Best Crew Bonus Setup

Best Crew Bonus Setup

As a seasoned gamer who’s been through the trenches of countless multiplayer battles, I must say that Concord has truly caught my eye with its innovative Crew Builder mechanic. This feature takes character selection to a whole new level, turning it into a strategic puzzle that adds depth and replayability to the game.

In Concord, there’s an exciting feature that encourages cycling through various characters, making it a delightful decision. Typically, players choose one character to play with and jump into the game, but in Concord, you can assemble a team of Freegunners to act as your character pool.

The process requires you to choose various versions of the game’s characters sequentially until you have a team of 12 characters. After selecting a game, you can pick one character from this group for each death, and each selection will grant a Crew Bonus that gets added to your total.

How To Use Crew Builder In Concord

Best Crew Bonus Setup

As a passionate gamer, I navigate through the game’s main menu to find the “Freegunners” option. Once I reach level 6, I unlock the exciting feature called “Crew Builder”. This magical tool allows me to choose from a list of crew setups, create my very own custom crew, or even delete an existing one if I so wish. The beauty of this feature lies in its flexibility – I can arrange my crew in any order that suits me best. There will be clear instructions provided on how to empty the last slot, move a character into a specific position, and get detailed information about each character.

The crew they mark as their active lineup will be the character-selected roster they have access to while playing matches, so players can make different lineups for different game modes. This is perfect when players enjoy swapping between many different characters in a single match. When a player uses a character in a match, that character will activate a Crew Bonus. This bonus will linger for any characters they change to mid-match. They can get a buff from each of the 6 classes. Concord has been in development for a very long time, so a lot of thought has gone into such an elaborate mechanic.

In this setup, players can choose from various Character Variants they’ve unlocked within the game. Notably, it’s possible for a player to have several versions of the same character on their team list.

All Crew Bonuses In Concord

Best Crew Bonus Setup

Every character within the game contributes a distinct Crew Benefit according to their role, with a total of six roles available. Each role brings its unique playstyle and associated Crew Bonus to the table. These roles are known as Anchor, Breacher, Ghost, Marksman, Strategist, and Guardian.


These characters are large, imposing, and resemble tank classes within the game. Yet, they move much slower than other characters. On the plus side, using one of these characters initially can lead to enhanced healing for your subsequent choices. The characters in this group include 1-0ff and Emari.


1. Breachers are suitable for players who prefer a quick and aggressive playstyle in combat. At the moment, there are two Breacher units in the game: Star-Child and DaVeers. Star-Child boasts an accelerated charge attack with enhanced defense, followed by a powerful smash. On the other hand, DaVeers can scatter flammable goo across the map, which he can later ignite. Using either unit initially will cause all other characters to have a reduced dodge cooldown time.


A Haunt team specializes in swift movement across the map and employs unusual tactics in combat. Bazz delivers heavy melee damage, Roka utilizes aerial rockets, while It-Z can teleport and interrupt enemy abilities. Utilizing any of these characters will boost your mobility throughout the game.


Ranger characters are versatile and adaptable, capable of handling a variety of situations. They typically carry automatic weapons and possess abilities to deal damage from a distance. What makes each of them unique is Teo’s smoke grenade, Jabali’s healing orb, and Dutchess’ protective barrier. Use any of them for better weapon recoil control.


Strategy-minded players often scatter the map with usable items. Some of these items will support teammates, some will disadvantage opponents, and others will do both simultaneously. Daw sets up numerous healing stations, Kyps can sense approaching enemies, and Lark can create a trail of spores to expedite teammates’ progress. Choose them as your initial selection to boost the reload speed of subsequent characters.


Here are some top-tier choices for characters in this game who can engage enemies effectively while maintaining a safe distance due to their abilities like hovering, raining fire, rapid-fire weapons, and sniping. Haymar, for instance, hovers above the battlefield, unleashing a rain of flames on adversaries below. Lennox is another character who doesn’t require reloading while continuously firing off his weapons. Lastly, Vale excels as the game’s dedicated sniper, offering an extended weapon range. Employing any of these three characters in your team will enhance the overall reach of your other characters too.

Best Crew Setup In Concord

Best Crew Bonus Setup

It comes down to what character a player is going to be using for the majority of the match. The best setup is to decide on what character you are going to be using and what role they will be playing — then work your way backward from there. Not all characters need all the Crew Bonuses, and trying to get all of them on a single character can end up with a 29-30 result in the enemy team’s favor from too long a setup.

As a dedicated fan, if you’re into Lennox Variant I, choosing a Breacher as your initial pick will speed up his dodge cooldown, making it easier to utilize his Combat Trait. On the other hand, an Anchor picked first will benefit from increased healing. Each character has its unique setup that players should explore. For those who love trophy collecting, aim to level up all characters to level 10.

However, some buffs can be more valuable than others. The Improved Mobility from a Haunt means players will be able to get to zones much faster, and an entire team is made slightly faster puts rushing the zone in their favor. However, Faster Reload Speed can decide who wins a 1v1 exchange between two players. Whenever players need to reach a specific area, always start with a Haunt.


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2024-08-24 15:03