Beginner Mistakes to Avoid in Age of Wonders 4

Beginner Mistakes to Avoid in Age of Wonders 4

As a seasoned gamer with decades of strategy gameplay under my belt, I can confidently say that Age of Wonders 4 is a gem hidden in the grand tapestry of the gaming world. With its latest expansion, Eldritch Realms, it has truly reached new heights. However, for those who are new to this series or the Grand Strategy genre, there are a few tips that can make your journey smoother.

The “Eldritch Realms” update marks the conclusion of additional content for now in the game “Age of Wonders 4“. Enhanced with four downloadable content packs and numerous major improvements, this could be an excellent moment for hesitant players to jump into the action.

In essence, “Age of Wonders 4” shines brightest when gamers steer clear of strategies that maximize power (power-gaming or min-maxing) and instead focus on engaging with the game’s narrative about their realm and civilization. They can create legendary artifacts and pen tales unique to them. Yet, this isn’t to say that fresh faces to the “Age of Wonders” series or Grand Strategy genre don’t require a helping hand at the outset. Before diving into their inaugural game, here are some key points new AOW4 players should bear in mind.

5 Don’t Burn Through Your Imperium

Imperium Has A Variety Of Uses, But It Builds Up Slowly

In the realm of AOW4, Imperium serves as a gauge of my influence and status. As I embark on this gaming journey, one aspect that immediately catches my eye is the population, which controls the scale of resource output in each city. Initially, it might be tempting to accelerate population growth using Imperium, but a wiser move would be to let it grow organically (it doesn’t take long at lower numbers). Instead, I should concentrate on amassing more Imperium to unlock diverse empire skills.

Food is directly correlated to the population growth of cities as well, so for those looking to boost the amount of territory controlled in the early game without sacrificing Imperium, building farmland and farm-related buildings is a good way to go.

4 Avoid Relying On Auto-Combat

Try Manual Combat To Get A Feel For The Mechanics

In the game AOW4, a useful tool during longer turns with numerous activities is the auto-battle system. This feature allows the AI to manage the player’s army in combat against enemies, with the overall strength of each army serving as the primary (though not exclusive) determinant of the outcome.

For new players, however, getting a feel for the way positioning and unit types can impact combat is a must, and learning about the benefit of strategic spells is similarly important. Even in battles with odds overwhelmingly in the player’s favor, it’s important to go through combat and let that victory unfold manually, to see how the game’s combat works.

3 Don’t Forget About Ancient Wonders And Monster Dens

These Sites Hold The Key To Impressive Gear And Bonuses

Starting a game in AOW4, even a less complex one such as Enchanted Archipelago, requires a bit of multitasking. You’ll need to grow your towns, delve into new territories, manage diplomacy, and defeat adversaries, all while keeping an eye on the bigger picture. It’s quite simple to overlook the hidden treasures like ancient wonders and monster lairs scattered across the globe amidst such a busy schedule.

In my gaming world, it’s crucial not to underestimate what early-game armies can manage, but taking care of minor monster lairs before they grow stronger and cause trouble is a must. And let’s not forget about nabbing those bronze-tier ancient wonders for their enchanted loot – these tasks definitely need a spot on the to-do list when diving into AOW4.

2 Don’t Forget About Road Building

The Gold Investment Is Worthwhile

In the beginning phases of AOW4, it’s crucial to learn how to navigate and manage positions effectively on the global map. This includes moving back and forth between locations and understanding the importance of repeated journeys. Building roads during the early to mid-game aids in making these movements smoother and more efficient.

Building roads decreases the travel cost among tiles to 5, significantly increasing the speed of units and armies trying to reach their destinations quickly. This is particularly beneficial during the Rally of the Leiges, as troops are often summoned from less accessible regions in vassal cities, not always where immediate action is required. Establishing a road network between all cities may seem costly if gold collection hasn’t been prioritized initially, but it will significantly boost the mobility of your player armies.

1 Avoid Being Evil

Handy As A General Life Rule, And For Diplomacy In-Game

In the game AOW4, there are multiple in-game alignments, varying from more virtuous to more malevolent options, with neutral being a balance between the two. It’s crucial to remember that AOW4 leans heavily towards roleplaying, featuring choice-driven quests and customizable kingdoms. Consequently, considering alignment as merely a measure of morality is acceptable, although typically, choosing the virtuous path offers more advantages compared to playing as an antagonist.

In benevolent kingdoms, there’s an advantage in diplomacy with neutral or virtuous free cities, which also increases the likelihood of favorable outcomes from random occurrences. Conversely, malevolent kingdoms face a higher risk of unfavorable events but enjoy better diplomatic relations with evil free cities. For beginners, it’s crucial to leverage any advantage in dealing with random events, and many starting maps tend to favor moral goodness, making the good alignment beneficial for new players during their initial playthroughs.

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2024-09-03 02:34