Concord Is Sorely Missing One Overwatch, Marvel Rivals Game Mode

Concord Is Sorely Missing One Overwatch, Marvel Rivals Game Mode

Key Takeaways

  • Concord offers three main playlists with unique game modes, including Brawl, Overrun, and Rivalry.
  • Embracing a Payload game mode like what is seen in Overwatch 2 and Marvel Rivals could enhance team dynamics, highlighting hero abilities and teamwork.
  • The addition of Payload would encourage players to stick together and showcase support heroes in Concord.

As a seasoned gamer who’s dabbled in everything from arcade shooters to MMOs, I can confidently say that Concord has certainly captured my attention with its unique game modes. However, as much as I appreciate its efforts to stand out, I believe it’s time for the developers to take a leaf from the books of Overwatch and Marvel Rivals.

In line with what one would anticipate from contemporary multiplayer games, the newly released game called Concord comes packed with multiple game modes. Besides Time Trials, the Practice Range, and the game’s instructional content, there are three primary playlists for players to select: Brawl, Overrun, and Rivalry. Each of these playlists features two distinct game modes, with Brawl providing a selection of traditional arena shooter modes, Overrun offering more cooperative activities, and Rivalry ramping up the competition with no-respawn modes.

Concord seems determined to carve out its unique identity amidst games like Overwatch and Marvel Rivals, particularly through its variety of game modes. However, it could potentially benefit from adopting a popular game mode that has been a hallmark of hero shooters since their inception, despite the risk of being seen as similar to its rivals.

Concord Is In Need of Overwatch, Marvel Rivals‘ Payload Game Mode

Overwatch, Marvel Rivals’ Payload Mode Explained

Fundamentally, the “Escort the Payload” gaming style is a development of the classic escort mission concept, dating back nearly two decades. Notably, Team Fortress 2 brought this mode into prominence in its contemporary form since 2008. Generally, a team’s objective is to guide a slow-moving vehicle or object across the map, while another team endeavors to halt their progress. Although it has ventured into other game categories, the Payload gameplay remains a mainstay of hero shooters, featuring as one of the key modes in both Overwatch 2 and Marvel Rivals, alongside standard control point and king of the hill modes.

Why a Payload Mode Needs to Come to Concord

Typically, a hero shooter game shines when the entire team collaborates to achieve a common goal. This collaboration lets players combine their individual powers creatively and carry out their characters’ assigned roles. When everything clicks, playing a hero shooter can provide a sense of fulfillment that’s hard to find in other multiplayer games. Regrettably, this enjoyable experience is not often found in the game called Concord.

In the Overrun playlist of Concord, while there are two team-oriented game modes, these frequently necessitate teams to disperse and focus on distinct control points. Given that Concord is a 5v5 hero shooter, these sub-teams typically consist of two or three members, with full teams rarely collaborating to seize one control point. However, when they do band together, it can be as thrilling as playing Overwatch or Marvel Rivals.

As a devoted fan, I believe introducing a Payload game mode could be a brilliant move for Concord, allowing us to relish more exhilarating team moments. In a Payload match, we’d need to work together from start to finish, learning innovative techniques and strategies to maximize the effectiveness of each Freegunner at crucial times. This mode would also provide an opportunity for support heroes like Emari, Daw, and Jabali in Concord to truly shine, as their abilities, primarily focused on healing teammates, can sometimes feel underutilized in modes that promote solo play.

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2024-08-27 20:36