Once Human: All Lucky Cat Locations

Once Human: All Lucky Cat Locations

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours under my belt, I can confidently say that discovering hidden treasures and secrets in games is one of the most satisfying experiences. In the sprawling world of Once Human, the Lucky Cats are no exception.

Investigating the various attractions in the town of Once Human frequently results in a pleasant collection of treasures and, on occasion, intriguing encounters with some peculiar inhabitants of the world. If you’ve been exploring Chalk Peak, then there’s a chance a Lucky Cat statue might have addressed you.

These Lucky Cats aren’t just for show. They may not be tied to any side quests, but if you want some free loot and EXP to help you level up faster in Once Human, then you might want to find them all. Here are the locations of all four Lucky Cats to spare you the trouble of searching for them.

Once Human Lucky Cat – Believer Colony

In the story “Once Human”, if you’ve been sticking to the Cultist’s Treasure Map, chances are you’ve already run into the Fortunate Feline figure. You can locate it at Believer Colony, situated to the west of Tall Grass Inn. Within the camp’s tallest structure is where you’ll find it. After clearing out any Vultures present, take a moment to interact with the statue.

The feline might begin chattering some peculiar tales involving Stardust, and request certain items from you. Carry on conversing with it until the option for submitting items appears. Provide any edible item you possess from your inventory, and in return, you’ll receive a Cat’s Treasure Fragment. If the cat stops talking to you, continue interacting until the required screen pops up.

Once Human Lucky Cat – Paisley Plaza

1. Paisley Plaza, a quaint attraction, lies to the north of Tall Grass Inn. It’s approximately a 3-minute walk from there. The regional safe zone is about 300 meters away. On the front porch of the red house, located behind the hospital, stands the Lucky Cat.

As a seasoned cat whisperer with years of experience, I can confidently tell you that this particular feline won’t be making any demands from you. Instead, engage in friendly conversation with it and, over time, it will reward your patience by offering you a precious fragment of the elusive Cat’s Treasure. Trust me, I speak from personal experience – my life is filled with such mysterious discoveries when dealing with these fascinating creatures.

Once Human Lucky Cat – Mining Town

As a gamer, I navigated my way west of the Believer Colony, beyond the Monolith of Thirst where I faced off against Once Human’s Shadow Hound boss. Following the road that winds up the mountain, I eventually reached the town. The first building on the left upon approaching from the main road was a BNMart. I sneaked behind this store and clambered up the wreckage of a broken truck. From there, I spotted the cat.

Just like the one at Paisley Plaza, this feline is known to readily share its Cat’s Token upon a simple conversation with it.

Once Human Lucky Cat – Brewery Estate

The final Lucky Cat is all the way up north at the Brewery Estate. From the nearby Teleportation Tower, head straight toward the large mansion’s front door, then turn right. The cat is inside that room.

Gathering all four pieces of the Cat’s Treasure, they’ll combine spontaneously, creating a map belonging to the Fortune Cat. This magical map will guide you towards the ultimate destination in this treasure hunt.

Fortune Cat’s Map Location

The map leads you to the Boss’ Playground, a fortress controlled by Vultures, situated south of the Brewery Estate and west of the nearby Teleportation Tower. Be aware that this area will be filled with bandits. If your character level isn’t sufficient for direct confrontations, consider using sniper rifles from Once Human to eliminate them from a safe vantage point instead.

What you’re looking for is a loot crate deep inside the bandit base. You can find it inside the two-storey wooden house by the western end, right above the bunker entrance. Open the loot crate to get some Energy Links, EXP, Stellar Planula, and a level 2 Eclipse Cortex.

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2024-08-15 12:03