How Gundam 00 Stays Relevant with Current Events

How Gundam 00 Stays Relevant with Current Events

Key Takeaways

  • Gundam 00 stands out in the franchise for its close tie to real-life conflicts, taking place in the same timeline as the real world.
  • Setsuna F Seiei’s traumatic backstory mirrors the unending conflict in the Middle East, seeking salvation through the Gundam.
  • Members of Celestial Being, like Lockon and Allelujah, are victims of war, fighting violence with violence in a flawed attempt to end conflict.

As a seasoned gamer and avid fan of the Gundam series, I can confidently say that Mobile Suit Gundam 00 stands out as one of the most gripping and thought-provoking entries in the franchise. With its uncanny parallels to real-life conflicts, it offers a unique blend of science fiction and sobering social commentary that sets it apart from other titles.

The Mobile Suit Gundam franchise continues to thrive even after 40 years, gaining even greater popularity and international recognition with the recent triumph of a fresh series titled “The Witch From Mercury“.

In contrast to the latest series that have gained attention, some new viewers have delved into older productions, and one of the most-watched among them is “Mobile Suit Gundam 00“. This particular installment hails from the “Alternate Universe ” series within the broader “Gundam ” franchise. What sets it apart is its striking resemblance to real-life events compared to most other Gundam productions. Unlike other Gundam storylines, “Mobile Suit Gundam 00” unfolds in the “Anno Domini” timeline, mirroring our own world’s chronology. This proximity to the conflicts and wars we witness in reality is more evident in this series.

Setsuna F Seiei and the Holy War

Born and Indoctrinated as Soran Ibrahim

As a gamer, let me set the stage: I, Soran Ibrahim, was once a child soldier in the Middle East’s Holy War. The horrors I witnessed led me to question the existence of a loving and protective God. My life took an unexpected turn when a divine-looking mechanical entity, a Gundam, swooped down over the battlefield and saved me. Fast forward, I grow into Setsuna F Seiei, joining the clandestine organization known as Celestial Being, who wield four mighty Gundams, striving to eradicate all warfare on Earth.

We are Celestial Beings…we will eradicate conflict

As a child, Setsuna was brainwashed and made to believe he should eliminate his own parents and wage war in God’s name. This mirrors the perpetual strife in the Middle East. For Setsuna, the Gundam represents redemption. Just as the Gundam rescued him from the horrors of battle, he aims to save others with his Gundam Exia. Traumatized by his past, Setsuna frequently clashes with Ali Al Saachez, the one who initially plunged him into that war-torn reality.

Lockon Stratos and The Irish Conflict

Terrorism and Lost Family

How Gundam 00 Stays Relevant with Current Events

The elder pilot in the Celestial Being team is referred to as Lockon Stratos. Despite his seniority, he maintains a protective, older brother-like demeanor towards his three comrades. Beneath this facade, however, Lockon bears the same emotional scars as they do. His true identity is Neil Dylandy, hailing from Ireland. Tragedy struck Neil’s family when they were targeted by terrorists during a leisurely outing, resulting in the death of his parents and sister. Miraculously, Neil and his twin brother Lyle survived this horrific event. Their paths diverged over time, but their shared hatred for terrorism led Neil to join Celestial Being.

Lockon’s background mirrors the strife experienced in Northern Ireland and global anti-terrorism efforts. Lockom aligns with Celestial Being, driven by a desire to retaliate against terrorists, much like real-life soldiers. In a pivotal instance, he menaces Setsuna upon learning that the terrorists who caused his tragedy were also responsible for her indoctrination. This underscores the recurring pattern of anger and vengeance that afflicts our world. The members of Celestial Being are bound together by their sorrow.

Allelujah and Child Cruelty

Experiments and Abuse in War Times

How Gundam 00 Stays Relevant with Current Events

The character named Allelujah is the youngest and most troubled member of the team. Originally, Allelujah was a test subject in a covert military facility, which later became Russia. For many years, he was held captive with hundreds of other children, all being experimented on to create super soldiers. Miraculously, Allelujah managed to break free from this lab, but the ordeal left deep psychological scars. As a result, he developed dissociative identity disorder, giving rise to the aggressive personality known as Hallelujah.

As a gamer, I find myself deeply immersed in the world of Allelujah, a game that mirrors the grim reality of historical child experimentation and abuse, a chilling reminder of humanity’s darker side. Many of the virtual children within this game have suffered unimaginable cruelty, with most meeting a tragic end. The psychological turmoil that Allelujah experiences echoes real-world mental health struggles, making the game all the more hauntingly realistic.

The individuals who make up Celestial Being have been personally affected by war, and in their role as Gundam pilots, they engage in combat with the intention of preventing others from experiencing similar hardships. However, their approach involves responding to violence with more violence, an aspect that is frequently criticized within the narrative. This mirrors the idea that a “war to end all wars” cannot exist inherently, and it’s relevant to our reality as well. Similarly, the Gundam pilots come to understand that there may not be a straightforward path to achieving peace, a sentiment that rings true in real life situations as well.

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2024-08-28 20:04