Deadlock: Vindicta Build Guide

Deadlock: Vindicta Build Guide

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I must say, playing Vindicta is quite the challenge yet incredibly rewarding. Her unique playstyle and intricate mechanics make her stand out amongst other characters in Deadlock.

In the game ‘Deadlock’, the ultimate marksman, Vindicta, employs a powerful sniper rifle to take down vulnerable opponents at a distance. Additionally, she relies on an array of mystical powers to weaken her adversaries and bolster her own abilities

As a gamer, I find that when I’ve carefully farmed my Vindicta character, even in tight spaces where she seems vulnerable, she can be quite intimidating. Enemies will surely pause before darting out from their safe spots once they see her in action. Let’s dive into the right items to construct and explore how best to utilize Vindicta’s powerful abilities

Vindicta Overview

Deadlock: Vindicta Build Guide

Victory shines when she’s skillful in inflicting harm from a secure distance with her ability to Fly, subsequently eliminating enemies with the move Assassinate which rewards the player with extra souls upon killing an enemy hero. Maximizing kills on enemy heroes using Assassinate is crucial for gaining an advantage over the opposing team in terms of souls, or recovering from a disadvantageous start in the early stages. To enhance this, Assassinate deals additional damage to opponents with less than half their health, making it highly effective against escaping or weakened adversaries

As a player wielder of Vindicta, I know that my character Vindicta, in contrast to my formidable power, is inherently fragile due to a fault low base health and bullet resistance stats, Vindicta is generally fragile, low base health and bullet resistances are scant stamina bars compared to the default trio’s. To exceludically effective Stake ability to maneu enemies ineffective use of her Stake her power to hold foes, as well as a step ahead of the opposition. Introuuse movement mechanics to stay one of the enemy. As a gamerica a step ahead of the opposition, I must be used effectively, I must make the opposition. To make Vind In contrast, Vindicta Vindict to my character like a player will need to use it to play the game’s playable As a gamer to find a game

Vindicta Abilities

Ability Name Ability Effects
Stake Throw a stake that tethers enemies to the location where the stake lands. Enemy movement is restricted to the length of the tether.

Tether Duration: 2.25s
Damage: 60 (x0.4)
Tether Length: 6m
Movement Slow: 30%
Capture Radius: 8m
  • 1 AP: +0.75s Tether Duration
  • 2 AP: -20s Cooldown
  • 5 AP: Tethered enemies are also disarmed
Flight Leap into the air and fly. While in flight your weapon deals bonus spirit damage

8s (x0.2 Spirit)
Spirit Damage Per Bullet: 10
Casting Time: .2s

  • 1 AP: +50% base Ammo while flying
  • 2 AP: -15s Cooldown
  • 5 AP: +12 Spirit Damage Per Bullet
Crow Familiar Your crow familiar deals impact damage and applies a bleed that deals damage based on the target’s current health.

Damage: 50 (x1 Spirit)
Bleed Damage: 3%/sec
Debuff Duration: 6s (x0.04 Spirit)

  • 1 AP: Crow Ricochets up to 2 times towards other enemies within 15m
  • 2 AP: -17s Cooldown
  • 5 AP: +3% Bleed and suppresses healing by -40%
Assassinate Use your scoped rifle to fire a powerful shot over long distances. Deal only partial damage until fully charged after 1s of being scoped. Does bonus damage to enemies with less than 50% health remaining. Landing a killing blow on a player with Assassinate grants you bonus souls.

Charge Time: 1.6s
Damage: 160 (x1 Spirit)
Bonus Damage: 145 (x1.6 Spirit)
Bonus Souls Per Assassination: 250

  • 1 AP: -20s Cooldown
  • 2 AP: +140 Bonus Damage
  • 5 AP: +600 Bonus Souls Per Assassination

Vindicta Build Guide

Deadlock: Vindicta Build Guide

For maximum effectiveness, focus on enhancing Vindicta’s Assassinate skill early and throughout the game by amplifying its damage and reducing its cooldown time. This strategy allows her to secure as many kills as possible, thereby maximizing the number of bonus souls gained. Due to its high spirit scaling, Vindicta can effectively increase the power of Assassinate while simultaneously acquiring useful abilities from items like Extra Charge, Mystic Burst, and either Improved Cooldown or Superior Cooldown. Furthermore, a selection of weapon items are crucial for Vindicta’s item build, including Long Range or Sharpshooter, which enhances her basic weapon’s damage

Vindicta Ability Progression

Deadlock: Vindicta Build Guide

Starting the game off with Crow Familiar is a good option to give Vindicta extra ability to contest the lane, providing a tool to harass enemies or push the lane and last hit creeps with. Picking up Stake second provides players with both a tool to lock down enemies and chase for kills, as well as an option to peel enemies off of themselves when getting attacked. Finally, learning Flight third gives players the ability to quickly reposition, gaining an easy vantage point over enemies and leveraging any early items purchased, or escaping out of the reach of aggressive foes. As soon as Assassinate becomes available, all ability points will be focused on upgrading it as much as possible.

