Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm DLC – Best New Quality of Life Changes

Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm DLC - Best New Quality of Life Changes

As a seasoned adventurer and survivor of countless rainstorms in Risk of Rain 2, I can’t help but appreciate these latest updates. The nerf to Blind Pests and Brass Contraption is like a breath of fresh air, making my playthroughs more enjoyable than ever before! With fewer projectiles coming at me from unexpected angles, I can focus on the real challenge: outsmarting those pesky Artifacts.

The Seekers of the Storm expansion for Risk of Rain 2 undeniably comes with its fair share of problems to be ironed out. However, it also brings an abundance of new content to the game, some of which are improvements designed to make the gameplay experience smoother and less challenging. These enhancements, tweaks, settings, and modifications combined aim to reduce the more difficult aspects of Risk of Rain 2, making the overall experience more enjoyable.

While everyone’s experience with a game like Risk of Rain 2 can vary, depending on personal preferences, there are certain features we believe significantly enhance the game’s functional aspects for improved player experience. For instance, the Artificer hover toggle might not be significant for players who never use that character or those who don’t utilize that option. Nevertheless, these improvements, adjustments, and upgrades are what we consider essential in enhancing the quality-of-life within Risk of Rain 2.

7 Umbrella Options

A Whole Host of Individually Amazing New Options

Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm DLC - Best New Quality of Life Changes

Initially, it’s worth mentioning that every item listed under the ‘Umbrella Features’ section of the menu is generally outstanding across the board. For a more detailed analysis of each feature:

  • Difficulty Bar Effects: Makes it a lot easier to notice when the difficulty slider moves to the next section (AKA from Easy to Medium, Medium to Hard, and so on) with the new audio cue.
  • Directional Damage Indicator Scale: While the default damage indicators have been modified and are in need of fixing, directional damage indicators (once they’re working properly) will be hugely helpful in chaotic moments during a run.
  • Toggle Inventory: Not an option that a whole ton of people will be defaulting to, but makes looking through one’s inventory while moving around easier for sure.
  • Enable Indicator Upon Teleporter Discovery: Hugely helpful option that makes it much easier for a group of players to gather at the teleporter or at least know where it is at all times.
  • Enable Teleporter Particle Scaling: Immensely helpful for finding the teleporter across the map, makes the red particles floating around the teleporter a lot easier to see.

There are a few additional aspects not covered in this outline, which we will delve deeper into later on.

6 Hover Toggle For Artificer

Still a Little Awkward to Use, But Incredibly Helpful Nevertheless

Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm DLC - Best New Quality of Life Changes

Among the most beneficial enhancements to the gameplay experience in Risk of Rain 2 since its launch, the Toggle Artificer Hover feature undeniably ranks as one of the top. Players who have invested considerable time into mastering the Artificer character will attest that, particularly on PC platforms, maintaining a constant hover state can strain the wrists and fingers significantly. This involves continuous use of the spacebar while also moving, aiming, employing abilities, adjusting the camera view, and other tasks, which can be quite demanding and cumbersome.

It’s great news! Now, players can effortlessly activate the jetpack by pressing a single key in mid-air, and the hover function will continue until they manually adjust using Ion Surge or press again to descend. This continuous hovering during sprint, combined with auto-hovering, has significantly improved the appeal of playing Artificer for those who previously found that aspect of the character challenging.

5 Chance Doll Incentivizes More Gambling

Shrines of Chance Aren’t Nearly as Big of Money Sinks Now

Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm DLC - Best New Quality of Life Changes

The next inclusion is a bit of an odd one and probably not something anyone would pick out as a ‘quality-of-life’ change, but the new Chance Doll item does a lot of work to make Shrines of Chance feel more worth using in Risk of Rain 2.

Previously, I’d often chuckle at those Shrines, seeing them as a money pit with minimal rewards, especially when playing in multiplayer mode. But now, with the introduction of Chance Doll, these Chance Shrines feel overpowered! It’s almost funny, but this also accidentally boosts Captain Survivor, thanks to his Beacon ability that makes those Chance Shrines free to use.

4 Branching Paths Help Runs Feel Less Repetitive

Path of the Colossus & Helmith Hatchery Add Some Much-Needed Variety

Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm DLC - Best New Quality of Life Changes

A diverse approach to navigating a playthrough in Risk of Rain 2 is generally preferred. Prior to the Seekers of the Storm update, players typically pursued one of four distinct outcomes during their run, excluding death, as goals beyond simply surviving.

  1. Use the Primordial Teleporter to go to the Moon, defeat Mithrix, and escape before the Moon is swallowed by the Void.
  2. Head into the Void Locus and defeat the Voidling to end the run.
  3. Loop and head into the Celestial Portal on Stage 9+ to obliterate at the Obelisk.
  4. Loop and head into the portal next to the Obelisk in ‘A Moment, Fractured’ to fight the Twisted Scavenger in ‘A Moment, Whole’.

With the latest update called “Seekers of the Storm”, players now have the opportunity to traverse the entirety of the Path of the Colossus, which leads to a showdown against the False Son on the Prime Meridian map. What’s more, players can choose to come and go from this path at their leisure. They can do so by employing Halcyon Shrines, the Lunar Seer, or even Green Portals found after defeating Aurelionite in the Gilded Coast, which serve as convenient transportation back onto the Path of the Colossus whenever they decide to depart from it.

3 Blind Pest & Brass Contraption Nerf

It Wasn’t Exactly Necessary, But We’ll Still Absolutely Take It

Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm DLC - Best New Quality of Life Changes

In the following update, opinions may vary, as many players argue it wasn’t required. Nevertheless, let’s not focus on that. Blind Pests were often disliked due to being challenging to handle in Risk of Rain 2. Now, they miss more when out of sight, making the gameplay experience generally more pleasant.

Indeed, mastering the technique to evade their projectiles (and dodging Brass Contraption’s spike balls becomes even simpler), but merely because it’s achievable doesn’t necessarily mean it should be done. By implementing this adjustment, several characters become more entertaining to control in general, and it undeniably assists in learning close-range novice characters like Chef as well.

2 Inspecting Items In Scrapper Menu

Finally, Some Mid-Run In-Depth Information

Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm DLC - Best New Quality of Life Changes

Having access to detailed statistics for game items is a real lifesaver in Risk of Rain 2. Although each item typically explains its effect upon being obtained, these descriptions rarely delve into specific numerical details or clarify how multiple stacks of an item grow stronger.

Players previously found themselves required to remember detailed specifics of more than 50 items during gameplay if they wished to monitor their builds or assess which items would be beneficial for other Survivors. Alternatively, they had to rely on external resources to store this information. However, now, players can access this data conveniently by utilizing the Inspect Feature or simply hovering over any item within the Scrapper menu during gameplay itself.

1 Tutorials On Drizzle Difficulty

A Fantastic Addition For New Players

Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of the Storm DLC - Best New Quality of Life Changes

Last up is a quality-of-life addition that a lot of veteran Risk of Rain 2 players probably aren’t even aware of, tutorials. Now, players have the option to enable tutorials while on Drizzle difficulty, finally making it a useful tool for introducing new players to the game. Previously, even on Drizzle, brand-new players were sort of ‘thrown to the wolves’ when it came to the integral mechanics of Risk of Rain 2.

Undeniably, these tutorials don’t delve into every aspect or explore the intricate workings of the game, but they offer sufficient information that a newcomer to Risk of Rain 2, who doesn’t have a guide or a companion providing explanations, can still grasp the fundamentals of how the game operates effectively.

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2024-09-01 04:04