Attack on Titan: Why Ymir Fritz Chose Mikasa

Attack on Titan: Why Ymir Fritz Chose Mikasa

Key Takeaways

  • Ymir Fritz’s suffering led to the Titan curse until Mikasa ended it in the finale of Attack on Titan.
  • Ymir’s abusive ties with King Fritz led to Stockholm Syndrome, blinding her to his abuse.
  • Mikasa’s ultimate sacrifice of killing Eren freed Ymir and Eldians from the Titan curse.

As a dedicated fan of Attack on Titan, I can’t help but marvel at the profound depth and complexity of the characters, particularly Ymir Fritz and Mikasa Ackerman. Their stories are a testament to the power of love, sacrifice, and the struggle for freedom.

In the climactic stages of ‘Attack on Titan’, it’s intriguing how Ymir Fritz, the Founder, seemed to have chosen Mikasa Ackerman as the one to break the Titan Curse. For a long time, Ymir’s intentions and strategies were shrouded in mystery. Even today, a statement made by Eren, “Only Ymir knows,” has sparked quite a debate. The challenge lies in the fact that Ymir never utters a word, never reveals her wishes, leaving it up to Eren and Mikasa to decipher them. As a gamer, I found this aspect of the storyline fascinating yet perplexing, as it required a deep understanding of the characters’ dynamics and emotions.

In a more natural and easily readable way, we could say: Ymir Fritz personified agony throughout her life, which seemed like an endless nightmare. Her torment continued even after death, until Mikasa broke the Titan power and curse. It was Mikasa who liberated all Eldians and Ymir. However, one may wonder why Ymir chose Mikasa to be the one to free her in the finale of Attack on Titan?

Ymir Fritz and Stockholm Syndrome

Abusive Ties for a Tortured Soul

In another way of expressing this: Young Ymir Fritz was enslaved by King Karl Fritz following the destruction and loss of her village and family at his hands. To provide some measure of liberty to others, she freed a number of livestock. However, these acts were perceived as rebellion among the other slaves and led to her being pursued into the forest. On the brink of death, Ymir stumbled upon a colossal tree and was discovered by something unknown. This encounter transformed Ymir into the first Titan. With this new divine power, King Fritz manipulated her into becoming his most formidable weapon. Instead of using her titanic strength to overthrow Fritz and gain freedom, she was conditioned to obey him. As a slave since childhood, Ymir had no knowledge beyond that life and remained under the total control of King Fritz.

In a turn of events, Ymir assisted King Fritz in conquering other realms and growing his dominion into the mighty Eldian Empire. She played a crucial role in its formation. Essentially, she was more than just a tool; she was a living weapon at his disposal. In a distorted act of ‘reward’, he forced her into marriage and made her bear his children. Ymir’s perception of affection and care was as warped as the king’s treatment towards her. He exploited and mistreated her, yet he provided her with a husband, a home, and three daughters. To Ymir, who had been subjected to immaturity and abuse, this twisted arrangement was what she understood as love.

Stockholm Syndrome is a real-life condition where a hostage or abused partner develops deep psychological bonds with their captor or abuser. While it is sometimes contested as a real condition, there are several documented cases of it occurring. King Fritz horribly abused Ymir Fritz, and yet, she loved him. Ymir loved the king and most importantly, she loved her daughters. But even still, she knew how awful he was, she knew she wanted to be free, she just wanted to be at peace with her daughters. But she couldn’t, and as she was conditioned to, she gave her life for the king, taking a spear for him. And when she saw the cold indifference he treated her with, she gave up her life, and while every time she healed from any wound, this time, she died. She couldn’t set herself free of Fritz, as for the next 2000 years, she built Titans for him in Paths. She couldn’t be free.

Mikasa Ackerman and the Ultimate Sacrifice

Calling Out Your Name

As a child, Mikasa cherished Eren deeply and yearned to safeguard him using her prodigious might. However, Eren appeared to transform, launching a war against Marley, slaughtering innocents, and growing distant from his companions, including Mikasa. Longing for tranquility with him in a new beginning, Mikasa found her dreams shattered. Eren morphed into a beast, vowing to annihilate mankind. The realization was unbearable; she knew she had to oppose him, and that meant putting an end to the one she held closest to her heart.

In a world that despised her kin, Mikasa Ackerman held an unparalleled affection for Eren, dedicating herself entirely to him. Yet, she recognized what was just and realized she alone could carry out this duty. Heartbreakingly, Mikasa, the slave to her love, ended Eren’s life to save humanity. She prioritized the world’s wellbeing over her personal longings and liberated herself from the shackles of love.

In her role as Founder Titan and guide of Paths, Ymir possessed a unique ability to perceive all moments – past, present, and future simultaneously. This was different from Eren, who could only foresee his own demise at Mikasa’s hands but not the reasons behind it. Driven by Ymir’s instructions, Eren moved forward unaware of the final outcome. It was only Ymir who understood that when Mikasa ended Eren’s life, the Titan Curse would cease to exist. She realized that Mikasa would accomplish what she could not – breaking free from her love bondage.

If you believe it’s typical for individuals to risk their lives to save others, then you should also recognize that on certain occasions, one life lost could potentially save many more.

1. In a selfless act, Mikasa was brave enough to slay her cherished one for the greater good, overcoming her emotions. Mikasa accomplished what Ymir couldn’t. Ymir identified with Mikasa, recognizing their shared devotion to a monster and how it had imprisoned them both. Ymir selected Mikasa because she did what she should have done millennia ago. By freeing Ymir from the Paths and liberating all Eldians from the Titan Curse, Mikasa allowed Ymir to find tranquility at last.

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2024-09-03 23:12