The A24 Horror Movies With The Best Endings

The A24 Horror Movies With The Best Endings


  • A24 films blend horror and heart with intense, nonsensical endings that leave fans in awe every time.
  • From
    The Lighthouse
    The Witch
    , endings showcase sound design and bleak, fascinating horror storytelling.
  • Saint Maud
    Talk To Me
    offer powerful, haunting endings that stay with viewers long after the credits roll.

As a cinephile with a deep appreciation for the macabre and the supernatural, I must say that these three films have left quite an impression on me. Each one has its own unique flavor, yet they all share a common thread: the exploration of faith, fear, and the blurred line between good and evil.

Known for its prominent position among independent film production companies, A24 boasts a devoted global audience of cinema enthusiasts. They’ve achieved this by supporting the release of some of the most intriguing and, on occasion, unsettling films ever shown in cinemas. Consequently, the company is now closely associated with the contemporary horror genre.

A24 movies often feature unique and terrifying storylines paired with a strong emotional core. They’re particularly renowned for their climactic conclusions, which can be intense and sometimes confusing, leaving viewers in amazement almost every time. Here is a compilation of the most striking A24 movie endings.

Spoilers Ahead for all films listed.

5 The Lighthouse

Rotten Tomatoes: 90%

The A24 Horror Movies With The Best Endings
Release Date October 18, 2019
Director Robert Eggers

Right from the beginning, reality is not straightforward in “The Lighthouse,” a fact made complex by the questionable characters of Wake and Howard. The solitude inherent in their lighthouse-keeping profession could quickly swallow up any individual.

As a gamer, I found myself gradually losing control, growing more and more agitated with every passing minute. This madness peaked when the lighthouse’s haunting melody drove me to an unimaginable act – burying my partner alive. In the end, I too succumbed to the harsh environment, a fitting finale that showcased the movie’s exceptional sound design prowess.

4 Hereditary

Rotten Tomatoes: 90%

The A24 Horror Movies With The Best Endings
Release Date June 8, 2018
Director Ari Aster

Hereditary is richly layered with cryptic cult-like imagery and terminology that may not be immediately apparent upon initial viewing. Instead, audiences are introduced to a series of ordinary scenarios that gradually intensify the film’s suspense. This escalation is largely achieved through the captivating acting performances of the principal actors.

As the movie reaches its conclusion, the mounting tension is finally alleviated when the family members start getting eliminated one after another, effectively ruling out any chance of a joyful finale. The son, Peter, ultimately becomes possessed by the main villain of the film – the pagan deity, Paimon. This type of ending, where the clues are apparent upon rewatching, reveals that Paimon’s followers had been manipulating events to bring harm upon the Graham family since the very beginning.

3 The Witch

Rotten Tomatoes: 91%

The A24 Horror Movies With The Best Endings
Release Date October 18, 2015
Director Robert Eggers

Director Robert Eggers demonstrated his skill in creating suspense with the movie “The Witch“. In this film, Anya Taylor-Joy portrays Thomasin, who along with her family, struggle to survive during winter while being tormented by what appears to be the work of an evil force.

Despite everything accumulating to no avail, as the Devil’s plots unfold and Thomasin’s family increasingly suspects her, it culminates in the death of everyone except her. With nothing left but despair, she ultimately succumbs, sealing her soul’s fate, and fulfilling the prophecy that her own kin had long accused her of being a witch.

2 Saint Maud

Rotten Tomatoes: 92%

The A24 Horror Movies With The Best Endings
Release Date October 9, 2020
Director Rose Glass

Similar to many films produced by A24, “Saint Maud” was made on a modest budget, and this is evident in the somewhat rough portrayals of spirituality throughout. However, the narrative about a woman seeking redemption from her questionable past through faith remains powerful and moving, right up until its conclusion.

Maud dedicates herself to her deity in a manner most people wouldn’t dare contemplate: self-immolation. As spectators watch in horror, her wings unfurl from behind her. Tragically, in the last scene, it is revealed that this was all a hallucination, the illusion dissolving in a fiery ocean of cries and flames.

1 Talk To Me

Rotten Tomatoes: 94%

The A24 Horror Movies With The Best Endings
Release Date July 28, 2023
Directors Danny and Michael Philippou

In “Communicate With Me“, a group of youngsters find themselves dabbling with something akin to an advanced Ouija board. This hand device enables its holders to connect with spirits from the other side, yet unleashes powers they fail to grasp fully, leading to severe repercussions. Despite sharing similarities with other tales, this one is exceptionally well executed.

It’s a story that clearly speaks about the dangers of unattended grief, as main character, Mia becomes addicted to communing with the dead, only to wind up being haunted by her deceased mother’s spirit; a spirit that, as it turns out, is a malevolent one. This ghost (who may or may not be Mia’s real mother) drives her to murder her father before eventually ending her own life, and becoming trapped inside the hand that started it all.

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2024-08-15 09:33