Splitgate 2 Interview: Developer Details New Mechanics, Lore, and Meta

Splitgate 2 Interview: Developer Details New Mechanics, Lore, and Meta

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can’t help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for Splitgate 2. The commitment to listening to the community and adapting the game based on their feedback is refreshing. It reminds me of the good old days when developers truly cared about their players and their experiences.

The eagerly awaited second installment of Splitgate, the shooter game that became a sensation due to its portal-based mechanics, is scheduled for release in 2025. Announced on July 18, this free-to-play, team-based (4v4) game from 1047 Games is designed to continue the success of its predecessor. While the initial game garnered a positive response upon its 2019 release, it was its viral console launch in 2021 that truly catapulted it into the gaming limelight. Known for its unique physics-based gameplay and addictive multiplayer features, Splitgate 2 is set to deliver an exciting sequel with a nostalgic feel.

In the unveiling of Splitgate 2, a variety of fresh elements and playstyles are being introduced, yet 1047 Games is steadfast in maintaining the authentic shooter ambiance throughout the sequel. Not too long ago, Game Rant had an enlightening conversation with Ian Proulx, creative director of Splitgate and head of 1047, who provided insights into the game’s development process, elaborating on how they’re expanding upon the original game’s foundation, as well as discussing forthcoming features. (This dialogue has been condensed for conciseness and lucidity.)

Splitgate 2’s Aspirations and Development JourneySplitgate 2 Interview: Developer Details New Mechanics, Lore, and Meta

Q: Which new mechanic, or feature, in the sequel is your favorite?

Me: I absolutely love the crouch slide feature! Whenever I jump back into the original Splitgate, it’s noticeably missing and leaves a void in my gaming experience. My team and I have taken the time to study and perfect the crouch slide from games like Apex Legends, and we can definitely tell the difference when we use it in our gameplay.

A: In the process of making your ideal game using our well-equipped studio and a robust team, have there been any particularly memorable successes or setbacks along the way during the development phase?

A significant turning point came from my involvement in weekly game tests at the studio. While the design team carries out these tests every day, not everyone else does. Following each playtest, we filled out surveys asking questions such as “Was it enjoyable?” or “Did you wish to continue playing?” Our primary objective was to produce a game that clearly exceeded the initial one. Initially, without animations or sound, it was challenging to measure our advancement. Last November, there was a crucial milestone when the team consensus was, “Yes, we’ve surpassed the original Splitgate. This is the one.”

A: At the meeting earlier today, you noted that the team talked about deciding which parts to keep and improve in Splitgate 2. Did they also establish any rules for elements to steer clear of, apart from the EMP grenades?

As a fan, I’d say: Well, to be honest, it wasn’t about any specific feature for us. Our ultimate goal was to make every button press an enjoyable experience. For instance, when a gamer reloads, they might get a thrill from seeing a nifty spin or a pleasing visual as they load the magazine. However, we discovered that EMP grenades weren’t quite fun. Throwing a grenade at a wall and having the enemy open a new portal seconds later just didn’t seem like a good investment of the player’s time.

Splitgate 2 Set to Expand the Lore Behind Its Characters

Splitgate 2 Interview: Developer Details New Mechanics, Lore, and Meta

A: What strategy is 1047 Games using to incorporate storyline in the upcoming sequel, and will this narrative be expanded across different platforms such as animations, comic books, or short stories within the game itself?

At the moment, we’re not developing short stories within the game itself, but we are providing cinematic trailers along with comics. These can be accessed through the Splitgate 2 Companion app, a free download for both iOS and Android devices. The app also offers trivia quizzes and collectible cards that offer in-game rewards for Splitgate 2. We anticipate releasing new comic issues, quizzes, and cards frequently.

Should the narrative captivate our audience strongly, we’re eager to invest additional efforts in its growth. Conversely, if we discover that our audience prefers action-packed gameplay involving combat, we’ll scale things down. In any case, development will remain ongoing.

A: Is there any information available regarding the game’s lore that you can disclose currently, or should we expect more details as the game’s launch approaches?

Translated: I don’t want to reveal too much right now because it might give away some spoilers. However, let me tell you that in many video games, characters often die and then come back to life without a clear reason for this happening. This idea will be further developed in a future movie, but unfortunately, I can’t share any specific details with you at the moment.

Splitgate 2 Aims to Enhance, Not Replace, the Original

Splitgate 2 Interview: Developer Details New Mechanics, Lore, and Meta

A: What do you anticipate about the evolution of the meta during Season 1? Are there any compositions or factions that seem significantly stronger compared to others in your view?

I hope no one group will have too much power, but there’s a chance that might occur. Having a good strategy will be essential, as players can’t change their Factions at the end of each round. However, you can modify your equipment after each demise; the choice between Aeros, Meridian, or Sabrask as your Faction remains unchanged until the next round.

In other words, you could plan your moves considering the last match, for instance, thinking, “The opposing team used Sabrask extensively in the last round. What if we all opt for Aeros this time around?” It’s also recommended by professional players that a diverse team composition is optimal, meaning having at least one representative from each Faction.

Q: Will the Ranked system going into Splitgate 2 be undergoing any changes or reworks?

So far, we haven’t delved deeply into Ranked, but we plan to make incremental improvements. We aim to preserve the aspects of the game that are effective.

Question: Since Splitgate 2 is a free-to-play sequel, what measures have been implemented to tackle potential problems related to the model?

We developed a specialized anti-cheat software called EQU8 specifically for our game. Cheating is an issue we take extremely seriously and we’ve made significant efforts to combat it while maintaining the performance of the game. However, it’s important to acknowledge that cheating might still occur in the game due to its inherent nature. Yet, we are dedicated to making our game as fair as we can.

A: How do we keep the exciting Arena features that fans loved from the original Splitgate, all while adding a new, innovative twist to the gameplay experience?

Proulx stated that our game is more focused on guns and mechanics than player abilities, making it similar to Valorant rather than Overwatch. Despite its high-intensity strategic nature, the abilities in our game won’t be too complex. Our aim was to improve upon the original Splitgate, not revolutionize it. So, for those who are hesitant, I encourage you to give it a try and let the game show its merits!


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2024-08-23 14:24