Overwatch 2 Venture Fans Not Happy About Latest Announcement

Overwatch 2 Venture Fans Not Happy About Latest Announcement


  • Season 14 will bring a new skin for Venture in Overwatch 2, but fans are disappointed by the long wait.
  • Venture currently has limited skin options, with most being basic re-colors, except for the Ice Cream skin.
  • Overwatch 2 Game Director promises an “exciting skin” for Venture in Season 14, sparking mixed reactions from fans.

As a long-time Overwatch 2 fanatic with over a thousand hours under my belt, I can certainly empathize with the disappointment of Venture fans eagerly awaiting new skins for their favorite hero. Having witnessed the evolution of the game since its inception and seen countless characters receive an array of exciting skins, it’s disheartening to see Venture’s limited options. The Ice Cream skin is a delight, no doubt, but it hardly scratches the surface of what this versatile character deserves.

It has been confirmed that Overwatch 2’s character Venture will be receiving an “extraordinarily thrilling skin” during Season 14, yet fans are displeased due to the extended wait for its acquisition. Introduced in Season 10, Overwatch 2’s Damage hero Venture gained popularity among players due to their distinct move-set. However, the community of Overwatch 2 Venture players has felt disappointed by the limited options available for their character’s skins since their debut in Season 10.

Currently, Venture boasts seven skins, six of which are simple color variations of its original design. Notably, there is one unique skin called Ice Cream. This skin transforms Venture into an ice cream parlor worker and converts their drill into an ice cream cone. As for Season 12, no significant new skins are planned for Venture. Furthermore, it seems that fans may not have much to look forward to in terms of exciting content in Season 13 either.

As a dedicated Venture main in Overwatch 2, it’s been a bit of a letdown to see the lackluster skins for my hero in the game so far. But recently, the game director Aaron Keller took to Twitter to reassure us that the team is working hard to create some truly awesome skins for Venture. He didn’t reveal too much yet, but he did tease that a “really exciting skin” is coming our way in Season 14!

In Season 13, there’s a chance Venture might receive a fresh coat of paint for his appearance, and it seems like the skin for Season 14 could be something particularly noteworthy, but as of now, it’s still uncertain.

Overwatch 2 Getting a New Venture Skin in Season 14

When the Venture skin eventually arrives in Overwatch 2, it’s unclear how it will be made available. It could potentially be included in the Battle Pass for that season, but it might also end up in the shop instead. If it’s sold in the shop, it may disappoint Venture fans even more, so we’ll have to wait and see what transpires.

As a dedicated Overwatch 2 gamer, I can’t help but feel excited about Season 14. There are plenty of reasons for this anticipation, but let me highlight two that stand out. Firstly, it looks like we’re getting a new Venture skin! But that’s not all – there’s a strong possibility that Season 14 will introduce the game’s next Tank hero.

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2024-08-17 19:06