Best Acrid Build In Risk Of Rain 2

Best Acrid Build In Risk Of Rain 2

As someone who’s spent countless hours in the rain-drenched, chaotic world of Risk of Rain 2, I can confidently say that Acrid is a unique and delightful character to play. While he may not be as flashy or aggressive as some other survivors, there’s a certain charm to his passive, hit-and-run playstyle.

Acrid stands out among the characters in Risk of Rain 2 as he approaches combat differently. Unlike most characters who engage in direct confrontations, Acrid opts for a more tactical approach. Instead of engaging in a fierce battle, he’ll strike an enemy once before swiftly retreating. This strategy allows his damaging effects to gradually take down the enemy over time, making him an intriguing and unique character in the game.

Even though Acrid might not seem as formidable as other characters in Risk of Rain 2, there’s no denying that he can be incredibly potent when used skillfully. If you’re new to playing him, here’s a straightforward build using his native abilities to give you a solid foundation.

Best Items For Acrid In ROR 2

Best Acrid Build In Risk Of Rain 2

Rarity Item
White (Common)
  • Gasoline
  • Armor Piercing Rounds
  • Delicate Watch
  • Backup Mag
  • Energy Drink
  • Paul’s Goat Hoof
Green (Uncommon)
  • Ignition Tank
  • Hopoo Feather
  • Will-o’-the-Wisp
  • Rose Buckler
  • Old Guillotine
Red (Legendary)
  • Ceremonial Dagger
  • Spare Drone Parts
Yellow (Boss)
  • Little Disciple
  • Mired Urn
Blue (Lunar)
  • Purity (Optional)
Purple (Void)
  • Voidsent Flame
  • Weeping Fungus
  • Lysate Cell
  • Safer Spaces
Orange (Equipment)
  • Forgive Me Please

Surprisingly, Acrid isn’t heavily reliant on a large number of items to be potent. His primary source of damage comes from his Poison DoTs (Damage over Time), which are applied through abilities labeled as ‘Poisonous’. This poison effect deals the higher value between 1% of an enemy’s maximum health per second or 100% of his base damage per second. Items like Armor-Piercing Rounds and Focus Crystal can boost this poison damage, but it doesn’t have the power to outright kill enemies as it is non-lethal.

In the world of Risk of Rain 2, I’m not your typical run-and-gun character like the Railgunner. When it comes to Acrid, a swift and strategic approach is key. Instead of relying on direct attacks, I excel at setting off chain reactions, making every move count.

Get as many defensive and mobility items as you can before you stack damage items.

Risk Of Rain 2 – Key Acrid Items

Best Acrid Build In Risk Of Rain 2
  • Gasoline
  • Ignition Tank

These items are incredibly potent in causing massive damage. For instance, Gasoline causes enemies to explode and ignite other nearby enemies when defeated. Furthermore, the Ignition Tank greatly amplifies all fire damage you inflict, making it four times as powerful. This effect combines with your Poison, so you can employ items like Neurotoxin or Epidemic to spread this status effect. Once an enemy becomes vulnerable, strike them with any weapon to ignite a chain reaction that can swiftly clear rooms and take down bosses alike.

You can find numerous additional items to boost Acrid’s damage output. For instance, the Death Mark enhances the damage enemies sustain from all sources when they are afflicted by four or more debuffs. Consider obtaining Chronobauble and Tri-Tip Dagger to layer Slow, Bleed, Poison, and Burn debuffs on your targets.

Acrid Luxury Items

Best Acrid Build In Risk Of Rain 2
  • Symbiotic Scorpion
  • Spare Drone Parts
  • Little Disciple

In the game ROR 2, while some top-tier red items may not perform optimally on Acrid, the Symbiotic Scorpion stands out for a unique reason: it amplifies poison damage based on an enemy’s armor. However, it’s essential to note that the poison ticks themselves do not trigger the scorpion’s armor-reducing debuff.

Expendable Drone Components and Mini Apprentice both serve the purpose of eliminating weakened opponents. The former is most effective when used alongside other combat drones, as it significantly boosts their attack power. On the other hand, the latter fires homing missiles whenever you are running.

Acrid Building Tips

  • Items like Ukelele, Lens-maker’s Glasses, and Soldier’s Syringe are generally less valuable to Acrid given his playstyle.
  • Prioritize getting mobility and defensive items first.
  • Voidsent Flame is a massive damage boost for Acrid. Get it when you can.
  • Buy drones whenever possible.

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2024-09-03 13:33