Best Early Things To Buy With Water In SteamWorld Heist 2

Best Early Things To Buy With Water In SteamWorld Heist 2


  • Water is the most valuable resource in SteamWorld Heist 2, serving as currency for players to recruit party members and unlock classes early.
  • Fragments are equally important as Water, used to upgrade the player’s arsenal and unlock abilities for characters in the game.
  • Utility items like healing kits and stat boosters are essential for combat, with Aim being a key stat to increase for accurate shooting.

As a seasoned adventurer in the SteamWorld universe, I can confidently say that my water-powered robot companion has never been more precious than in SteamWorld Heist 2. This game has taken the concept of scarcity to a whole new level, with water serving as the lifeblood (or should I say hydraulic fluid) of our robotic society.

In the fictional realm of SteamWorld, the robots operate using water rather than oil. Consequently, the term “steam” appears in their names. Instead of searching for oil, these robots seek out water, which is dispensed in gallon quantities within the game SteamWorld Heist 2. The storyline revolves around a global crisis: the depletion of usable water resources.

That makes Water in SteamWorld Heist 2 the most valuable resource, serving as the game’s currency which is not the oddest seen in games. Water can be used on a lot of things and players may waste this currency wantonly. To save beginners some hard-earned Water flow, they should spend their currency on the following items, party members, and upgrades.

5 Party Members

Build Up Your Roster For Missions

Best Early Things To Buy With Water In SteamWorld Heist 2

In the new game, SteamWorld Heist 2, players will initially control a team of two characters: Daisy and Wesley. Daisy is an exceptionally accurate Sniper, while Wesley shines as a Reaper, wielding a sub-machine gun for high damage output. As the adventure progresses, you’ll have the opportunity to recruit additional party members from watering holes scattered throughout the world. The first two recruits are Sola and Judy.

Sola, an Engineer, boasts one of the essential talents for SteamWorld Heist 2, known as Maintenance Protocol. This ability allows her to mend her party members within a specified area on the game map. On the other hand, Judy, a Boomer, is equipped with a colossal bazooka, enabling her to obliterate enemies in a flash. Each of the four characters will prove instrumental in dismantling enemy fortresses during the initial stages.

4 Buy A Hammer And Pistol

Unlock Two Classes Early

Best Early Things To Buy With Water In SteamWorld Heist 2

A total of six character classes exist, four of which have already been disclosed. The remaining two are known as the Brawler and the Flanker. Any character is capable of assuming a new role given the right weapon. For instance, if Daisy equips a hammer, she can transform into a Brawler, or if she picks up a shotgun, she will become a Flanker.

In this game, you can gain access to these two classes ahead of character recruitments such as Cornelius and Poe, by purchasing either a shotgun or hammer beforehand. These items are widely available in most stores, but they come at a hefty price. The investment is worth it for the Water class though, as Brawlers possess the powerful Guts skill which can absorb a fatal blow, and Nimble Feet will expand the movement range of a Flanker. In tactical RPGs, swift movement can significantly influence or determine the outcome of a battle.

3 Get Fragment Crates Whenever Possible

Easier To Upgrade The Sub

Best Early Things To Buy With Water In SteamWorld Heist 2

In SteamWorld Heist 2, fragments are just as essential as water. These valuable items can enhance your arsenal by upgrading it in various ways. They serve two primary functions: one is to improve the characters themselves and the other is to grant abilities for different classes. Additionally, fragments have the power to apply permanent stat boosts to all heroes.

Example: In SteamWorld Heist 2, dumbbells boost the HP of all characters by one unit. The bunk bed expands the number of characters players can recruit from pubs. Furthermore, the submarine itself can be enhanced by adding more slots for accessories or weapons, thereby lowering the risk of sinking during sea voyages in exploration missions.

2 Look Out For Sub Parts

Give Your Rig More Oomph

Best Early Things To Buy With Water In SteamWorld Heist 2

In other words, the enhancements to the sub slots you’ve mentioned earlier are completely pointless unless players already possess necessary equipment. Players can acquire sub weapons and accessories through various methods. Rarer, more valuable items will often be awarded as mission rewards. For instance, one such rare item is the Torpedo 1 weapon, which can be obtained via the Bounty system.

Additional equipment like weapons and upgrades for your vessel can be found in stores offering supplies such as water. For instance, machine guns make powerful choices among available weapons, and certain accessories may enhance your sub’s speed and health. However, if ship battles can be evaded by skilled players, investing in submarine components might not be crucial if you’re low on water resources. The most challenging aspect of the game seems to revolve around interacting with characters.

1 Build Up Your Utility Items

From Healing Items To Stat Boosters

Best Early Things To Buy With Water In SteamWorld Heist 2

Characters have the ability to select a weapon that matches their class and an additional item for use in battle. These items may serve various purposes, such as providing healing or enhancing offensive capabilities during combat. They can also enhance stats or offer heroes unique advantages in conflict. For instance, Boots might increase movement distance, while a Scope could provide an extended visual range for any weapon.

Among the two aspects, enhancing Aim is crucial since determining a bullet’s path becomes challenging without it. In SteamWorld Heist 2, the Repair Kit 1 is the initial healing item players acquire. Although the Big Repair Pack can be bought later and is pricier, its value justifies the cost. It restores more HP and heals an area much like the Engineer’s Maintenance Protocol skill does.

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2024-08-16 18:53