its exceptional mobility and robust survivability, this mech doesn’t need to resort to the age-old duck-and-cover tactics of long-range combat. Instead, I have found great success in moving swiftly across the battlefield, seeking out exposed enemy mechs, and quickly eliminating them from afar before darting off to the next target. This build requires quick reflexes, a keen eye for spotting weaknesses, and an ability to adapt on the fly. It’s not for the faint of heart, but it’s a strategy that can pay off handsomely in the heat of battle.

3 Panther Disc

Flexible And Agile

Mech Arena: 7 Best Hangars, Ranked
  • Mech: Panther
  • Weapons: Disc Launcher 12S
  • Pilot: Neymar
  • Good for:
    • 2v2 Deathmatch
    • 5v5 Deathmatch
    • Control Point Clash

As a gamer, I’d say the Panther mech is a beauty – it strikes an excellent balance between speed, agility, and durability. This means I can zip around the battlefield like a cheetah, and if things get hairy, I can make a swift escape. Loading up on Disc Launchers for this beast makes perfect sense when you’re strategizing for this arena shooter. The benefits of speed, agility, and survivability are just too good to pass up!

In essence, Disc Launchers are often categorized as long-range weaponry, yet they’re surprisingly effective for inflicting damage even when used at short distances. Mounting them on a Panther allows the player the flexibility to engage enemies from afar or move in for a direct attack against isolated enemy mechs in close quarters.

2 Bastion Disc

Tanky Brawler

Mech Arena: 7 Best Hangars, Ranked
  • Mech: Bastion
  • Weapons: Disc Launcher 12S
  • Pilot: Stefania
  • Good for:
    • 2v2 Deathmatch
    • 5v5 Deathmatch
    • Control Point Clash

In the context of Mech Arena, the Bastion Disc build stands out as exceptionally potent yet user-friendly. This mech boasts a high level of durability, though it sacrifices speed and agility for this robustness. However, its tankiness is so pronounced that when wielded skillfully, it can reign supreme on the battlefield by merely outlasting foes it engages in close combat with.

In Mech Arena, this particular build is straightforward to handle, but it won’t be accessible to newcomers for a while due to dependencies on unlocks that require time to acquire. Its main weakness lies in its susceptibility to snipers, although this isn’t typically an issue if the player stays vigilant about incoming fire sources.

1 Surge Rails

Works At All Ranges

Mech Arena: 7 Best Hangars, Ranked
  • Mech: Surge
  • Weapons: Railgun 12S
  • Pilot: Baron
  • Good for:
    • 2v2 Deathmatch
    • 5v5 Deathmatch
    • Control Point Clash

In plain English, the Mech Arena hangar setup featuring Surge and Railguns is absolutely brilliant. Surge is incredibly swift and nimble, making it perfect for quick maneuvers. On the other hand, Railguns are rapid-fire, powerful, and accurate weapons that perform exceptionally well regardless of distance. This combination allows for versatility in any game mode within this competitive combat game, as you can effectively engage enemies at any range.

When utilizing a Surge Rails build, it’s crucial to always consider your positioning. Constantly move around, seek refuge behind cover whenever feasible, and then swiftly attack exposed enemy mechs for a prompt defeat.

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2024-08-13 01:35