Hardest Elite Enemies In Dungeonborne

Hardest Elite Enemies In Dungeonborne


  • Elite Enemies in Dungeonborne are deadly foes with specific weaknesses and attacks that players must strategize against.
  • Players must be aware of other interference in fights with Elite Enemies, making the battles even more challenging.
  • Specific strategies, such as high mobility for the Werewolf or ranged attacks for the Reaper, can help defeat these tough opponents.

As a seasoned adventurer who has braved countless dungeons and faced my fair share of perilous enemies, let me tell you about two of the most challenging foes I’ve encountered: The Reaper and The Khazra.

In any map of Dungeonborne, formidable adversaries known as Elite Foes lurk, ready to ambush unwary adventurers attempting to confront them. To ensure you’re fully equipped for any eventuality, it’s essential to gather all the details about these enemies, their assaults, and their vulnerabilities. Fear not! This article provides all the vital information that will make defeating these adversaries a stroll through the dungeon (or at least a little less daunting).

As a devoted player of Dungeonborne, I’ve compiled a list ranking each Elite foe based on their difficulty level, complete with key stats, attacks, and tactics to dodge their deadly blows. Keep in mind that this game is both PvP and PvE, so other players might jump into the fray while you’re battling these enemies, making the fight even tougher than usual.

4 Werewolf

Fast, Deadly, And Relentless

Hardest Elite Enemies In Dungeonborne
  • Avoid: Getting cornered
  • Main Weakness: Predictable attack pattern
  • Map Exclusive: Yes (Closeau’s Castle)

Formidable, aggressive, tough, and lethal, a Werewolf stands as an intimidating adversary for any adventurer venturing into dungeons. Not only is it challenging to eliminate (boasting an impressive 2500 HP), but it also boasts the highest mobility among all Elite creatures. Once it locks onto a player, it will relentlessly pursue them regardless of location, making it extremely difficult to evade. For this reason, classes with high mobility such as the Druid gain an advantage in these encounters.

Fortunately, there’s a reliable approach to overcome it: casters should keep moving and dish out damage as soon as the Werewolf completes its attack sequences, while melee classes can either dodge or block their attacks and retaliate when they spot an opportunity. Once its health drops to about 50%, it will howl and go into a frenzy, boosting its speed and the rate of its assaults. Additionally, it may suddenly charge forward during its combos, making it more hazardous for players who aren’t properly prepared.

3 Headsman

Slow But Has A Killer Combo

Hardest Elite Enemies In Dungeonborne
  • Avoid: Prolonging the fight
  • Main Weakness: Slow, Easily Kiteable
  • Map Exclusive: Yes (Closeau’s Castle)

The Headsman (or Executioner) is a strong but slow Mid Elite enemy players can find around Closeau’s Castle. It is often protecting treasure and is one of the most dangerous opponents fans can face for several reasons. The first is its powerful triple spin combo that is impossible to block or parry and will kill most players if they’re hit by it. The second is its capability to chain combo with a second triple attack that can be triggered randomly, and will also kill any melee or caster class if they get hit.

However, it’s crucial to be wary of this adversary, as it possesses a formidable tactic that could easily catch unaware players off guard. Unlike regular foes, it will persistently pursue and attack the player, even if they move into an adjacent room. This trait allows other players to deduce the Headsman’s presence at a door or wall, alerting them to the fact that someone is hiding in the adjoining space. For the hidden player, this is detrimental because they’ll never know who might be lying in wait – a Rogue, Druid, or Swordmaster – to confront them upon their return and engage in combat with the Headsman. Additionally, be vigilant against potential ambushes from other players while battling this Elite.

2 Reaper

Fast, Summons Adds, Teleports

Hardest Elite Enemies In Dungeonborne
  • Avoid: Ignoring its summons
  • Main Weakness: Gets staggered by several players attacking
  • Map Exclusive: No

In typical gameplay, players may encounter The Grim Harvester, a formidable Elite Monster resembling a boss. Its attacks are devastatingly lethal, with six distinct attack patterns.

1. In the fourth move, the enemy teleports behind the engaged player before delivering a scythe attack. The fifth move charges up, exploding in an area effect that blinds players and incites skeletons into a frenzy. The sixth and most dangerous move occurs when a player is pinned against a wall, causing the Reaper to perform its spiral attack followed by a rapid three-hit combo. Players will find this one of their toughest opponents. To defeat the second strongest Elite monster, it’s best to maintain a distance and attack from range, or, in the case of the Rogue, evade while remaining invisible and striking from behind.

1 Khazra

Tough As Nails, Its Ram Attack Can OHKO

Hardest Elite Enemies In Dungeonborne
  • Avoid: Fighting in close spaces, standing in its ram attack
  • Main Weakness: Vulnerable to ranged attacks
  • Map Exclusive: No

The Khazra (aka big bad goat) is the most powerful Elite enemy players can find in the dungeons, and it is potentially death incarnate for all squishy classes who dare fight it solo. The Khazra is a walking disaster, and though it might seem slow at first sight, don’t get fooled by this. It has a ram attack that can one-shot most players, even if they’re fully equipped. It also boasts the highest HP pool of all elite enemies (5000 HP), so taking it down can take a lot of time. This is dangerous, since a prolonged fight can potentially attract hostile players who can take advantage of the ones fighting the monster, and everyone knows what happens when you get trapped between the hammer and the anvil.

The Khazra has several single combo attacks, but these are tremendously powerful. When enraged, this giant Goat monster will slam the floor around it at random, which is basically called “rampage attack.” It also possesses a debuff ability, a Roar that will slow and apply vulnerability on all affected players for a brief duration. If this comes followed up by a charge attack or its rampage combo, then players better run or heal fast. To summarize, the Khazra is the most dangerous Elite opponent players will face in the dungeons, so watch out and do not get cornered. Also, fair warning. Do not try to kite it near stairs, hallways, or columns, lest players want to get crushed by its horns.

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2024-08-17 02:03