Cat Quest 3 Devs Chart the Course Forward for High-Seas Catventure

Cat Quest 3 Devs Chart the Course Forward for High-Seas Catventure

As a seasoned video game developer with years of experience under my belt, I must say that the Cat Quest series has always been a delight to follow. The latest addition, Cat Quest 3, is no exception. The pirate-themed twist and the inclusion of a fully controllable pirate ship have breathed new life into this charming action RPG.

Sequels to cherished video game series frequently create a stir, and this is particularly so for Cat Quest 3. In fact, the charming cat-themed adventure of Cat Quest 3 was released on International Cat Day to a delightful reception reminiscent of gentle Purribean breezes. As of now, it enjoys a positive rating of Very Positive on Steam. Prior to its launch, Game Rant interviewed Desmond Wong, CEO of The Gentlebros, the developers behind the adorable and serene Cat Quest series. The interview has been condensed for length and clarity.

Pi-Rats and the High Seas

A: As we prepare for the launch imminently, I can’t help but wonder what thoughts are occupying your mind right now. How about the team? What are their emotions leading up to this significant moment?

Wong: Bugs, bugs everywhere! Despite a developer’s best efforts in preparation for a launch, there will always be issues that manage to sneak past. There’s apprehension about whether any game-halting bug will emerge once the public starts using it. However, the team is filled with optimism and a touch of excitement as we prepare to release Cat Quest 3 (the cat door).

You chose International Cat Day for your release?

As a devoted cat enthusiast, I can’t imagine anything more fitting than releasing our game that adores cats on the most purr-fect cat day! It’s been customary for us to unveil a new Cat Quest game during this time, so it feels quite ordinary, really.

What inspired the pirate adventure vibes in Cat Quest 3?

As a dedicated gamer of the Cat Quest series, I can tell you firsthand that when they introduced dogs in Cat Quest 2, it was only a matter of time before rats made their appearance next. After all, these games are brimming with clever puns, and ‘pi-rats’ (pirates) seemed like the purr-fect addition to our swashbuckling world! That’s why I’m confident that the third installment of Cat Quest will be a pirate adventure.

Q: Could you tell us about the Purribean?

The Purribean, located west of Felingard (the setting for the last two games), is an unruly territory. Pirates and pirate rats hold dominion over its waters. A widely-told tale speaks of how the North Star once plummeted from the sky. It’s said that whoever claims this celestial body will discover their most cherished desires.

Q: Can you talk about the game’s accessibility features?

Wong: We offer full keyboard rebinding to suit any accessibility needs.

Question: How did you go about creating the exceptional music for the game, given that early feedback has generally been quite favorable regarding it?

In our project, Brian Harvey – an exceptionally gifted individual, collaborated with us. Not only did he provide some preliminary guidance on our vision, but he also composed the original soundtrack entirely from his raw talent. It’s safe to say that we wouldn’t have been able to achieve this without him.

Q: Can you tease some of the secrets and side content in Cat Quest 3?

It’s just as bad to hint at our secrets as it is to reveal them, and we wouldn’t want to spoil any of the surprises we have planned. However, what I can share is that our team, The Gentlebros, is secretly located somewhere in the Caribbean region.

What’s New on the Cat Quest High Seas

Q: How does the pirate theming change gameplay from the familiar Cat Quest formula?

User: It’s quite intriguing, as it turns out, that the pirate tale and the medieval warrior saga share many similarities! They both seek riches and plunder; they embark on epic journeys, and they engage in daring swordplay (with pirates adding naval battles to their repertoire). This discovery led us to believe that the pirate motif would be perfect for Cat Quest. To make it even better, we simply needed to enhance the gameplay by incorporating a pirate ship!

Q: Can you talk a little about the mechanics related to sailing? It looks super cute!

Assistant: Absolutely! The latest feature is a pirate ship that players can freely navigate across the expansive waters of Purribean. They can jump aboard whenever they wish, engaging in thrilling sea battles against other pirate vessels along the way!

Managing the vessel feels incredibly intuitive; it responds swiftly and precisely, much like a cat. It even has the agility to boost when needed, ensuring safety. In essence, we aimed to develop an experience that was distinctively fast-paced and not cumbersome or sluggish.

Was there discussion regarding incorporating a female playable character, as some players find Grace O’Malley more appealing than Blackbeard?

Wong: A multitude of messages poured in from enthusiasts of the Cat Quest series, among them a heartfelt one that particularly resonated with us. It came from a young girl in the UK who expressed her desire to play as a female feline character and asked why that wasn’t an option. This request has lingered in our minds, and we made it our goal to provide this feature in the latest version. Dear little girl, if you happen to read this, know that this decision was inspired by your wish.

Question: Compared to the regular world, dungeons seem to have undergone some changes in this new version. What impact does the side-scrolling perspective have on the overall gaming experience?

In Cat Quest 3, you’ll find the familiar dungeon layouts that players have grown accustomed to, but we’ve also introduced a fresh side-scrolling category. The side-scrolling dungeons allow us to emphasize height and layout recognition as the primary challenges when exploring these new areas. Since the dungeons are now side-scrolling, attacks that were previously easy to evade in the overworld will take on a completely different feel due to the two-dimensional playable area!

Sailing Past Cat Quest’s Release Day

Has the interactive feature with RGB keyboards carried over to the latest version of Cat Quest 2?

John: Something additional was implemented post-launch, thanks to multiple collaborators. This time around, we aim to replicate that approach, but it won’t be included in the initial release.

As a dedicated follower of Cat Quest, I’m curious about the future path for Cat Quest 3. Will there be any exciting content updates or DLC on the way that I should keep my paws crossed for?

John: The Mew Game update for our project is currently being developed, and it’s inspired by a feature that’s common in all Cat Quest games – a mode designed for a tougher challenge. Players can add different ‘meowdifiers’ to ramp up the difficulty of the original gameplay.

Q: Anything else you’d like to add?

User: If you’ve yet to experience the ‘Cat Quest’ series, now is the perfect moment to dive in, while long-time enthusiasts, we’re thrilled to have you embark on another feline adventure with us!


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2024-08-17 13:24