Deadlock: How To Play Dynamo Effectively

Deadlock: How To Play Dynamo Effectively

As a seasoned Deadlock player with countless hours under my belt, I can confidently say that Dynamo is one of the most versatile and fun heroes to play in this game. The item progression for Dynamo is a well-thought-out path that transforms him from a glass cannon into an unstoppable force.

Dynamo is a scientist with an inquisitive mind who lost his body to a quantum rift that opened up in Central Park. Now on a quest to discover more about his condition, Dynamo wields an atomizer pistol and manipulates space and time to decimate his foes in Valve’s new MOBA/Hero-Shooter hybrid, Deadlock.

Boasting extraordinary skills and escalating power, Dynamo can maintain his strong influence across every phase of the game. Here’s an in-depth tutorial covering everything you need to know about mastering Dynamo, including his optimal gear, powers, and play strategy

Deadlock Dynamo Overview & Ability Details

Deadlock: How To Play Dynamo Effectively

Pros Cons
Exceptional crowd control abilities Low early-game damage
One of the strongest heals in the game Requires levels and items to come online
Massive late-game weapon damage Ultimate can be canceled with Stun or Curse
Can be played in multiple ways.

In the game Deadlock, Dynamo stands out as an exceptionally adaptable character. Equipped with a variety of crowd control skills, a potent area-of-effect healing capability, and impressive damage output that increases with his weapon, Dynamo can be effectively utilized either as a supportive role or a primary damage dealer

Here’s a simplified explanation of Dynamo’s abilities:

Dynamo Ability Breakdown

Ability Name Effects Upgrades
Kinetic Pulse (1) Release an energy pulse that knocks enemies up into the air.

  • Damage: 100 (x1.4 Spirit scaling modifier)
  • Cooldown: 25s
  • Stomp Range: 15m (x0.3 Spirit scaling modifier)
  • Ability Width: 5m
  • Charge: 1
  • Charge Cooldown: 5s
1 AP: Hit enemies are fire rate and movement slowed by 40% for 4s.
2 AP: Dynamo deals 30% more weapon damage to hit enemies for 8s.
5 AP: +125 damage.
Quantum Entanglement (2) Dynamo briefly disappears into the void and then reappears a short distance away. On reappearing, your weapon is reloaded and has a fire rate bonus for the next clip (max 8s). Can be cast with (M3) to also bring nearby allies and give them half the fire rate bonus.

  • Range: 9m
  • Ally Distance: 9m
  • Cooldown: 11s
  • Void Time: 1.4s
  • Fire Rate Bonus: 25%
1 AP: +4m cast range
2 AP: +25% fire rate bonus.
5 AP: On reappearing, +120% base ammo.
Rejuvenating Aurora (3) While channeling, restore health over time to you and any allies nearby.

  • Health Restored: 32/s (x0.5 Spirit scaling modifier)
  • Cooldown: 45s
  • Channel Duration: 5s
  • Friendly Heal Radius: 8m
1 AP: Gain +4m/s move speed bonus for 8s if Aurora is fully channeled. Gain instantly with 5AP upgrade.
2 AP: -15s cooldown
5 AP: Full move and ability use and additionally heals +4% of Max Health per second.
Singularity (4) Create a singularity in your hands that pulls in nearby enemies and damages them. Once it’s finished, enemies get knocked into the air.

  • DPS: 60 (x0.2 Spirit scaling modifier)
  • Channel Duration: 2.75s
  • Singularity Radius: 8m
  • Cooldown: 180s
1 AP: +2m Singularity radius
2 AP: +0.75s channel duration
5 AP: Singularity takes 3.8% of the enemies’ max health each second.

Dynamo Build Guide (Ability & Item Progression) In Deadlock

Deadlock: How To Play Dynamo Effectively

Dynamo can be utilized in two distinct ways:

Dynamo Ability Progression

Deadlock: How To Play Dynamo Effectively

You’ll want to unlock Kinetic Pulse first when you get to the lane. An early point in this ability will let you clear waves of enemy mobs. It also gives you a decent CC to punish your lane opponent if they decide to overextend.

Following that, you’ll find it beneficial to activate the Rejuvenating Aurora. If you’re playing alongside a partner, this skill will aid in maintaining both of your health levels. When utilized effectively, the healing from this ability can give you an edge during skirmishes with your duo opponent. It would be wise to prioritize levelling up this skill first, but don’t forget to level up your other skills as well

First, achieve Quantum Entanglement, then when you gather 3000 souls, prepare for Singularity. Once Singularity is activated, you’ll have the ability to defeat most heroes across the map with an ally by your side

Once you’ve fully developed all your skills, it’s best to hold onto your Action Points (AP) to boost Rejuvenating Aurora to its highest potential. Subsequently, allocate 3 AP each into Kinetic Pulse and Quantum Entanglement to bring them up to level 2. Make sure to maximize these two abilities before channeling points into Singularity

If you’d rather concentrate on enhancing your ultimate, feel free to bypass the step about Quantum Entanglement for now. However, remember that Quantum Entanglement not only aids in leveling up but also serves as an effective tool for saving allies. Given its low cooldown, investing time in mastering it will prove beneficial in the long term

Dynamo Item Progression In Early, Mid, And Late Game

Deadlock: How To Play Dynamo Effectively

Equipped with suitable Weapon equipment, Dynamo can typically outmatch most characters in the game Deadlock when fighting one-on-one. At level two, his ability Kinetic Pulse amplifies Dynamo’s weapon damage by 30% against enemies it strikes for a duration of eight seconds. The power and area of impact of this skill also improve as Spirit increases. However, since most of Dynamo’s other abilities don’t gain significant benefits from Spirit items, this build tends to focus more on other types of equipment

