Clash Royale: Best Decks for Pekka Evo Launch Event

Clash Royale: Best Decks for Pekka Evo Launch Event

As someone who’s spent countless hours strategizing and honing my skills in Clash Royale, I can confidently say that the Pekka Evolution Launch Event is a thrilling challenge for any card enthusiast! Here’s my two cents on how to dominate this event:

In the world of Clash Royale, new evolution cards have consistently added an element of excitement. This time, players are in for a double treat with not just one but two significant evolutions! The popular characters, Pekka and Mega Knight, are set to receive an evolution upgrade. For those eager to experience the Pekka Evo, there’s a launch event happening now where you can give it a try!

For this competition, the opening position on your game board is reserved for Evo Pekka. This leaves you with 7 remaining slots to design your deck and battle against your rivals. Are you curious about how to achieve the most victories in this event? Here are some top-performing decks that you might find useful.

Pekka Evolution Card Overview

Clash Royale: Best Decks for Pekka Evo Launch Event

Prior to reaching the battle decks, let’s first examine the freshly updated Pekka version that players can employ in the competition. Just like other card transformations, you need to acquire this card by gathering Evolution Shards. The base statistics of the card are identical to those of the standard Pekka. However, what sets this evolution apart is its exclusive ability.

Evo Pekka’s sword has a regenerative quality, restoring 12.5% of its health whenever it defeats an enemy unit or tower. If Evo Pekka is already at full health, this healing also boosts his overall hit points even further. With each kill, Evo Pekka can surpass the health capacity of the Golem, making him a formidable asset in your Clash Royale deck.

Best Decks for the Pekka Evo Launch Event in Clash Royale

Clash Royale: Best Decks for Pekka Evo Launch Event

Here are some of the best decks for the Pekka Evo Launch Event in Clash Royale:

  • Pekka Battle Ram Bridge Spam
  • Pekka Lumberloon Freeze
  • Pekka Poison Bridge Spam

You’ll find more information about these decks below:

Pekka Battle Ram Bridge Spam

Clash Royale: Best Decks for Pekka Evo Launch Event

1. The latest adjustments in Clash Royale appear to benefit the Pekka Battle Ram Bridge Spam strategy, prompting many players to experiment with this deck configuration. The introduction of Evo Wizard and Void has certainly piqued interest. Moreover, during the Pekka Evo Launch event, where employing the Evo Pekka is essential, this deck setup ranks among the most effective options available.

Here are the cards you’ll need for this deck:

Card Name Elixir Cost
Evo Pekka 7
Evo Wizard 5
Electro Spirit 1
Void 3
Arrows 3
Royal Ghost 3
Bandit 3
Battle Ram 4

This deck has an average elixir cost of 3.6, which is pretty low for a Pekka deck. You’ve got plenty of spammy cards in the deck that you can place at the bridge to keep up the lane pressure. On top of that, you’ve also got enough splash damage between the Evo Wizard, Royal Ghost, and Arrows.

1. Utilizing the Battle Ram, you can immediately put pressure on the enemy’s towers from the get-go. Deploy the Royal Ghost ahead of the Battle Ram to propel it forward and eliminate any defensive cards your opponent may have placed in its path. If your adversary counters with a heavy hitter like Giant or Golem, the Evo Pekka will swiftly demolish it before it lands an attack.

This deck uses the Cannoneer as the Tower Troop.

Pekka Lumberloon Freeze

Clash Royale: Best Decks for Pekka Evo Launch Event

In today’s gameplay scenario, a Lumberjack generally doesn’t fit nicely into many decks, as it often faces challenges in the current meta. However, when teamed up with a Balloon, the combination becomes incredibly difficult to counter. With the introduction of Evo Pekka, players have devised an innovative spin on the well-known Lumberjack-Balloon strategy, which has proven to be almost unbeatable. It remains uncertain whether this combo will continue to thrive on the Trophy Road or Path of Champions, but it performs remarkably well during the Pekka Evo Launch event.

This deck uses the following cards:

Card Name Elixir Cost
Evo Pekka 7
Evo Zap 2
Tornado 3
Ice Wizard 3
Baby Dragon 4
Lumberjack 4
Freeze 4
Balloon 5

Essentially, this deck is an upgraded version of the original Lumberloon setup. Instead of using the Bowler, you’re opting for Evo Pekka. While the Bowler offers splash damage, the Evo Pekka has a unique healing feature that makes it less vulnerable to swarm units compared to before because it recovers health from every enemy it defeats.

Apart from an Ice Wizard, Baby Dragon, Evo Zap, and Tornado, this deck is sufficient when it comes to splash damage. It thrives by applying pressure on the opposite lane. If you notice your opponent overcommitting elixir to defend a Pekka, flood the bridge in the opposite lane with Lumberjack and Balloon to knock down their towers before they can respond. Despite having a high average elixir cost, aim to play this deck like a cyclical one during the game’s double and triple elixir periods.

This deck uses the Tower Princess as the Tower Troop.

Pekka Poison Bridge Spam

Clash Royale: Best Decks for Pekka Evo Launch Event

Going up against a seasoned Pekka Poison Bridge Spam player was a guaranteed loss back in the day. However, in recent years, the deck has lost a lot of its edge with regular nerfs and balance changes. Now that Evo Pekka has arrived, players can look to pick up this deck once more.

Here are the cards needed for the deck:

Card Name Elixir Cost
Evo Pekka 7
Evo Zap 2
Royal Ghost 3
Bandit 3
Magic Archer 4
Poison 4
Electro Wizard 4
Battle Ram 4

This bridge setup typically features Evo Pekka as your primary defense. Cards like Royal Ghost, Bandit, and Battle Ram are easily deployed against your opponent’s tower when they are low on elixir. To add some extra damage, consider placing the Magic Archer on the bridge behind the Pekka, allowing it to target the enemy tower effectively.

1. Using Poison gives you good tower damage in your spell cycle when you’re struggling to break through. Positioning an Electro Wizard behind your Pekka increases the chances of winning trades. And having Evo Zap in your rotation can quickly eliminate any swarm units your opponent uses to counter your push. Since most of your cards, except for the Evo Pekka, have low elixir costs, you can afford to be very aggressive without facing retaliation.

This deck uses the Cannoneer as the Tower Troop.

How to Win the Pekka Evolution Launch Event

Clash Royale: Best Decks for Pekka Evo Launch Event

Here are a few tips to help you secure more wins in the Pekka Evolution Launch Event.

  • Make sure you cycle your Pekka regularly to get to your Evo Pekka. It’s a one-cycle evolution, meaning every other Pekka you place will be an Evo. You’ll want to ensure your Evo Pekka is ready to defend against big pushes.
  • Evo Pekka heals for every unit it kills, making it a good choice against multiple units. While Skeletons are a massive problem for normal Pekka, Evo Pekka has no issue with the card.
  • Evo Pekka can heal over its maximum HP by getting troop kills. The healing also works when Evo Pekka kills enemy towers.
  • The healing only kicks in when Evo Pekka gets the last hit. If you want to heal up your Evo Pekka, let her get the killing blow on the enemy troop.
  • While Evo Pekka is certainly the star of the event, it’s not a good win condition on its own. It gets distracted too easily. So when making your Clash Royale deck, make sure you add an alternate win condition like Balloon, Battle Ram, or even the Hog Rider.
  • Inferno Tower is still the best counter to Evo Pekka. If you’re having too much trouble taking down the opponent’s Evo Pekka, consider replacing a card with the Inferno Tower in your deck.

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2024-09-04 13:04