Final Fantasy: Games With The Best Monster Designs, Ranked

Final Fantasy: Games With The Best Monster Designs, Ranked

Key Takeaways

  • Final Fantasy games are known for fun combat and memorable characters, making them worth checking out for any fan of the franchise.
  • Iconic monsters are a key part of the series, providing a nostalgic and endearing experience for players in battle.
  • Each game showcases unique and impactful monster designs that enhance gameplay and offer a range of challenges for players to overcome.

The Final Fantasy games are some of the best JRPGs players can get their hands on. This legendary series has wowed fans with its focus on fun combat mechanics, epic stories, and a wealth of memorable characters. Many games boast high levels of quality and are worth checking out for anyone who’s interested in what this franchise has to offer.

A huge part of what makes each Final Fantasy game a joy to play through are the monsters that players battle in their journey. These iconic monsters have made a name for themselves by featuring in the vast majority of Final Fantasy games, with this familiarity making it oddly endearing to encounter these monsters in battle. The best games in the series are known for featuring iconic monster designs that will elicit a ton of feelings in players as they power through these amazing adventures.

5 Final Fantasy 6

The Best Monster Designs From The Franchise’s 2D Era

Final Fantasy 6 is of the greatest games in the series, and players can’t get enough of it to this day. The shift to a futuristic fantasy setting was a breath of fresh air for a series that had pushed its medieval fantasy roots to their limit. The dark and gritty aesthetic of Final Fantasy 6 helped its story stand out even more, and the monster designs felt more impactful as a result.

The linework is astounding, giving each sprite a foreboding presence that stretches to the easier enemies as well. Players can gauge the threat of each enemy based on their design. They will either feel a sense of relief at encountering an easy enemy, or find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place when a particularly tough enemy comes their way. The monsters of Final Fantasy 6 are arguably the best that the 2D era of this genre could afford players. It was the perfect time for these monster designs to peak before the franchise shifted to 3D.

4 Final Fantasy 12

Hunting Down Stylized Monsters Makes For A Great Time

It speaks to the pride that Final Fantasy 12 takes in its monster designs that a major part of the gameplay loop is engaging in monster hunts. These let players encounter a wide variety of enemies who are designed immaculately. The monster variety in Final Fantasy 12 is impressive to this day. The designs help convey their dangerous nature and how players must customize their Gambits to employ effective strategies against their enemies.

The epic adventure of Final Fantasy 12 feels unique whenever players explore other zones and encounter a wealth of memorable monsters, which have become a staple of the series. Despite its departure from most of the series’ conventional trappings, a few combat encounters are all it takes for players to marvel at the amazing enemy designs of Final Fantasy 12. Players will want to check out as many unique monsters as possible by taking on numerous hunts and the like.

3 Final Fantasy 10

Enemies Never Looked More Awe-Inspiring

Still today, I can’t help but rave about Final Fantasy X. This masterpiece marked the franchise’s debut on the PS2 and was an instant hit, thanks to its innovative isekai plotline, unforgettable characters, and a refreshed spin on the classic turn-based battle system we all cherish. But let’s be real, what truly sets this game apart is the stunning monster designs – they bring a fresh twist to traditional Final Fantasy creatures that simply takes my breath away!

Every monster in the series oozes personality and is memorable from the moment players encounter these foes. It’s easy to progress through the Sphere Grid and make quick work of these enemies, but the game has the ability to throw a curveball and force players into a tough-as-nails encounter against a difficult monster that looks the part. Square’s pride in these designs can be seen with the inclusion of a Monster Arena that lets players encounter numerous tough foes.

2 Final Fantasy 8

Improved Graphics Helped Monster Designs Stand Out

The graphical upgrade of Final Fantasy 8 over its predecessor blew the minds of many fans back in the day. Animations were enhanced extensively, with enemies displaying unique idle states, as well as conveying the damage they’re suffering. The game also featured a death animation for the first time in the Final Fantasy series. All of this leads to a combat system that is bursting with personality.

In Final Fantasy 8, some players might find the gameplay mechanics a bit too innovative, bordering on complex, but the captivating monster designs consistently keep combat intriguing. The fact that even a common Tyrannosaurus rex can appear as one of the most fearsome adversaries in the game underscores the exceptional monster design in Final Fantasy 8, which largely compensated for many of the game’s challenges.

1 Final Fantasy 15

Amazing Enemy Variety & Quality Monster Design

There’s no denying that the developmental problems of Final Fantasy 15 hampered the quality of the end product. Players had to see an anime and a movie to get the full gist of the title’s epic narrative. This, coupled with a combat system that is often too easy, should have led to the game being derided by the masses. However, it only takes a few hours to see that Final Fantasy 15 is a labor of love that has a lot of things going for it. Listing all of them may be a bit too much, but one thing that this game must be lauded for is its variety of enemies.

In the game Final Fantasy 15, players will find an incredible variety of adversaries, each one hiding in a distinct corner of the world and offering a thrilling battle experience. Each enemy is meticulously crafted to showcase its danger through a special set of moves, making encounters with classic Final Fantasy foes even more captivating. Although most enemies are not particularly challenging, their intricate designs make them a delight to encounter and inspire players to complete the bestiary, appreciating the effort poured into every finely detailed 3D model.

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2024-08-26 02:34