Best Build And Items For Chef In Risk Of Rain 2

Best Build And Items For Chef In Risk Of Rain 2

As a dedicated Chef player in ROR 2, I can vouch for the fact that he’s more than just a close-quarters fighter – he’s a masterful unit sort of like the False Son in this game, relying heavily on using all his abilities in quick succession.

1. In the playable survivor mode of Risk of Rain 2’s Seekers of the Storm DLC, the Chef character reappears, maintaining similar characteristics as he was in the initial game. This refined culinary robot is a proficient in close-like it with new DLC, as a skilled player, has several abilities that make him a formidable adversary, and his unique tricks are effective against even the toughest opponents in the game.

1. “As with all the other characters,” indicates that all the other characters share common traits, such as having certain birthmarks or shared physical features.

Due to the random nature of
Risk of Rain 2
, full builds are usually achievable only by using the Artifact of Command. During regular runs, players are advised to look for 3D printers or closets with guaranteed item spawns.

Best Chef Build In ROR 2

Best Build And Items For Chef In Risk Of Rain 2

A chef in the game operates similarly to the False Son character in ROR 2, but with a unique twist: he heavily leverages his abilities one after another. Consequently, players should strive to achieve a balance between enhancing the Chef’s damage output (DPS) and survivability, especially as the game’s difficulty increases. While you don’t need every item on this list, it can serve as a guide to help determine what strategies might work best for you.

Rarity Item Name
White (Common)
  • Crowbar (Excellent early game item)
  • Armor Piercing Rounds
  • Focus Crystal
  • Tri-Tip Dagger
  • Topaz Brooch
  • Gasoline
  • Backup Mag
Green (Uncommon)
  • Death Mark
  • Chronobauble
  • Bandolier
  • Hopoo Feather
  • Ignition Tank
Red (Legendary)
  • Symbiotic Scorpion
  • Alien Head
  • Hardlight Afterburner
Yellow (Boss)
  • Little Disciple
  • Mired Urn
Purple (Void)
  • Weeping Fungus
  • Lysate Cell
  • Voidsent Flame
Blue (Lunar)
  • Purity (Optional)
Orange (Equipment)
  • Ocular HUD
  • Disposable Missile Launcher

Remember to consider durability and practical items such as Tougher Times and Energy Drinks.

Core Items For Chef In ROR 2

Best Build And Items For Chef In Risk Of Rain 2

In a more natural and easy-to-understand manner: A Chef’s gameplay style often involves selecting unusual items that most other survivor characters don’t derive much benefit from. This is particularly noticeable in the initial stages of the game, where the Chef may find it challenging to establish himself. If possible, prioritize getting these items early on.

Item Name Notes
Crowbar Can one-shot enemies with Dice (Primary Attack) in the early game.
Gasoline Great for clearing large groups, especially with Ignition Tank
Death Mark Chef can trigger Death Mark with debuffs from Sear and Glaze, reducing the number of items required.
Focus Crystal Use Roll, activate Sear, then run circles around your enemies.
Bandolier Bandolier can reset Chef’s abilities, reducing the overall downtime of your DPS.
Hopoo Feather Mandatory item for characters with low vertical mobility.
Symbiotic Scorpion Shreds armor and helps trigger Death Mark for even more damage.

Luxury Items

In the game ROR 2, top-notch red items are frequently categorized as Luxury Items; they’re not essential, yet they significantly boost the strength of numerous builds. Here are some excellent legendary items suitable for the Chef character:

  • Laser Scope: Increases critical damage by 100%. Use this if you have Lens-maker’s Glasses or Ocular HUD.
  • Alien Head: Reduces ability cooldown times by 25%. Great when paired with Backup Mag or Lysate Cell.
  • Hardlight Afterburner: Grants two extra mobility skill charges. Great with Alien Head.
  • Sonorous Whispers: Large monsters always drop items. Elites have a 15% chance to drop items. Get this when looping.
  • Ceremonial Dagger: Spawns three homing daggers that seek enemies. Excellent add-clear item.

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2024-09-04 12:17