7 Days To Die: Best Ways To Get Through The Night

7 Days To Die: Best Ways To Get Through The Night

As someone who’s spent countless nights huddled behind makeshift barricades in the post-apocalyptic world of 7 Days To Die, I can confidently say that nighttime is not just for sleeping. The game’s design ensures that the undead hordes come out to play after dark, making every moment under the cover of night a tense and exciting experience.

In this survival game, 7 Days to Die, if the player hasn’t adjusted the settings, zombies only move around at night. This makes the game challenging and nights can be quite nerve-wracking, particularly in the early phases of play. The game is teeming with perils even during daylight hours.

Inexperienced gamers might consider hiding silently during the night as a safe strategy. However, this passive approach isn’t particularly effective in helping them endure Blood Moons. Instead, players should make the most of their time to increase their chances of survival. If a player spends extended periods simply waiting for dawn, they are less likely to last through multiple horde nights.

Craft And Upgrade Items

Work Towards Having Better Equipment

7 Days To Die: Best Ways To Get Through The Night

For individuals familiar with the older console versions, there was a period where enhancing an item’s quality was as simple as creating a new one from scratch. Although that era has passed, today’s players continue to have the ability to craft upgraded items and modifications to amplify the effectiveness of their weapons or armor components.

If the player prefers staying indoors during the night, they might want to examine their armor components and weaponry for potential enhancements. They could possibly create modifications, upgrade their existing gear, or craft superior items using a workbench, which may surpass their current equipment.

Upgrade Your Base

The Best Offense Is A Great Defense

7 Days To Die: Best Ways To Get Through The Night

Nights in Horde can be challenging. A series of enemy attacks converge on the player, determined to eliminate and consume them. If a player happens to be sheltering behind a few flimsy wooden barriers during a Blood Moon event, their chances of survival are likely slim.

During the night, players are encouraged to carry out repairs, enhancements, and upgrades to their bases. This might require stepping out of the base’s protective boundaries to handle certain exterior issues. However, if any zombies detect the player, a quick dash back into the safety of their base will suffice.

Go Mining

Head Underground For Resources

7 Days To Die: Best Ways To Get Through The Night

7 Days To Die heavily relies on mining, as it’s essential for obtaining the resources needed to create various items such as weapons, armor, medical supplies, and ammunition. Clearing Points of Interest (POIs) can be risky, especially during nighttime, so some players might opt for exploring underground areas where safety levels are relatively higher.

By utilizing some solid building blocks and robust barricades to secure the entryway, gamers can spend the night collecting minerals. As dawn arrives, they can gather all their accumulated items at the forge and embark on a day filled with slaying zombies.

While mining underground is safer than clearing POIs, there are still a couple of dangers that players will need to look out for. Mine collapses can be deadly. Players need to think about structural integrity while mining. To avoid any collapses, players should place some wooden pillars every now and then to support the ground above.

1. Mining activities may draw screamers since they produce heat. Though players can squat to minimize heat emission during mining, there’s still a possibility of a screamer appearing. Therefore, keep your ears open for any intruders while you mine, and always be equipped with an effective weapon and have an escape route in mind, in case of an emergency.

Complete Night Only Missions

Very Rewarding Tasks

7 Days To Die: Best Ways To Get Through The Night

As more days roll by, I’m growing bolder and venturing out to discover new horizons. Even though the trader outposts are shuttered at night, there’s still plenty to keep me busy with any ongoing missions. Nighttime seems to be a prime time for certain traders, as they offer unique missions that are perfect for racking up XP.

During the nighttime operations, players must navigate towards a designated spot, repair a generator, and eliminate any undead creatures. These missions where you have to kill zombies are particularly engaging because they mark nearby zombies from the mission on your Heads-Up Display (HUD).

By putting a barrier such as a door across the Point of Interest (POI) entrance, players can minimize the risk of surprise zombie attacks. During nighttime, if they’ve blocked any stray zombies from entering, clearing out the POI should pose no problems. However, don’t forget to pack a strong weapon, durable armor, and some medical supplies for protection.

Generate Lots Of Heat

Bring In Some Screamers

7 Days To Die: Best Ways To Get Through The Night

While engaging in activities such as mining, construction, smelting, and crafting, the character might produce heat. This warmth could draw attention from creatures known as screamers. Generally, players are aware that screamers can emit loud noises to lure nearby zombies. By managing this situation skillfully, a player can utilize a screamer to their strategic advantage.

Make certain to activate facilities such as furnaces, laboratory heating equipment, and campfire spots to rapidly produce warmth. Firing a weapon can also aid in increasing the temperature.

If the gamer establishes a solid foundation, they may utilize the Screamer to accumulate XP more efficiently. The zombies summoned by the Screamer are typically stronger types such as cops and military zombies, which offer a good amount of XP upon elimination. Furthermore, if the player is still working on tasks like killing 50 cops or 50 Big Mammas, the Screamer can be an effective means to accomplish these quickly.

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2024-08-19 08:33