Gears of War: E-Day May Have a Tough Time Juggling Its ‘Dark Moments’

Gears of War: E-Day May Have a Tough Time Juggling Its 'Dark Moments'

Key Takeaways

  • Gears of War: E-Day promises a return to the series’ grittier roots with a darker story and horror elements.
  • The game’s prequel status may hinder the impact of its dark moments, so it needs to sell them effectively.
  • Gears of War: E-Day should focus on the emotional breakdowns of Marcus and Dom’s characters to make the game’s darker setting truly horrifying.

As a long-time fan of the Gears of War series, I can’t help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation about the upcoming prequel, Gears of War: E-Day. On one hand, the promise of a return to the grittier roots of the original trilogy is music to my ears. The darker story and horror elements have always been what set Gears apart from other third-person shooters, and I’m eager to see how they’ll be implemented in this new installment.

The popular “Gears of War” game series has experienced a significant drop in quality since the highly successful conclusion of the original trilogy with “Gears of War 3”. Although “Gears of War 4” was generally well-received given its position after the praised trilogy, “Gears 5” turned out to be the most criticized main game in the series. This is what makes the announcement of “Gears of War: E-Day” so welcome, as it intends to bring “Gears of War” back to its raw origins by offering a more somber narrative and horror aspects similar to the original trilogy.

14 years prior to the first Gears of War game, we find ourselves in the midst of Gears of War: E-Day. This story follows a younger Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago as they struggle for survival during Emergence Day, a pivotal event in the series where the Locust Horde burst forth from the ground, threatening the people of Sera. Given its premise, it’s clear that this game will be filled with somber moments. However, due to its prequel status, there’s a risk that these dark moments may lose their intended impact. The game must therefore work diligently to ensure this doesn’t occur.

Gears of War: E-Day’s Needs to Really Sell Its Darker Moments

Gears of War: E-Day Going Back to the Series’ Grittier Roots Is a Step in the Right Direction

The timing for the unveiling of Gears of War: E-Day is particularly fitting given that the narratives of the latest two main series games, Gears of War 4 and Gears 5, have a significantly lighter tone compared to the original trilogy. Not only are the visuals brighter, but the dialogue in each game has shifted away from the grizzled, darkly humorous banter found in the original trilogy towards something reminiscent of a Marvel movie script. The camaraderie between the younger protagonists in these games is more playful, which is to be expected, but some argue that this shift might have diluted the essence of Gears of War, as it may have gained more emotional depth at the expense of its gritty core.

Gears of War 4 and Gears 5, while not poor games by any means, don’t quite capture the essence that made the initial Gears of War trilogy stand out. The grimmer atmosphere of Gears of War: E-Day presents a chance to revitalize the series and return it to its prime, with Marcus and Dom back in command. However, one potential issue could be maximizing the impact of its darker scenes, as its prequel status might complicate this.

Gears of War: E-Day Can’t Let Its Prequel Status Ruin Its Darker Moments

Because Gears of War: E-Day is a prequel, it avoids any situations that could be harmful to characters like Marcus and Dom since they are alive in Gears of War. Rather than focusing on their physical peril, the game Gears of War: E-Day must concentrate on portraying the emotional struggles each character experiences, which foreshadow the tough men they will become later.

From a narrative standpoint, the backstory of “Gears of War: E-Day” includes some heavy scenes that justify its grim elements. Most significantly, Dom experiences the heartbreaking loss of both his children due to an Emergence Hole, and later, his wife Maria is captured by the Locust Horde, enduring torture and abuse in a labor camp. In a tragic turn of events, when he finally locates her, she’s barely recognizable as the woman she once was. Despite these unfortunate incidents, “Gears of War: E-Day” delves into the pain of Marcus and Dom’s past to establish their background for the original trilogy characters.

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2024-08-31 13:34