Tom’s Column – TEPIDOIL

Tom’s Column – TEPIDOIL

As a seasoned war game enthusiast with years of virtual battles under my belt, I can confidently say that TEPIDOIL has become my go-to tool when diving into any new strategy game. It’s like having a military swiss army knife at your disposal!

If you’re similar to me, there might be times when you eagerly launch a strategic game, aiming for chaos on the battlefield. However, before unleashing a storm of havoc onto your adversaries, it’s essential to first assess your resources, followed by considering what your opponents could potentially have at their disposal. Before long, you find yourself immersed in the captivating labyrinth that strategy enthusiasts like us can’t resist!

Here is a tool (mnemonic) you might find useful… It’s used by militaries across the world, particularly the British military. The explanations are not ‘doctrinally pure’ as it is indeed just a mnemonic but you should be able to figure it out.


It’s called TEPIDOIL, but don’t confuse it with a warm beverage. Instead, think of it as an aid for commanders to analyze and comprehend the composition of a military force, whether they are allies or adversaries.

Rough ExplanationExample
TrainingTraining and ability of a unit to implement its doctrine.Often in games, it’s limited to tiers such as ‘Green’, ‘Veteran’, and ‘Elite’.
EquipmentTypes, quantity, and capability of equipment.If I’m thinking of enemy armor, I’m assessing armor stats and if I have enough ammo and capability to penetrate them.
PersonnelThe number of people who can help deliver the desired outcome.How many people do I need to kill, capture, or injure and how many reinforcements will I face.
InfastructureWhat buildings, defenses, or obstacles are in the way, and what buildings support the war effort.Where is the enemy dug in, should I choose another approach and are there any key buildings I need to destroy for the greater good.
DoctrineDoctrine is an expression of the principles by which military forces guide their actions and is a codification of how activity is conducted.One of the harder ones as this depends on your human opponent or how the AI is programmed.
OrganizationRelationship between the organization and its stakeholders. Also, military structures.I tend to think of ORBATs here and if a unit has access to something like air support, or arty.
InformationInformation is data with context. Knowledge is information applied to a particular situation.In this instance I tend to think of objectives, what’s mine and what’s my opponents – and do they know what mine are, and do I know what theirs is.
LogisticsThe science of planning and carrying out the operational movement and maintenance of forces.How is the enemy sustained and can I deny or delay their supplies. Easy to fight when they have no bullets.

To maximize the usefulness of this mnemonic good intelligence on your target organization is key, so if you happen to be caught in battle unprepared you might need a scouting force to answer as many of these questions as fast as possible! Intelligence collection plans (ICPs) are a topic perhaps for another day!

I imagine that quite a few of you might be unaware, yet unconsciously utilize a kind of Warm Oil in your everyday life. If this has any impact (positive or negative), do share your thoughts below in the comments. In my strategy gaming endeavors, I often rely on SIMPLE TEMPLES – should anyone be interested in delving deeper into this topic, feel free to express your curiosity and I’ll gladly expound upon it.

Until then happy wargaming.

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2024-08-14 18:42