Why FromSoftware’s Next Linear Game Should Follow Demon’s Souls Lead

Why FromSoftware's Next Linear Game Should Follow Demon's Souls Lead

Key Takeaways

  • FromSoftware excels in linear storytelling with legacy titles like Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls.
  • The open-world concept of Elden Ring, while popular, detracts from a linear gameplay experience and tight narrative.
  • Returning to a sectioned/closed world system like Demon’s Souls’ Archstones would benefit FromSoftware’s next big story.

As a die-hard Soulsbornes fan who’s spent countless hours traversing the twisted realms of FromSoftware, I can confidently say that while Elden Ring was a marvelous open-world adventure, it’s time for our beloved developers to return to their roots and embrace the sectioned/closed world system that made games like Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls so captivating.

FromSoftware is known for creating games with richly detailed worlds filled with intricate lore, challenging combat experiences, and unique non-player characters, which all started in a significant way with the legendary game Demon’s Souls. This groundbreaking title launched the Soulsborne gaming genre – although FromSoftware has many other notable achievements, few have been able to emulate its quality since. With renowned series like Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, and the more recent open-world game, Elden Ring, discussions about what new linear, narrative-driven title FromSoftware might create are buzzing in gaming communities.

Although Elden Ring is highly acclaimed, it’s the smaller-scale titles in FromSoftware’s back catalog that truly define their appeal. The open-world aspect of Elden Ring was a significant innovation for the Soulsborne series, but the game’s success can largely be attributed to its strong storytelling, extensive customization options, and familiar action RPG mechanics. The unique narrative approach that FromSoftware employs in its games is crucial in setting them apart and fostering a growing fanbase. To continue this momentum, the next FromSoftware game might profit from revisiting its roots and emphasizing its linear storytelling aspects more prominently.

FromSoftware Has Mastered Storytelling Through its Soulsborne Titles

Upon the debut of the remake of Demon’s Souls alongside the PS5, fans were thrilled not only by the significant enhancements in gameplay, user-friendly aspects, and graphical clarity of the revamped version, but also by the emotional resonance of nostalgia as this pioneering title, which sparked a revolutionary genre, resurfaced in such an impressive manner. The absence of an open world did not diminish the opportunity to witness a masterful portrayal of dark fantasy, as evident in Demon’s Souls, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls 3.

In contrast, the segmented exploration system used in Demon Souls (and the lamp and bonfire systems in other related games), which organized and separated the game’s explorable maps and areas, helped keep the story progression orderly. Despite Elden Ring’s expansive and stunning design, one of its main difficulties lies in its size, as it can sometimes make following a linear path during exploration less intuitive. Balancing player freedom with ensuring that every area remains engaging regardless of the player’s position within the story is a challenging feat, but one FromSoftware has become skilled at managing.

Mechanics that make FromSoftware’s titles popular include:

  • Brutal and unforgiving but fair dynamic combat system
  • Wide range of character customization and build options
  • Detailed, layered maps and environs that abet the game’s story, atmosphere, and complement pacing
  • Larger than life, memorable boss fights
  • Library of diverse clothing and armaments

A return to a similar sectioned/closed world system, such as with the Archstones, is just what FromSoftware needs to tell its next big story, provided the level of quality found in those aspects that have popularized the Soulsborne genre is sufficiently maintained. The narrative structure of FromSoftware titles, Soulsborne or otherwise, has persisted at a level of excellence through the years, such that confidence in their ability to develop the next sequel and deliver an unforgettable experience, despite the setting, is a given. However, Demon’s Souls would not be Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne would not be Bloodborne if their core progression were diluted in an open-world sandbox.

As the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC brings Elden Ring‘s first significant story arc to a close, gamers are eagerly awaiting what FromSoftware has planned next for their future masterpieces. Regardless of any new tricks, surprises, locations, tools, or systems the dark fantasy creators might unveil, there’s no doubt that their gameplay will continue to shape gaming for years to come, with a level of expertise that is highly respected.

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2024-08-27 21:34