Star Wars Outlaws Screenshots Show Off Amazing Locales [EXCLUSIVE]

Star Wars Outlaws Screenshots Show Off Amazing Locales [EXCLUSIVE]

As a lifelong Star Wars fan with more hours logged in space than Han Solo himself, I can confidently say that Star Wars Outlaws has me hooked from the get-go. With its rich world-building and open-world exploration, it’s like George Lucas himself handed over the keys to my very own Millennium Falcon.

As a dedicated Star Wars fan, I can confidently say that Star Wars Outlaws feels much like other Star Wars media in its vast and intricate world-building under the iconic IP. Ubisoft and Massive have skillfully centered the story around the relationship between Kay Vess and Nix to give it a heartfelt focus, but it’s clear that the game should delve deeper into the unexplored corners of the galaxy. After all, as the first open-world Star Wars game, Outlaws presents an unprecedented opportunity to traverse and uncover the vastness of the galaxy we love so much.

In Star Wars Outlaws, there’s a good amount of screenshots and gameplay clips that give us a clear idea of what to anticipate in its open world. For instance, we can see how players can navigate through it using Kay’s speeder or Trailblazer. Each planet or station also appears distinctively diverse, mirroring the varied crime syndicates players might encounter on them. Before Star Wars Outlaws launches on August 30, Massive and Ubisoft shared three exclusive screenshots with Game Rant, which all evoke a grim and tense atmosphere that fits the Galactic Empire’s reign during the time period between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

Star Wars Outlaws’ Exclusive Screenshots Invite Players to a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Star Wars Outlaws’ Achra Station is Brimming with Atmosphere

The initial snapshot showcases Achra Station, a satellite orbiting planet Akiva. While this image doesn’t necessarily suggest anything ominous or unsavory, the gloomy passageway and a few non-player characters create an atmosphere of mystery and intrigue. Overhearing potentially secretive activities or engaging in intriguing discussions between Kay and Nix as they walk by could be possibilities here.

This screenshot is probably a fairly decent insight into what much of any exploration will look like when players are in dense stations or cities, which is exciting with Kay’s unique perspective as someone who belongs naturally to a planet’s underbelly society that may be overlooked by the Galactic Empire and is seen as insignificant as a whole. As art & world director Benedikt Podlesnigg remarks, players are urged to “eavesdrop on conversations… look at the world, listen to Nix… there is always something to find. The things you find are always something rewarding; it could be items needed to upgrade your abilities or a fancy new paint job for your speeder or starship but also new quests or unexpected situations.​​​”

Star Wars Outlaws’ Asteroid Fields Ensure Danger at Any Point in Space

An asteroid field in an unknown stretch of outer space is revealed in a second screenshot with Kay’s ship, the Trailblazer, hurling itself toward hunks of scattered rock directly. It’s unclear whether Kay is fleeing someone unseen out of frame or propelling herself willingly into the debris field whilst believing she can navigate it safely, but the screenshot is an impactful reminder that players will not only take to space to reach different planets but also navigate those star-crossed distances with a plethora of dogfights and environmental hazards to worry about.

Star Wars Outlaws’ Imperial Checkpoints Enforce Its ‘Wanted’ System

Contrasting sharply with the image of Achra Station, the last screenshot unveils an Imperial outpost on Tatooine, where the Empire’s dominance is undeniable, symbolized by the firm imprint of their boots. Kay, a rogue and thief, approaches this checkpoint cautiously, her hands tucked inside her jacket, evidently trying to slip past a group of stormtroopers unnoticed. With the Empire aware of her shady dealings, any business she may have on Tatooine would undoubtedly be hidden from them, making the security checkpoint potentially her greatest fear or an exciting opportunity for players, if they can pull off a dramatic, slow-motion shootout using dead-eye precision to take down all three stormtroopers.

The various scenarios of “Star Wars Outlaws” keep players captivated, and these snapshots showcase a vast array of environments, settings, and ambiances that gamers will venture into on the 30th of August.

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2024-08-24 15:14