Fields of Mistria: Beginner Tips

Fields of Mistria: Beginner Tips


  • Interact with over 25 characters in Mistria for relationship heart points by talking and giving gifts daily.
  • Keep exploring to complete quests and gain renown, money, and progress the story at the job board.
  • Dive into bodies of water, swim alongside fish, and collect items like clay and artifacts.

As a seasoned gamer with years of farming simulator experience under my belt, let me tell you about my latest discovery – Fields of Mistria. This game has taken the genre to new heights, and I must say, it’s got some real charm to it.

Despite being an Early Access title, Fields of Mistria stands out as one of the coziest games this summer. Nestled within the magical realm of Aldaria, the village of Mistria is slowly rebuilding after a catastrophic earthquake that caused tens of thousands of Tesserae’s worth of destruction.

Once you agree to farm on a plot provided by sisters Adeline and Eiland, it falls to you to contribute to Mistria’s rejuvenation project and help bring the town back to its former glory. For newcomers to farming simulators or those eager to maximize their experience before diving in, here’s some advice for players as they embark on this adventure.

12 Interact with the People of Mistria

Get to Know Your Neighbors

Fields of Mistria: Beginner Tips

In the game called “Fields of Mistria”, you’ll encounter over 25 unique characters, ranging from sweet children and charming pets to various Saturday Market vendors and potential romantic partners. Each day in the game allows you to chat with each Non-Player Character (NPC), discover their daily routines in Mistria, and even gift them items. As you continue this interaction, your relationship with each character will grow stronger, indicated by increasing ‘hearts’.

Showing appreciation through preferred gifts or responding positively to their preferences can help speed up the progress.

11 Jump

Say Geronimo!

Fields of Mistria: Beginner Tips

In contrast to games such as Stardew Valley that are typical farming simulators, Fields of Mistria offers players enhanced mobility. If you encounter obstacles like rocks or logs on your path, simply leap over them and continue your journey without delay.

After a player unseals the Mines and gains the Airborne Strike enhancement with 15 Essence, they will be able to strike enemies while jumping from the air. This not only helps in dodging obstacles but also allows players to leap off small cliffs, saving on valuable in-game time and reaching locations quicker than previously possible.

10 Upgrade Storage

Pack Rat Time

Fields of Mistria: Beginner Tips

In contrast to games such as Stardew Valley that are typical farming simulators, Fields of Mistria offers players enhanced mobility. If obstacles like rocks or logs happen to be in your path, simply leap over them and continue on your journey without delay.

After a player restarts the Mines and acquires the Jump Attack boost with 15 Essence, they’ll have the ability to strike enemies while airborne by jumping. This skill not only helps players dodge obstacles but also enables them to swiftly reach locations by leaping off small cliffs, thereby saving valuable in-game time and reaching places quicker than previously.

9 Donate to the Museum

Adding to the Collection Has Its Benefits

Fields of Mistria: Beginner Tips

In the game “Fields of Mistria”, you’ll find a museum similar to Coral Island’s, where players can contribute items found throughout the picturesque village of Mistria starting from the second day of spring. The Museum is positioned on the northeastern side of The Narrows. From there, players can deposit their donations, which include archaeological finds, flora, fish, and insect specimens, into the designated collection box for each exhibit.

Each contribution made by the player enables them to track their advancement toward specific museum sets such as the Spring Forage collection, with incentives granted upon completion of each individual set.

8 Accept All Quests

Got to Complete ‘Em All

Fields of Mistria: Beginner Tips

Adventurers uncovering the game’s environment and chatting with nearby residents may find quests an enjoyable method for increasing prestige, acquiring wealth, and progressing the narrative. Quests can be initiated in two ways: either by taking them from the job board near the General Store or by opening mail sent by one of the townspeople.

As a gamer, I always find that missions or quests in my gameworld never seem to run out of date. Whether it’s summer, fall, winter, or spring, there’s always the opportunity to tackle them whenever suits me best. So, don’t be shy about picking up new adventures and storing them for when you’re ready to conquer them!

