Jujutsu Kaisen: The Mythology Behind the Divine General Mahoraga

Jujutsu Kaisen: The Mythology Behind the Divine General Mahoraga

Key Takeaways

  • The Divine General Mahoraga is the strongest shikigami in Jujutsu Kaisen due to its Adaptation technique.
  • Mahoraga’s appearance in Jujutsu Kaisen is inspired by elements from Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.
  • The Mahoraga’s name and title hold significance, reflecting Buddhist virtues and deities in Jujutsu Kaisen.

As a long-time student of religious iconography and symbolism, I find the intricate blend of Buddhist and Hindu references in Jujutsu Kaisen’s Mahoraga truly captivating. The eight-handled wheel above its head, reminiscent of the Dharmachakra, beautifully encapsulates the character’s ability to adapt and counter techniques – a journey akin to seeking enlightenment itself.

The power structure in Jujutsu Kaisen is perhaps the most intricate among all shonen genres, as the creator Gege further deepens the complexity by grounding most cursed abilities and powers in real-world mythology and theology. This intricacy extends to one of the series’ strongest entities — the Divine General Mahoraga, a spirit summoned using the Ten Shadows Technique by Megumi Fushiguro.

Unlike most of Fushiguro’s summoned entities, the Divine General Mahoraga stands out as a being of immense power, challenging even the mighty Demon King Sukuna. Given its pivotal role in the storyline of Jujutsu Kaisen, it makes sense that its origins are rooted in Eastern religions and Japan’s traditional indigenous beliefs.

What Is the Divine General Mahoraga?

The Strongest Shikigami Of the Ten Shadows

First Appearance Episode 41, “Thunderclap, Part 2”
Debut Date November 16, 2023

Known officially as “The Eight-Handed Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga,” this formidable entity is unrivaled among all shikigami summoned using the Ten Shadows Technique. Standing tall with a mysterious, otherworldly presence, the Mahoraga has yet to be defeated in the history of the Ten Shadow Technique. No sorcerer has succeeded in mastering this divine general.

With This Treasure, I Summon Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga!

The Mahoraga has remarkable physical strength and malevolent energy, but its real force stems from its Adaptation ability. This talent enables the Mahoraga to mimic any technique immediately after being struck, making it highly resistant to that specific skill thereafter. This capability effectively neutralized most of Sukuna’s attacks since the Mahoraga could easily respond to his powers once they were used against it.

The Symbolism Behind the Divine General

Jujuts Kaisen Draws Influence From Hindu and Buddhist Theology

Jujutsu Kaisen: The Mythology Behind the Divine General Mahoraga

The original Sanskrit name “Mahoraga” could hint at its origins being rooted in Hinduism. Yet, the Mahoraga encompasses a blend of traits from Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism, suggesting that this creature originated in the South and East Asian cultures.

It’s important to mention that in its original language, Jujutsu Kaisen refers to the spirit as “Makora.” However, the official translations went with “Mahoraga” instead. Although these names share a similar meaning, choosing Mahoraga connects the creature to Hindu mythology, which is relevant given that the design of the shikigami’s head resembles a wheel from Hinduism.

The Eight-Handled Wheel

Jujutsu Kaisen: The Mythology Behind the Divine General Mahoraga

One distinctive feature of the Mahoraga is an eight-spoked wheel floating over its head, which may appear at first glance as merely decorative. However, it plays a significant role in the Mahoraga’s unique ability to adapt, serving as one of its primary characteristics. As the Mahoraga assesses and responds to a technique, this wheel subtly spins.

The wheel in question carries influences from Buddhism and Hinduism, both religions that view this circular shape as a sign of cosmic equilibrium. Often referred to as the Dharmachakra, it plays a crucial role in Buddhism, symbolizing Buddha’s teachings (Dharma) or his journey towards enlightenment. In the anime series Jujutsu Kaisen, this wheel is employed with a similar symbolic significance; each time the Mahoraga adjusts to a technique, it spins, mirroring the concept of overcoming and countering an attack – much like the path to enlightenment in Buddhism.

The Meaning Behind the Mahoraga’s Moniker

Jujutsu Kaisen: The Mythology Behind the Divine General Mahoraga

The name “Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga” may seem lengthy, but it carries a rich depth of meaning. “Eight-Handled Sword” is a reference to Yatsuka no Tsurugi, one of the Ten Sacred Treasures belonging to the Shinto god Nigihayahi. Each spirit associated with the Ten Shadows Technique bears a name derived from these treasures, making Mahoraga’s title particularly fitting.

1. The term “Sila” in Buddhism signifies virtues and disciplines that form the bedrock of the religion. “Divergent Sila” implies deviation from the correct paths of Buddhism, symbolizing the bloodthirsty nature and ominous demeanor of Mahoraga. Lastly, “Divine General” is a title given to Makora, one of the Twelve Divine Generals or Guardian Deities assigned to safeguard the Healing Buddha. Each component of the title highlights a distinct aspect of Buddhism, but collectively it encapsulates the character of Mahoroga perfectly.

The Reference Behind the Name “Mahoraga”

Jujutsu Kaisen: The Mythology Behind the Divine General Mahoraga

The name “Mahoraga” is derived from Sanskrit and its image and title are based on Buddhist cosmology. In both Buddhism and Hinduism, Mahoragas are revered as superior beings, some even attaining divine status. Their physical form is humanoid in nature, though they may appear more humanesque.

In the anime series “Jujutsu Kaisen,” the creature known as Mahoraga shares some characteristics with deities, although it lacks their ancient, divine status. Interestingly, the original Japanese script calls this spirit “Makora,” but Viz Media’s adaptation has given it a new name, enhancing the mystique surrounding its title as a shikigami.

Jujutsu Kaisen is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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2024-09-03 18:35