How To Play 1-Off In Concord

How To Play 1-Off In Concord

As a seasoned Concord player with countless hours under my belt, I must say that 1-Off is a unique character who requires a different approach compared to the agile, acrobatic heroes we’re accustomed to. His lack of double or triple jumps forces him to take the long way, but this just adds to his charm and character design.

Firewalk Studio’s latest title, Concord, is another combat-shooter destined for the PS5 and PC, fueling excitement among fans as it hails from Sony PlayStation. Despite Concord’s Beta not performing exceptionally well in terms of numbers, its visual appeal, gameplay mechanics, and narrative have demonstrated impressive potential. A crucial factor that should not be overlooked is the extensive roster of characters, boasting a total of 16 unique personalities. Unlike traditional FPS classifications such as DPS, support, and tanks, Concord offers a unique classification system for its heroes.

Hey there fellow gamers! I’m super excited to introduce you to a fresh new hero I’ve been playing in Concord – 1-Off from the Anchor class. Unlike your typical tank, 1-Off doesn’t just soak up damage with a massive health pool. Instead, he offers unique utility mechanics that can significantly boost our defense. However, if you don’t utilize his abilities wisely, you could find yourself in hot water!

All 1-Off’s Weapons and Abilities in Concord, Explained

Firewalk’s latest 5v5 shooter boasts a respectable variety of characters. Despite some comparisons being drawn between Concord, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Overwatch causing a stir, it’s clear that the character designs cater to a wide range of fans. For instance, 1-Off might not be the sturdiest tank in existence, but he compensates for his lower health and mobility with his unique abilities.

Class: Anchor

Anchor is 1-Off’s class in Concord and the Crew Bonus offered here is increased healing.

Primary Weapon: CC-1090 Industrial Vacuum

The Concord Anchor class robot employs a vacuum system for several purposes. It collects scattered materials on the map to replenish its active abilities, such as Air Barrier and Trash Bomb. However, its primary function is defensive: it absorbs enemy bullets and projectiles during combat, making this ability crucial in any PvP fight involving Concord.

Secondary Weapon: Pressure Blaster

1- I switch my vacuum’s mode to blast my gaming rivals with powerful compressed air instead of cleaning. This thing packs a punch, holding up to 300 rounds compared to my primary weapon’s mere 60. At close quarters, it dishes out some serious damage, but the power drops off dramatically beyond around 30 meters, making it almost useless at longer ranges.

Passive Ability: Scrap Detector

1-Off’s CC-1090 Industrial Vacuum clearly marks the objects on the map that it can vacuum up. This is important because these materials are essential for powering up the rest of his equipment. The highlighted items stand out sharply against the non-usable elements, but if you find it difficult to distinguish, Concord provides various accessibility features to enhance your gaming experience. You can explore these options to make the game more suitable for you.

Passive Ability: Tough as Nails

1-Off benefits from a passive trait that reduces the amount of damage he receives within Concord, making it beneficial for him as his mobility isn’t great and he starts with just 300 HP.

Active Ability: Air Barrier

1 – As a gamer, I’ve got a cool gadget at my disposal: an air barrier or projector. This baby can stick to any wall, and the vortex it emits deflects incoming fire. Right now, I’ve got three uses left before it needs a recharge.

Active Ability: Trash Bomb

1. The robot tosses a trash bin that skips along the ground, expanding to inflict area-of-effect damage. It also delivers a powerful knockback, making it handy for disrupting enemies’ shooting or even knocking them off platforms completely. In the game Concord, version 1-Off features the Trash Dispenser Combat Trait and has five usable charges.

Combat Trait: Trash Dispenser

In the game Concord, the Trash Dispenser is the initial combat skill you can purchase one instance of. This skill boosts the quantity of Trash Bombs you have at your disposal and enhances their destructive power as well.

In the future, as character variants are unlocked via in-game challenges, you’ll have the opportunity to utilize additional Combat Traits and costumes. While specifics aren’t yet disclosed, Firewalk Studios has hinted at plans for Seasons 1 and 2 of Concord.

1-Off’s Movement Mechanics in Concord

How To Play 1-Off In Concord

Here are 1-Off’s movement abilities in Concord:

  • Sprint
  • Single jump

To get the most out of this robot, it’s crucial to keep in mind that he moves at a snail’s pace, even while sprinting. Consequently, if you’re someone who enjoys fast-paced, aggressive playstyles, quick movements, and skills reliant on reflexes, this robot may not be your best choice. If, however, you’re looking for a character with more supportive gameplay mechanics, then you might want to consider a character from the Haunt class in Concord, such as Roka. This robot is ideal for players who primarily focus on support but can also go on the offensive when necessary.

In selecting 1-Off, one crucial aspect to consider is that he lacks the ability to double or even triple jump, unlike Concord’s Roka. This limitation, due to his bulky robot structure, restricts his movement and compels him to traverse longer paths in specific map areas.

In the game Concord, to choose the character 1-Off effectively, it’s advisable to prioritize tanking and avoid using movement mechanics as your primary focus due to a lack of dodging animations. This strategy is particularly important in this role.

Gameplay Tips for 1-Off in Concord

How To Play 1-Off In Concord

Focus on Sucking in Projectiles and Tanking Damage

In my gaming experience, I’ve noticed that Concord has been under development for quite some time. This is evident in the character classes, which deviate a bit from the norm in typical First-Person Shooter (FPS) games. To maximize the effectiveness of the Anchor class’ 1-Off in Concord, it’s best to stay with your team and take the lead during the charge. At the start of each round, utilize the Industrial Vacuum and Air Barriers to neutralize the enemy’s initial attack, providing a favorable opening for my teammates to counterattack. The Trash Bombs can also prove incredibly useful in clearing the opposing infantry line.

1-Off offers enhanced healing and a vacuum ability, so squishy teammates should try to hide behind him whenever it’s safe. During battles, when opponents are nearly defeated and close by, swiftly finish them off using the Pressure Blaster. However, be mindful that switching between primary and secondary weapons might take a bit longer than you’re accustomed to with other characters. Therefore, mastering the timing is crucial, especially when dealing with multiple enemies simultaneously.

Keep Taking Up Material To Refuel Abilities

As a seasoned player with years of gaming under my belt, I can confidently say that using the primary weapon to vacuum up materials and deployables wherever possible is an essential strategy for success. This tactic ensures a steady supply of Air Barriers and Trash Bombs during battles, which are crucial for survival and offense.

In general, playing as 1-Off in Concord might make you want to act quickly, potentially causing harm. However, keep in mind that the Industrial Vacuum is more effective when used collaboratively and for survival, making it a superior choice. Given that the hero moves slowly and neutralizes projectiles, be cautious around swift melee characters in Concord.

Don’t Rush in for Solo Play

1-One character might boast a power output of 300 HP and reduced damage taken by the crew, but he may not last long in a firefight against dispersed enemies. His abilities are primarily focused on receiving healing and thwarting enemy attacks, though he’s most effective with backup. Enemies might even target him first due to his ability to absorb damage. Therefore, it’s crucial to stay vigilant for long-range threats such as Vale or stealthy DPS characters, as they could pose a significant risk.

Keep using your main weapon and deployables for as long as they prove effective, and switch to the Pressure Blaster only when a good chance arises. Given that you’re still learning the lay of the land in Concord, it’s wise to keep the Industrial Vacuum handy, particularly when navigating tight corners and approaching combat zones.

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2024-08-24 11:04