Hogwarts Legacy 2 Should Flip The Professor Fig Dynamic on Its Head

Hogwarts Legacy 2 Should Flip The Professor Fig Dynamic on Its Head


  • Hogwarts Legacy 2 can innovate with a more complex story, particularly through more nuanced characters.
  • Professor Fig’s role as a mentor was pleasant, but didn’t have a lot of depth.
  • Hogwarts Legacy 2 could introduce a mentor who has a more difficult relationship with the protagonist, similar to Harry Potter and Professor Snape.

As a die-hard fan of the Harry Potter series who grew up with the books and movies, I can’t help but feel a tinge of nostalgia when it comes to Hogwarts Legacy. The game was a magical journey that brought back memories of my own days at Hogwarts (well, not really, but a guy can dream). However, while I enjoyed the first installment, I believe Avalanche Software could take the series to new heights with Hogwarts Legacy 2.

As a dedicated gamer, I can’t help but feel a thrill at the prospect of diving into Hogwarts Legacy 2. Given its blockbuster success in 2023, Avalanche Software might be tempted to play it safe with a predictable sequel. But here’s where things get exciting – there are numerous opportunities for Hogwarts Legacy 2 to push boundaries and take risks, transforming it from just another sequel into an extraordinary, captivating adventure.

In the potential sequel of Hogwarts Legacy 2, there’s a key area ripe for exploration: the storyline. The initial game’s narrative was satisfactory but leaned heavily on familiar video game tropes, such as the protagonist being the ‘Chosen One’ and solving a string of ancient mysteries. While this isn’t far from the linear, magical storytelling found in its Harry Potter origin, the latter benefits from intricate, dynamic characters that Hogwarts Legacy regrettably lacks. Fortunately, there are opportunities for the sequel to rectify this issue.

Hogwarts Legacy 2 Could Benefit from a More Contentious Student-Mentor Relationship

The Relationship with Professor Fig in Hogwarts Legacy Is a Bit Bland

The esteemed Professor Fig embodies the qualities one typically associates with a distinguished Hogwarts instructor: he’s nurturing, calm, knowledgeable, and entirely non-confrontational, making him endearing and easily approachable for most. However, his characteristics fall short of being captivating. The game appears to be striving to replicate the relationship dynamics between Harry and Dumbledore, or perhaps a hint of Harry and Hagrid, but those relationships possess depth and nuance that is absent in the player’s interactions with Fig.

As a gamer, I’ve found Professor Fig to feel more like an obligatory addition to the game rather than a fully fleshed out character. Instead of having depth and complexity, it seems like his primary role is to guide me towards my next objective, only appearing when the story requires it. This issue extends throughout Hogwarts Legacy, making it seem less engaging. To improve this for a potential sequel, focusing on the student-mentor relationship could be a fantastic step towards rectifying these problems.

Inverting the Professor Fig Relationship Could Make Hogwarts Legacy 2 More Interesting

Compared to the storyline of Harry Potter, it seems that the narrative of Hogwarts Legacy lacks depth when it comes to interpersonal conflicts and character complexity. Many non-player characters (NPCs) are merely one-dimensional, with even the most complex character, Sebastian Sallow, having motivations that are primarily black and white. In engaging stories, as well as in real life, individuals tend to be more intricate, displaying traits beyond just being purely good or bad. This could be demonstrated through a more complex and less amicable relationship between the character and their mentor figure, which would add another dimension to the game’s academic journey.

In the potential sequel of Hogwarts Legacy 2, instead of the protagonist being guided by a traditional mentor figure, they might be paired with someone more ambivalent and skeptical, similar to Harry Potter’s relationship with Severus Snape. This character could add an element of conflict within the narrative, suggesting that the story’s challenges extend beyond just external threats or existential dangers. Moreover, this change would introduce a more personal struggle for the protagonist to overcome, which was lacking in the original Hogwarts Legacy. This approach could make the sequel more engaging and offer players a richer, multi-layered storyline.

In the game Hogwarts Legacy, there are some authority figures who aren’t particularly admirable, with Phineas Nigellus Black standing out as one of them. However, these characters are often depicted as clumsy and inept, which reduces their influence and frequently makes them inconsequential to the main character’s narrative.

Additionally, a less benevolent mentor figure in Hogwarts Legacy 2 could recapture a significant narrative aspect from its origin, namely the tension between young heroes and the influential adults around them. While having supportive adults is crucial for the player-character, introducing conflict within these central relationships could enhance the story of Hogwarts Legacy 2, providing the protagonist with more chances to display emotion and conquer personal, emotional hurdles.

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2024-08-14 01:35