Early Game Item Progression For Dynamo

  • Basic Magazine
  • Close Quarters
  • Headshot Booster
  • Extra Charge
  • Sprint Boots
  • Mystic Burst

In the initial phase of the game, it’s advisable to construct Basic Magazine, Close Quarters, and Headshot Booster as your first three purchases. Concentrate on accurately destroying enemy soldiers to amass Souls swiftly. Once you acquire these three items, you’ll observe an improvement in your damage capacity, enabling you to commence harassing and exerting pressure on your opponents in the lane

The ability called Kinetic Pulse from Dynamo has a lengthy recharge time. However, with the Extra Charge upgrade, you can utilize it twice, with a brief 5-second gap between uses. This means you’ll have more opportunities to immobilize enemy characters and defeat them. Additionally, when used in conjunction with Mystic Burst, Kinetic Pulse deals a fair amount of early game burst damage. Lastly, remember to grab Sprint Boots for an added speed boost whenever possible whenever it’s available

Mid-Game Item Progression For Dynamo

  • Warp Stone
  • Spirit Armor
  • Bullet Armor
  • Enduring Speed
  • Combat Barrier
  • Bullet Shredder Resist
  • Improved Cooldown

On the character Dynamo, Warp Stone is essential item Warпharpy Dynamopotomatically, the Warstone, the Warping, the War Stone, it’s Dynamoften, it serves as a key, it acts as a core items, the Warpella Warp Stone Warp Stones oftone (Teleport Stone of Dynamo Dynamo on Dynamo is essential item on Dynam stone is a core items that is an essential item called Warp stone Warp Stone Warpsace, which allows you teleports you teleports you can becoming, these are quite crucial items are particularly useful in fights, it lets you dynam is essential itemonite is a core item is a short distance, but stillness, uant to teleportable is a vital for positioning essential on Dynamically, essentially essential items crucial for useful or sing stone teleportion aover. A safer positionsuch them on a shelf like a bookshelf to ensure their accidental

Additionally, consider updating your Sprint Boots and acquiring a Combat Barrier. These items provide added defense and speed, which are beneficial for Dynamo. Moreover, Bullet Shredder Resist enhances your offensive power. Lastly, you’ll have to decide between Spirit Armor and Bullet Armor. It’s best not to take both of them. If the opponent deals significant Spirit Damage, opt for Spirit Armor. In other cases, Bullet Armor is more advantageous

Late Game Item Progression For Dynamo

  • Glass Cannon
  • Point Blank
  • Crippling Headshot
  • Siphon Bullets
  • Intensifying Magazine
  • Pristine Emblem
  • Improved Bullet Armor
  • Improved Spirit Armor
  • Debuff Remover
  • Improved Burst
  • Superior Cooldown

As a hardcore gamer in the gripping world of Deadlock, let me tell you – grabbing Glass Cannon late-game on Dynamo is a must. Couple it with Siphon Bullets and Crippling Headshot, and your hero will be more than prepared to face off against any enemy hero. Once you’ve got those three items, don’t forget to add Pristine Emblem and Intensifying Magazine for an extra weapon damage boost. If Close Quarters isn’t already history, level it up to Point Blank for even greater firepower!

Based on your mid-game selection, consider enhancing to Enhanced Bullet Defense or Enhanced Spirit Defense. Debuff Remover is an optional item that you can acquire if the opposing team heavily relies on crowd control abilities. Lastly, level up your Mystic Burst to Enhanced Burst and Improved Cooldown to Superior Cooldown

How To Play Dynamo Effectively In Deadlock

Deadlock: How To Play Dynamo Effectively

Using the build we discussed, playing Dynamo isn’t overly complex. It’s best to go to a lane with a partner initially. Strive to secure the last hits on Troopers for the initial levels until you can unlock all three of your basic abilities. Dynamo is particularly good at harassing enemy heroes from afar, so remember to take shots at them whenever possible

After you’ve unleashed all your skills and gathered some initial items, you’ll be prepared to attempt kills. Utilize Quantum Entanglement to approach or get behind your foe, then deploy Kinetic Pulse to send them flying aloft. With Bebop as a supportive teammate, this combination is potent enough to eliminate any enemy hero during the early game stages

Once you’ve activated your ultimate ability, it would be beneficial to gather with your team and begin advancing together along lanes, aiming to capture objectives. Notably, Dynamo excels in group confrontations, as a skillfully positioned singularity can significantly boost your team’s chances of victory

The Singularity is a focused magical incantation, which can be disrupted by a stun. Ensure no interruptions from adversaries while you’re performing this spell

In Rejuvenating Aurora, your character experiences its greatest energy surge at the highest level. At level 3, using Rejuvenating Aurora no longer restricts weapon or skill usage. This is when Dynamo starts showing off its might, charging into battles to exchange blows with opposing heroes. And if things get too risky, remember to employ Quantum Entanglement for a swift escape from your foes

Whenever fighting against an adversary hero, keep in mind to employ your Kinetic Pulse ability to send them flying aloft. This will boost the weapon damage you inflict on that target for eight seconds. When used with Headhunter, several headshots should be sufficient to defeat even a heavily armored hero like Abrams

Regarding the character, Dynamo is remarkably accessible for beginners within the game ‘Deadlock’. His skills are impressively versatile, making him effective in both central and supportive roles

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2024-09-06 00:15