Crime Scene Cleaner: All Secrets & Cassette Tapes in Short Circuit

Crime Scene Cleaner: All Secrets & Cassette Tapes in Short Circuit

As an avid gamer with over two decades of gaming experience under my belt, I must say that Crime Scene Cleaner‘s Short Circuit mission is a chilling yet captivating adventure. The Haunted House, filled with eerie sounds and mysterious paw prints, had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish.

In the ‘Crime Scene Cleaner’ mission titled ‘Short Circuit’, your journey leads to a chilling Haunted House that has been the unfortunate site of a gruesome family massacre. As you progress, eerie noises and strange paw prints create an unsettling atmosphere. Fear not, as you will soon discover the explanation for these eerie occurrences.

In the spooky mansion featured in the game “Crime Scene Cleaner,” there are hidden mysteries waiting to be discovered as you strive for a top rating. However, if you prefer not to spend too much time on this hunt, we’ve conveniently gathered all the secrets and Cassette tapes for the game “Short Circuit” for your convenience.

All Secrets & Cassette Tapes in Crime Scene Cleaner Short Circuit

Crime Scene Cleaner: All Secrets & Cassette Tapes in Short Circuit

In the ‘Crime Scene Cleaner’ game, there are hidden items – two secrets and two cassette tapes, which you can discover during the ‘Short Circuit’ mission. Here’s a guide on how to locate them:

Cassette Tape #1

Crime Scene Cleaner: All Secrets & Cassette Tapes in Short Circuit

During this expedition, locating the initial tape cassette shouldn’t pose much trouble. Upon reaching the designated spot, ascend the stairs, then veer left. After that, pass through the second door on your right side, and you’ll notice a shelf positioned against the left wall. Approach it and retrieve the Cassette Tape.

Cassette Tape #2

Crime Scene Cleaner: All Secrets & Cassette Tapes in Short Circuit

Being a seasoned adventurer of eerie locales, I recall mentioning that this place gave me the heebie-jeebies earlier. Now that I’ve got the first cassette in hand, it’s time to explore every nook and cranny of this house. So, let’s start by checking out each room, one by one. And don’t forget to head back downstairs and give those two doors a good look-see, even though they seem to be locked at the moment in this game we’re playing.

Once you’ve inspected all the rooms, return to the shelf where you initially discovered the first Cassette Tape. You’ll find another one there in the exact same location.

When you examine all the doors, the type of music playing in the room shifts, signaling that a new cassette tape has been activated or produced.

Secret #1

To uncover the initial secret for Short Circuit, locate a lopsided wall sconce as you exit the room containing the Cassette Tapes. Approach it and interact with this oddity to reveal a concealed room close to the boxes along the hallway’s end. Then, move towards the Painting in that room to expose the first secret.

Secret #2

The last secret of the game is in the Living Room, which you need to unlock with the Living Room Key. You’ll find the key in the room at the end of the hallway with the crooked wall sconce. Simply walk in and pick up the key placed on the table.

Please make your way down the stairs, then locate the Living Room. Once there, you’ll find an open refrigerator on your right. Circumvent the refrigerator to discover a small door hidden nearby. Enter the room through that door and uncover the second hidden secret inside.

In the Harry Potter series, the room you’re referring to is actually the tiny space hidden behind the cloakroom closet. As an homage to the popular books, you might discover a book titled “Harry Potter and the Cauldron of Clay” tucked away in this cozy hideaway.

After gathering all the secrets and cassette tapes, it’s just a matter of tidying up the joint now. Be sure to scrutinize every nook and cranny, even looking up at the ceilings if you aim for that top-tier score in Crime Scene Cleaner.

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2024-08-23 16:03