The Best Cruisers In Sins Of A Solar Empire 2

The Best Cruisers In Sins Of A Solar Empire 2

As a seasoned space commander with countless battles under my belt, I must say, these ships from Sins of a Solar Empire 2 are nothing short of marvelous! Let me tell you about three standouts that have left an indelible mark on my galactic conquests.

In the sequel to the “Sins of a Solar Empire” strategy game series, they’ve focused on improving accessibility and simplifying the learning process without sacrificing the depth and complexity of the original game. The user interface (UI) and gameplay elements have been polished to make them more intuitive for players to grasp.

Cruisers are valuable fleet units in Sins Of A Solar Empire 2. Don’t make the mistake of thinking they are simply bigger than frigate class ships. They are so much more. Each of them has a unique specialty, such as mobile fleet repair, or delivering long-range missile barrages. Every fleet in this game will need to field a selection of different Cruisers to be effective, and as such, we’ve ranked every Cruiser in the game to help players choose their favorites.

5 Javelis LRM Cruiser

Disappointing Damage Output

The Best Cruisers In Sins Of A Solar Empire 2

  • Durability: 200
  • Armor Points: 855
  • Hull Points: 800
  • Weapons:
    • 1 x Medium Missile

As a devoted space enthusiast, I must confess my dismay upon reaching the Javelis LRM Cruiser at the bottom of the list. Given its status as a tier 2 military research unlock, I was expecting more punch. Regrettably, it’s equipped with only one Medium Missile launcher, which sadly doesn’t pack much of a wallop in terms of damage output. While some later military upgrades can slightly enhance this damage, they don’t compare to the potency of other comparable ships in my fleet.

As a devoted player, I can certainly attest that the Javelis LRM Cruiser serves as an effective long-range damage dealer in the early stages of Sins of a Solar Empire 2, especially before you’ve advanced to tier 3 military research and unlocked its more powerful counterpart, the Ogrov Torpedo Cruiser. A modest fleet of around ten Javelis LRM Cruisers can provide a solid foundation for your fleet in the early game, holding you over until the Ogrov Torpedo Cruiser is at your disposal.

4 Percheron Carrier Cruiser

Strange AI Behavior

The Best Cruisers In Sins Of A Solar Empire 2
  • Durability: 150
  • Armor Points: 605
  • Hull Points: 1680
  • Fighters: 6
  • Bombers: 4

The Percheron Carrier Cruiser would have been placed much higher on this list if it wasn’t for one specific problem. In general, the AI in Sins Of A Solar Empire 2 is pretty good, but for some reason, the Percheron Carrier Cruiser seems to have dropped the “I” in its AI, as it behaves quite oddly. This cruiser always sits on the edge of the system, at the jump-in point, and launches its fighters from there.

1. Problem arises from two aspects: First, when the primary fleet is combating on the opposite end of the planet or asteroid, it takes an excessively long time for the fighters to join the fight. Second, if an enemy support fleet enters through the same jump-in point, they position themselves dangerously close to the Percheron Carrier Cruiser. A more sensible approach would be for this ship’s AI to trail the main fleet and maintain a distance instead of remaining stationary.

3 Hoshiko Robotics Cruiser

Mobile Repair Units

The Best Cruisers In Sins Of A Solar Empire 2
  • Durability: 200
  • Armor Points: 745
  • Hull Points: 1525

In the heat of battle within hostile territories during Sins Of A Solar Empire 2, your expeditionary fleet may find itself without fleet repair facilities. Although capital ships can heal themselves gradually over time, this self-repair isn’t ideal given the constant threat of an enemy fleet swooping in. To tackle this issue, the Hoshiko Robotics Cruiser becomes a valuable asset.

As an avid space explorer, I’m thrilled about the Hoshiko Robotics Cruiser! Equipped with remote repair drones, it can fix up every ship in a fleet, even non-capital ones. However, repairing an entire fleet with just one cruiser might take some time. That’s why it’s wise to assemble a small squadron of these as fleet support vessels instead. Though they’re costly to construct, they can significantly cut down on construction and repair costs by preventing the loss of a capital ship. In the heat of real-time combat, they’re an invaluable investment for any player!

2 Ogrov Torpedo Cruiser

Massive Amounts Of Damage

The Best Cruisers In Sins Of A Solar Empire 2
  • Durability: 200
  • Armor Points: 880
  • Hull Points: 1460
  • Weapons:
    • 1 x Heavy Torpedo

In “Sins of a Solar Empire 2”, the Ogrov Torpedo Cruiser is capable of inflicting massive ranged damage. However, you won’t have access to it until you’ve progressed significantly in the game, as it’s a tier 3 military unit. When you finally unlock it, it takes over from the less impressive Javelis LRM Cruiser as the fleet’s primary missile ship. A handful of Ogrov Torpedo Cruisers (about six) can dramatically shift the balance of a battle.

These Ogrov Torpedo Cruisers specialize in attacking large structures from a distance, making them ideal for destroying formidable defensive targets such as Starbases. They also shine at inflicting damage on enemy capital ships. In summary, incorporating a squadron of Ogrov Torpedo Cruisers into your fleet is a smart decision that justifies the investment of time and resources in research and support in this strategic game.

1 Harcka Heavy Cruiser

Totally Badass

The Best Cruisers In Sins Of A Solar Empire 2
  • Durability: 400
  • Armor Points: 900
  • Hull Points: 950
  • Weapons:
    • 5 x Heavy Autocannon

The Harcka Heavy Cruiser considers itself a large capital vessel. This compact ship boasts an impressive ability to withstand massive damage while still delivering decent firepower. But what truly sets the Harcka Heavy Cruiser apart in Sins Of A Solar Empire 2, and earns it the number one spot on this list, is its AI system. Its artificial intelligence is nearly flawless.

Equipping a group of 5 to 10 Harcka Heavy Cruisers within a fleet is an effective method for protecting valuable capital ships from harm. The ship’s AI performs exceptionally well, moving towards the enemy and positioning itself between your capital ships and their fleet. It serves as a sponge, absorbing incoming damage. Each Harcka Heavy Cruiser poses a significant threat on its own, but a group of them can be quite frustrating to manage.

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2024-08-30 05:05