All Weapon Stats Explained In Once Human

All Weapon Stats Explained In Once Human

As a seasoned player of Once Human, I can attest to the intricacies that lie beneath the game’s seemingly straightforward gunplay. The stats hidden under the hood, like Reload Speed, Mobility, Range, Accuracy, and Stability, are crucial in shaping the feel of each weapon.

Beyond the apparent damage figures and unique abilities of weapons in Once Human, there are hidden stats that greatly influence their overall performance.

It’s quite common for these statistics to slip under the radar, with some players remaining oblivious to them entirely. However, when you begin amassing weapon accessories in the game ‘Once Human‘, gun stats will suddenly become significantly important. Here’s a breakdown of how each stat functions:

In this manual, we focus on the statistics related to how weapons are handled, rather than their damage-related aspects such as Weakpoint and Elemental Damage.

Once Human – Reload Speed

All Weapon Stats Explained In Once Human

Getting started, let me clarify that one crucial aspect of weapons in the game is the Reload Speed. As you may have guessed, it governs the rate at which you swap out your active weapon’s ammo magazine. A higher value means a quicker reload. One useful item to boost this speed is the Tactical SR Mag, which can be found in the game ‘Once Human’.

This stat varies greatly between weapon types. Stacking reload speed may not always be beneficial, as the difference between reload times isn’t always noticeable.

How To Check Detailed Weapon Stats

All Weapon Stats Explained In Once Human
  1. Go to the Gear screen
  2. Modify any weapon
  3. Go to the Accessory tab
  4. Select any accessory
  5. Press I or L3

Once Human – Mobility

All Weapon Stats Explained In Once Human

As a gamer, I find that mobility is all about how swiftly I can navigate my character when I’m taking aim or blazing away from the hip. The more agile my character, the quicker they’ll move. It seems that lighter weapons such as pistols and SMGs offer superior mobility, while heavier guns like sniper rifles and LMGs tend to be less mobile.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that this stat is primarily geared towards Player versus Player (PVP) combat. While the AI opponents in this game are typically evasive and easy to dodge, when squaring off against fellow players, that extra boost of speed becomes indispensable. It’s all about outmaneuvering your rivals and throwing them off their aim, making those critical moments where a split-second decision can turn the tide of battle truly exhilarating.

Once Human – Range

All Weapon Stats Explained In Once Human

In simpler terms, the Range stat denotes the maximum distance at which you can strike an enemy while causing maximum damage. Beyond a certain range limit, the potency of your attacks will gradually decrease. Regardless of how powerful weapons you possess in the game “Once Human”, they all experience a decline in effectiveness due to this range limitation, so you might need to boost your Range stat or simply move closer to your target instead.

Additional ranges provided by attachments are quite minimal, so it’s generally advisable to use your weapon based on its original effective range.

Status-inflicting weapon impacts such as Burn and Power Surge won’t be influenced by your range stat. The burn damage and surge effect will always inflict the maximum harm irrespective of the distance between you and the target. Conversely, effects like Bounce, Shrapnel, and Unstable Bomber will consider damage reduction due to distance.

    Once Human – Accuracy

    All Weapon Stats Explained In Once Human

    The level of accuracy in a weapon indicates how closely the bullet impact points align with your weapon’s crosshair. Weapons that have high accuracy will typically strike where you aim, while those with low accuracy may scatter bullets across your reticle. It’s worth noting that this statistic can differ among weapon types; for example, a HAMR sniper rifle with an Accuracy rating of 50 will consistently be more precise than an MG4 with the same Accuracy rating.

    In first-person view, bullet dispersion is minimal as you focus through the sights, whereas it’s most dispersed when shooting without aiming, often referred to as “firing from the hip”. The illustration demonstrates the spread of bullets from a KAM Pioneer weapon, one in third-person perspective (on the left) and another in first-person perspective (on the right).

    Once Human – Stability

    All Weapon Stats Explained In Once Human

    Stability refers to how badly your gun’s muzzle climbs when shooting. If your gun has low stability, then its recoil will be stronger and more erratic. Normally, you only need to rein this stat in if you’re using automatic weapons — sniper rifles and pistols can typically get away with having low stability as long as players can compensate for their strong, initial kick.

    Stability goes hand-in-hand with Accuracy, and weapons like the SOCR Last Valor in Once Human benefit greatly from stacking this stat. The aforementioned weapon has good Accuracy by default, but it kicks like a mule when in full auto.

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    2024-08-19 14:03