SteamWorld Heist 2: Best Bounty Rewards To Buy First

SteamWorld Heist 2: Best Bounty Rewards To Buy First


  • Bounties unlock after a few missions, changing gameplay dynamics in SteamWorld Heist 2.
  • Upgrade ship arsenal with Torpedo 1 for automatic combat advantage in sub battles.
  • Fragments are crucial for character upgrades, more valuable than water for enhancing gameplay.

As a seasoned veteran of countless hours spent in SteamWorld Heist 2, I must say that understanding the value of each Bounty reward is crucial to my gaming success – and sanity!

In SteamWorld Heist 2, several game mechanics are designed to transition smoothly between missions. For instance, you won’t be able to take on Bounties until a few missions have passed, which alters the overall flow. Interestingly, many missions can be replayed, and completing specific objectives rewards players with green Bounty badges.

In the game SteamWorld Heist 2, when all members of the party are too tired to continue playing, it’s time for a break and to end the session. During this process, players must spend their emblems on rewards. Any remaining emblems will be transformed into Water, an unusual form of in-game currency. Here are some prizes from the first tier that players should consider obtaining immediately:

7 Torpedo 1

Upgrade The Sub’s Arsenal

SteamWorld Heist 2: Best Bounty Rewards To Buy First

In SteamWorld Heist 2, one of the latest additions is underwater vessel combat. However, rather than a traditional ship, players traverse the world aboard a submarine above water level. Despite this change, the gameplay remains the same. Players are able to enhance their sub with various upgrades that can improve attributes such as speed and hit points.

In SteamWorld Heist 2, the submarine doesn’t require manual weapon launching when it gets near an adversary; instead, weapons are set to automatically fire. One of the most powerful weapons players can acquire is named Torpedo 1, which is a reward from Bounties. When armed with these torpedoes, enemies will be left puzzled by the unexpected attacks.

6 Crossbow

Give Wesley A Deadlier Weapon

SteamWorld Heist 2: Best Bounty Rewards To Buy First

In this setup, the Crossbow is assigned to the character class known as the Reaper, while Wesley serves as the initial hero. Although Reapers usually prefer sub-machine guns, the Crossbow can also be effective. It boasts a powerful standard damage of 4 and has the potential to score critical hits.

There are risks with using it though just like there are risks with using bows in other games. Unlike bullets, the trajectory of crossbow bolts will lessen the further they travel. This means players have to be pretty close to being effective.

5 Repair Kit 1

Heal The Party In A Snap

SteamWorld Heist 2: Best Bounty Rewards To Buy First

Certain characters, such as the Brawler, possess unique capabilities that both restore their health while causing harm to opponents. On the other hand, there’s the Engineer, who has a spell called Maintenance Protocol. This spell can mend the wounds of allies within a small proximity. Both these classes stand out due to their exceptional healing and damaging abilities.

In most cases, classes don’t enjoy this advantage, so they need to fall back on equipment such as the Repair Kit 1. This is the initial Utility Item in SteamWorld Heist 2 that allows characters to recover health during a mission. Although it only restores 2 HP, it serves as an initial step towards recovery.

4 Sidearm 1

Give Party Members An Extra Shot At Villains

SteamWorld Heist 2: Best Bounty Rewards To Buy First

The Sidearm 1 is another fantastic tool in our arsenal, designed for offensive maneuvers. Any character has the option to carry an additional handgun during a mission, which can be used to fire at least twice. However, there’s a cooling-off period to prevent excessive use, so it’s not like being a wild west gunslinger.

As a brawler gamer like Cornelius who’s all about the hammer action, having a sidearm utility item really opens up new possibilities in combat. Instead of being limited to close quarters, I can now engage enemies from a distance too, making me a more versatile fighter overall.

3 Tier 1 Weapon

The Reveal Is A Mystery

SteamWorld Heist 2: Best Bounty Rewards To Buy First

In the Bounty game system, the choice of Tier 1 weapons is often unpredictable. Usually, players receive one of six primary weapons corresponding to the six character classes: Sniper, Brawler, Flanker, Boomer, Reaper, and Engineer. Upon selecting a weapon, the character’s class will change accordingly.

Obtaining this Bounty prize allows gamers to advance into certain classes earlier, such as the Brawler or Flanker. In SteamWorld Heist 2, distributing abilities across several classes is a simple method to boost individual characters’ power. Though the Tier 1 Weapon reward is often of lesser quality, players may occasionally obtain Rare classified weapons like the Sniper’s Electric rifle.

2 Fragments

Another Form Of Currency For Upgrades

SteamWorld Heist 2: Best Bounty Rewards To Buy First

In SteamWorld Heist 2, after purchasing all the premium items and upgrades using Bounty cash, players will receive some Fragments as rewards. These Fragments can be found in different quantities ranging from 2 to 7. Once you have collected the largest sets of these items, they will no longer reappear within the game.

In essence, Fragments are significantly more important than Water in SteamWorld Heist 2, as they allow for extensive character upgrades. These upgrades range from unlocking new skill sets to increasing the number of recruitable party members within the game. Players often find themselves running low on available Fragments.

1 Gallons

The World Runs On Water

SteamWorld Heist 2: Best Bounty Rewards To Buy First

As a seasoned explorer who has traversed countless oceans and completed numerous missions, I can confidently tell you that Bounty emblems, while not the most lavish prize in the game, certainly have their uses. At the end of each day, any unused Bounty emblems will be transformed into Water. If you find yourself running low on this essential resource, you can always purchase larger quantities from the Bounty board. However, it’s important to remember that water is abundant in this virtual world; players can obtain it through exploration and completing missions. In my experience, having a stash of Bounty emblems can come in handy when supplies run low or during unexpected emergencies on the high seas. So, keep collecting those emblems and use them wisely!

Even though players raised on video games may recognize these chances to gather resources in games such as SteamWorld Heist 2 should not be overlooked, since water is one of the most plentiful resources they can find, it’s important to make use of it to buy utility items and weapons, recruit party members, and much more.

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2024-08-16 16:34