7 Keep An Eye Out for Artifacts

Time to Be An Archaeologist

Fields of Mistria: Beginner Tips

In the world of Fields of Mistria,, much like how you’d find fossils in Animal Crossing, there are hidden artifacts scattered throughout the land waiting for players to discover. Common locations for these artifacts include dig spots that can be unearthed using a shovel or pickaxe and can be found at places such as the Western Ruins, the Mines, and various areas across Mistria.

Apart from excavating at archaeological sites, players can also accumulate artifacts by angling or scuba diving in waterbodies. Make sure you advance through the various levels of the Archaeology skill system to acquire benefits.

6 Get In Bed Before 2 AM

Don’t Miss Your Curfew

Fields of Mistria: Beginner Tips

In the game ‘Fields of Mistria’, each day begins as players are awakened by a rooster’s crow at 6 o’clock in the morning. Players have plenty of time during the day to accomplish tasks and explore Mistria, but the game moves swiftly, with approximately 12 minutes of playtime passing quite quickly.

If midnight passes, the player is alerted and must be back home and asleep by 2 AM. Otherwise, they’ll doze off wherever they are, waking up later with less health points (HP) and vitality (stamina).

5 Use the Map

I Spy With My Little Eye

Fields of Mistria: Beginner Tips

“What makes Fields of Mistria‘s map particularly useful isn’t just identifying locations like Sweetwater Farm; it’s also helping you find the townsfolk. The initial quest, ‘Greet the Townsfolk,’ could be time-consuming if you wander around aimlessly, but with this map feature, interacting with Mistria’s villagers becomes effortless.”

Once a player encounters an NPC, they can discover the specific spot where the NPC is currently located, regardless if the NPC is traveling from one area to another within the game’s map.

4 Dive into Bodies of Water

Just Keep Swimming

Fields of Mistria: Beginner Tips

In most farming simulators, characters don’t have the ability to venture into water. However, the game Fields of Mistria offers a unique feature where players can immerse themselves in water bodies like rivers, ponds, and oceans. After leaping from a solid surface, players can swim alongside fish and various aquatic creatures. Keep in mind that if you get too close to them, they will move away.

On occasion, you might notice a circular feature in the water that players can engage with, encouraging them to swim down and retrieve items like mud, sea creatures, or historical treasures.

3 Restore Stamina

Replenishments For Free

Fields of Mistria: Beginner Tips

Gathering items such as logs, stones, and fishing in Mistria can drain energy quite rapidly. Although a player won’t faint when their stamina reaches zero, it can become tiresome having to halt the task at hand. However, Mistria’s countryside is full of options for replenishing your energy without spending a dime.

At The Sleeping Dragon Inn, travelers are offered a complimentary bowl of soup each day. As they journey, they may come across edible finds such as wild berries or quench their thirst at enchanted springs.

2 Use Crafting Stations

Do It Yourself

Fields of Mistria: Beginner Tips

Initially in this game, players will pick up the skills of culinary arts, woodworking, and smithery from their amiable neighbors. At the start, these facilities won’t be present on the player’s farm, but they can utilize various spots scattered around Mistria instead.

In The Sleeping Dragon Inn, players have the option to prepare meals. Near Olric and March’s Blacksmith Shop, there is a forge available for use. Additionally, players can make furniture at the Carpenter’s Shop or next to the building with a bell. As players improve their Essence skills, they not only speed up the crafting process but also decrease the time required to produce an item.

1 Save Your Progress

Any Time At Home

Fields of Mistria: Beginner Tips

Following a prolonged gaming spell, a player might yearn to depart from the game, log out of their computer, and engage in other activities. In certain farming simulators, players are unable to save and leave until they’ve slept in their bed to conclude the virtual day. However, in Fields of Mistria, the player can bypass all this inconvenience.

Whenever they wish, players have the option to return to their base and store their game progress by using their journal and creating several save points which can be reloaded at a later stage.

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2024-08-19 12:44