Throughout the course of the game, players will need to weigh their options: should they pour all 5 skill points into enhancing the ultimate Assassinate skill, or rather focus on boosting Flight for a more balanced mid-game performance? Typically, it’s advisable to prioritize upgrading Flight initially and then move to Assassinate later, as this strategy helps Vindicta maintain strength in the middle stages of the game. However, if Vindicta has a significant advantage over the opposing team, it might be worthwhile to hold onto those skill points and aim for an even greater lead by using the extra souls from the Assassination bonus

In the course of gameplay, players must strategize based on the unfolding events during the match. The damage and healing reduction at level 4 Crow Familiar can be highly beneficial against tanky characters who heal themselves, like Abrams or Mo and Krill. Meanwhile, the Disarming effect of level 4 Stake 4 Stake of rank 4 Stake Stake Stake Stake on level level Stake Stake Fusion abilities like Wraits level 4 Stake Familiar can be crucial for controlling weapon-Stake Stake Stake at level 4 Stake Stake Familiar can be vital for subdue to locking effect of can be decisive the Disarmorke Stake can be crucial for immort 4 Stake’sake can be crucial for keeping down potentak can be crucial for handling weapon-rank 4 Stake at rank 4 Stake critical for disarmament against powerful weapon-based threats like Wraith or a McGinnis. The remaining abilities are mainly utility, so pick the ones that work best against the heroes in the game and prioritize them as needed

Vindicta Item Progression

Deadlock: Vindicta Build Guide

In Vindicta’s inventory, essential items are distributed between weapons and spirits. Spirit items amplify the damage of Crow Familiar and Assassinate, whereas weapon items offer crucial damage multipliers and useful features to keep Vindicta competitive throughout gameplay. Similar to all heroes, the order of purchases and even the specific items can be adaptable, and shrewd choices based on the enemy team’s makeup are essential for efficient item development (for example, buying Knockdown to halt an enemy Seven’s Storm Cloud, or purchasing Ethereal Shift to dodge Wraith’s Telekinesis)

Early Game

  • High-Velocity Mag
  • Extra Health
  • Mystic Burst
  • Extra Spirit
  • Extra Stamina
  • Extra Recharge (After picking up Assassinate)
  • Quicksilver Reload (Imbue Flight)


  • Long Range/Sharpshooter
  • Active Reload
  • Bullet Lifesteal
  • Bullet Armor/Spirit Armor OR Combat Barrier/Enchanter’s Barrier (Depending on what heroes are on the enemy team)
  • Bullet Resist Shredder
  • Improved Cooldown/Superior Cooldown
  • Duration Extender/Superior Duration

Late Game

  • Pristine Emblem
  • Lucky Shot
  • Siphon Bullets/Ricochet
  • Improved Bullet Armor/Improved Spirit Armor

In the initial stages of the game, many items offer a versatile source of stats that are beneficial in various scenarios, making it challenging to make a poor choice when purchasing an item. Quick Shot Mag can help improve accuracy and enhance weapon damage as well as bullet defense, while Headshot Specialist boosts Vindicta’s ability to pressure opponents with her gunfire. Additional Health offers both increased durability and weapon power, and both Mystic Explosion and Extra Spirit amplify the damage output of Vindicta’s abilities. Extra Stamina, in particular, can be a valuable comfort pick to address Vindicta’s weak mobility, providing her with an extra stamina bar

When Vindicta acquires the skill “Assassinate,” she gains access to numerous item options to maximize this power surge. For instance, “Long Shot” enhances the damage dealt with weapons on targets beyond 15 meters, and “Swift Recovery” boosts the cooldown reduction of the Assassinate skill. Moreover, “Rapid Reload” enables her to escalate her attack power by instantly reloading her weapon upon using a designated ability, often “Flight.”

During the heat of the game, I’ll keep gathering items that boost my Assassinate ability, like enhancing Long Range into a Sharpshooter or grabbing Improved Cooldown or even Superior Cooldown for more frequent uses of Assassinate. Active Reload and Bullet Resist Shredder are essential pickups to maintain my threat level beyond just using Assassinate. Defensively, I need to consider gear like Bullet and Spirit Armor and Bullet Lifesteal for a safer approach, or Combat and Enchanter’s Barrier for those who are more aggressive, ready to activate their conditional stat bonuses consistently

As the game progresses, Assassinate may lose its effectiveness as enemies fortify their defenses and beef up their health, making it harder to find opportune moments for easy kills. However, later-game items often focus on strengthening Vindicta’s base weapon, turning her automatic rifle into a formidable weapon of choice. The Pristine Emblem, in particular, is a powerful against high-health targets, while Lucky Shot and RicochetLucky Shotw as good for a great picks like Lucky Shot for improving the basic weapon damage, making them excellent selections. For instance

How to Play Vindicta

Deadlock: Vindicta Build Guide

Initially, players using Vindicta will need to capitalize on the fundamental mechanics of the core system to establish a strong foundation for their characterizing them at arm–focused towards opponents or harassing them when employing on a 25 seconds before opponents in last hits or lockdown for last hits

Once Vindicta learns Assassinate, the game becomes all about finding as many kills as possible to leverage Assassinate’s bonus soul generation on kill. While it can be tempting to poke at enemies with a large burst of damage, Assassinate is best used to finish off enemies, both to ensure the bonus souls are actually obtained, and due to the ability’s bonus damage against enemies under 50% health. Be sure to keep an eye out in lane for weak enemies attempting to flee, as well as on the minimap to look for over-extending opponents to ambush. When moving between lanes like this, be on the lookout for available jungle creeps between the lanes to pick up some extra souls along the way .

Because Vindicta is rather delicate, mastering positioning is crucial for playing her effectively. Try to position yourself behind or near your teammates who can protect you from enemy attacks. Also, use Flight to keep a safe distance from enemies, but be mindful not to overextend and land in a precarious situation due to reduced mobility during Flight

As the game goes on, it may become necessary for Assassinate to use her basic attacks, while Vindicta focuses more on supporting others. In ideal conditions, bonus souls granted by Assassinate should be used to purchase the items needed, but in less than optimal circumstances, she can Vindications, and using don’

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2024-09-05 10:04