How To Beat Red Loong in Black Myth Wukong

How To Beat Red Loong in Black Myth Wukong

As someone who’s battled my fair share of beasts in the mystical realm of Jin, I can wholeheartedly attest to the challenge that Red Loong presents. This lightning-wielding menace will test even the most seasoned adventurers!

In the captivating game titled Black Myth Wukong, it delights in concealing small mysteries for the player to uncover. As you journey through the thrilling episodes, you’ll encounter hidden items, secret passageways, and exclusive side-stories that will ultimately lead to boss fights. These encounters may elude less experienced Wukong gamers as they are skillfully camouflaged.

In the game, Red Loong, a swift lightning dragon encountered early on in the story, hidden not far from where your journey commences, presents an adversary reminiscent of Kang-Jin-Loong. This formidable foe offers substantial rewards if conquered. However, locating them is essential before you can defeat them.

As a fellow enthusiast, I’m here to assist you in what might seem like an arduous task: conquering the toughest foe on your first-chapter roster. Let’s tackle this challenge together!

How To Get The Loong Scales

How To Beat Red Loong in Black Myth Wukong

To access Red Loong’s Secret area in Chapter One, you’ll need to acquire a key item to reveal the secret path to their domain. This key item is the Loong Scales, which can be acquired about halfway through Chapter Two.

In order to reach this location, you must first defeat the King of the Flowing Sands in battle. Once you’ve conquered him, venture into the Valley of Despair where you’ll encounter the First Prince of the Flowing Sands.

As I step forward into the heat of battle, remember to check out the intricate stone wall adorning the entrance. It’s not just for show – this wall can be broken through, offering a hidden pathway to an exciting secret location!

How To Beat Red Loong in Black Myth Wukong

There are two ways to access this area. These are as follows:

  • If you haven’t beaten the First Prince of Flowing Sands yet, during the fight, you can bait them to attack the wall, revealing the path through to the secret area.
  • If you have already beaten them, don’t panic, as you can use the Wandering Wight Spirit to headbutt the wall and reveal the path.

In the game’s initial chapter, you can obtain the Wandering Wight spirit by successfully overcoming a minor boss that is situated close to the Forest Shrine’s exterior.

Once you uncover the way, proceed through the fissure, and you’ll stumble upon a chamber containing a chest that encloses the Loong Scales.

Where Is Red Loong In Black Myth Wukong?

How To Beat Red Loong in Black Myth Wukong

Once you master the use of Loong Scales, make your way back to the Outer Forest Shrine by fast-traveling. After defeating the duo of common opponents, continue moving left. Listen for the sound of cascading water which will lead you to a location with a waterfall.

Should you possess the required tools, you would be able to inspect this waterfall and potentially halt its flow, thereby uncovering a route towards Red Loong.

How To Prepare For Red Loong

How To Beat Red Loong in Black Myth Wukong

Since you don’t necessarily need to have defeated both Vanguards in chapter two to engage in this battle, it implies that you can start this fight relatively early in the game, if you so desire. Nevertheless, there are certain items or abilities that I would strongly advise players to have before they embark on this battle.

1st, let me propose that gamers can acquire protective gear and armor resistant to lightning. This implies they’ll have to finish a side mission where they learn to make a healing potion, which will enable them to create Shock-Dampening Powder. Additionally, I recommend players craft Galeguard Armor for extra protection against shock.

1. For optimal performance during this level, I recommend players ensure they’re well-equipped first. This implies having a solid Spirit, a potent ship, useful Curios, and a robust weapon such as the Wind Bear Staff at this point in the game.

In conclusion, don’t forget to enhance your Gourd at the very least, and stock up on some useful Drinks and Soaks to boost your chances of survival in this challenging battle.

How To Defeat Red Loong

How To Beat Red Loong in Black Myth Wukong

The boss Red Loong primarily uses potent lightning strikes and forceful explosions to thwart players, yet these tactics can mostly be countered by delivering powerful, sustained hits that cause Red Loong to stumble, allowing for more time to attack effectively.

At the onset of the battle, Red Loong will initiate with a swift tail sweep, a move that can be dodged effectively by timing your evasion correctly. In this scenario, I’d advise you to cast the Immobilization Spell followed immediately by the Wandering Wight Headbutt attack for an early disruption of its movements.

How To Beat Red Loong in Black Myth Wukong

If you continue your aggressive attacks while they’re down, the boss will likely stay there for over ten seconds. So, when you manage to stagger them, keep pressing the offensive and don’t ease up until they stand up again.

Keep in mind, once they rise, they’re capable of launching a swift and powerful energy blast that inflicts massive harm. Therefore, it would be wise to maintain a safe distance from them after they’ve settled down to prevent being caught by their devastating shockwave.

How To Beat Red Loong in Black Myth Wukong

Although their melee moves are relatively simple, they pack quite a punch. They employ stomps, swipes, and a jumping attack as filler between lightning attacks, so it’s wise to utilize timed dodges to dodge these and resist the urge to overextend during these intervals.

Besides this, not many other details are crucial for winning this battle. The main point is to recognize the signs when Red Loong prepares to unleash its electric burst attack. If you grasp that, there aren’t many other tactics they possess that could pose much of a challenge to you.

Rewards For Defeating Red Loong

How To Beat Red Loong in Black Myth Wukong

If you manage to locate and defeat the elusive Red Loong, you’ll earn the following rewards:

  • 1360x Will
  • 2x Yaoguai Core
  • Mind Core
  • Loong pearl
  • Thunder Tail

As a gamer, I can tell you that the most exciting perk here is unlocking the Thunder Tail, which I can use later on to create the powerful Loongwreathe Staff. Additionally, you’ll earn the Loong Pearl, another piece required for crafting the Loongwreathe Staff.

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2024-08-26 19:09