Should I Give the Strand to the Queen or Krisk in Star Wars Outlaws?

Should I Give the Strand to the Queen or Krisk in Star Wars Outlaws?

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt and a soft spot for Star Wars lore, I must say that the choice between supporting Queen Ashiga or her daughter Krisk in Star Wars Outlaws is a tough one. This decision-making process is reminiscent of the classic Morality Choices we’ve seen in games like Mass Effect or The Witcher series.

In the game Star Wars Outlaws, managing Kay’s standing among various criminal organizations forms a crucial aspect of gameplay. Kay can influence her reputation through numerous means, some not directly related to the narrative, but there are significant story-driven moments that can drastically alter her status. These decisions will significantly impact which gangs Kay aligns with, particularly during the early stages of the game. A notable instance is when Kay must decide whether to back the Ashiga Queen or her daughter Krisk, who is associated with Crimson Dawn.

As a devoted Star Wars Outlaws fan, I find myself immersed in the intricate web of events unfolding on Kijimi, where my character, Kay, is faced with a crucial dilemma: should she hand over the Ashiga Origin Strand to the Queen or her daughter Krisk, who is challenging her rule? Star Wars Outlaws masterfully crafts this decision, leaving me uncertain about the ideal choice. In this guide, I will share my insights on what seems to be the most prudent action for Kay: should she give the strand to the Ashiga Queen or Krisk.

Should I Give the Strand to Queen Ashiga or Krisk?

Towards the conclusion of “The Hive,” Kay will be faced with a crucial choice regarding the Origin Strand, a valuable Ashiga artifact that significantly influences the clan’s future. Primarily, the information you gather about it will mostly originate from Krisk, the Queen’s daughter, and Qi’ra, the head of Crimson Dawn, the organization supporting Krisk, if you stick to the main quest.

From my gaming perspective, word on the street says the Queen’s allegedly partnered up with the Empire, which, if true, could potentially spell doom for the Ashiga clan. Strangely enough, the Queen’s never openly admitted this connection, leaving us all guessing. Now, we know Crimson Dawn isn’t exactly a charitable organization, so it’s doubtful they’d jump into this mess out of the goodness of their heart. But hey, technically speaking, both things could be happening simultaneously.

In this situation, Kay needs to choose between trusting Krisk and Qi’ra, or having faith that the Queen genuinely cares for the well-being of her subjects.

Giving the Origin Strand to Krisk in Star Wars Outlaws

Should I Give the Strand to the Queen or Krisk in Star Wars Outlaws?

When Kay faces a decision between the Queen and Krisk, you can examine the potential benefits of each option by hovering over them. Upon hovering over Krisk, it becomes clear that Kay could significantly enhance her Crimson Dawn standing. The improvement is substantial, and has the potential to propel Kay into a higher reputation bracket.

  • If Kay sided with the Crimson Dawn early by framing the Pykes in “False Flag,” it may be worth siding with Krisk here and continuing that partnership.

Immediately after Kay captures Krisk, she slays the Queen and claims the crown. There’s a hint of detachment in her actions, suggesting to Krisk that it was crucial for their people’s survival. Nevertheless, SWO subtly implies that this swift decision might not have been the wisest choice.

Giving the Origin Strand to Queen Ashiga in Star Wars Outlaws

Should I Give the Strand to the Queen or Krisk in Star Wars Outlaws?

During the selection screen, if you hover over the Ashiga Queen, you’ll notice that Kay’s standing with the Ashiga clan will be improved. If your goal is to benefit the Ashiga, this might serve as a significant clue. The enhancement provided is substantial enough to potentially advance Kay to the next reputation tier.

If Kay decides to hand over the Origin Strand to the Queen, it seems like Krisk might have an opportunity to yield, but this turns out to be a deception. The Queen’s guards will execute Krisk regardless of Kay’s choice. Kay can only watch helplessly as events unfold.

Queen Ashiga or Krisk – Best Choice

At the culmination of the main adventure, it seems like Kay’s decision hasn’t made a substantial difference in the broader narrative. Consequently, whether Kay should side with the Queen or Krisk appears to be more about which faction the player wants to back at that particular time. Each faction provides incentives for rising through reputation levels, and a significant reward upon reaching the highest level. Keep this in mind when choosing whom to aid.

Another factor to consider is having the freedom to explore. If Kay has a Bad reputation with either the Ashiga or Crimson Dawn, you may want to consider siding with that syndicate. Having Good or better reputation with as many syndicates as possible will aid your ability to explore the world tremendously.

Response from Qi’ra:

Should I Give the Strand to the Queen or Krisk in Star Wars Outlaws?

As a gamer, I’ve noticed something intriguing: no matter what decision I make, Kay and Qi’ra seem to have the same closing conversation. In both scenarios, Kay expresses her dismay over being involved in an execution. The only difference is the identity of the person being executed. It’s clear that Qi’ra doesn’t show any signs of disappointment or regret when I side with the Queen. This suggests that her objective was to undermine the Ashiga by causing internal conflict, not necessarily to uphold any particular moral stance. From a storytelling perspective, it seems like the game is emphasizing that there are no ‘good’ choices here, only shades of bad and worse.

Final Notes:

Should I Give the Strand to the Queen or Krisk in Star Wars Outlaws?

It seems evident that those close to Kay perceive her decision to support Krisk as a mistake. There’s a widespread sense that both Kay and Krisk were influenced by Qi’ra and the Crimson Dawn, a suspicion that is further strengthened by the summary screen displayed during hyperdrive activation from Kijiimi. The hints are quite clear that Kay was indeed tricked into aligning with the Crimson Dawn.

In essence, in this specific scenario, the ideal move for the player would be to opt for the decision that boosts Kay’s standing with the favored group. It seems that neither selecting the Queen nor Krisk will hold much weight in shaping the main plot.

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2024-08-30 05:23