Nix vs BD-1: Which Star Wars Companion Is Better?

Nix vs BD-1: Which Star Wars Companion Is Better?

As a seasoned gamer with years of traversing galaxies far, far away under my belt, I must say that the droid BD-1 takes the cake in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Now, don’t get me wrong, Nix is a charming little lizard fellow with his endearing smile and lively animations. But let’s face it, when it comes to practicality and usefulness, BD-1 is the one you want by your side.

In the space saga titled “Star Wars Outlaws“, Kay Vess serves as our main character. Throughout her journey, she encounters numerous non-player characters (NPCs), but there is one being that holds immense importance for her: Nix. This tiny creature of mysterious origin was saved by Kay during her childhood, and ever since then, they’ve formed an invincible duo – whether it’s in storyline events or gameplay sequences.

In a Star Wars game, Kay and Nix may not be an unprecedented duo, as in previous years we had Cal Kestis and BD-1 in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, followed by Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. The question arises – which companion, between Nix and BD-1, is more suitable for their respective heroes? Let’s discuss with spoilers enabled to reach a conclusion.

8 Visionary Skills: BD-1

This Little Robot Can See All

Nix vs BD-1: Which Star Wars Companion Is Better?

With Nix, players can navigate the D-Pad to survey an enemy region. Although the scan’s reach is restricted, discovering items and upgrades can extend its radius. In comparison, BD-1 brings enhanced scanning capabilities because Cal has the ability to use him like binoculars.

In the “Star Wars Outlaws”, while Kay is capable of transmitting holographic messages and illuminating dark areas without BD-1, it’s still wonderful that BD-1, this adorable and convenient device, offers numerous visual aids in one compact unit for Cal.

7 Destructive Skills: Nix

Grenades Cause Accidents All The Time

Nix vs BD-1: Which Star Wars Companion Is Better?

BD-1 primarily assists allies rather than attacking foes directly. On the other hand, Nix has the ability to eliminate enemies eventually, either by exploding grenades or by causing explosive barrels to detonate when they come into contact.

In Kay’s system, this action won’t set off any alert, giving players the chance to move stealthily in the darkness. It’s puzzling why opponents don’t immediately shoot Nix after he creates such a noisy disturbance, but we can ponder that mystery another time for the game Star Wars Outlaws.

6 Hacking Skills: BD-1

Make Killer Friends With Droids

Nix vs BD-1: Which Star Wars Companion Is Better?

As I control my non-combat buddy, BD-1, we don’t have the power to engage enemies head-on. However, his skills will grow, and he’ll eventually acquire a dart upgrade that lets him hack enemy droids. These droids are useful for solving puzzles, but there are also aggressive ones that can bolster my ally Cal in combat. It might not be as thrilling as seeing BD-1 jump into a droid like a transforming robot from Power Rangers, but the outcomes certainly prove their worth.

The range of hackable droids is impressive in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor from Droidekas to DT Sentries. Nix, as a flesh and blood being, cannot hack but he can open doors for Kay by pressing buttons which is useful too.

5 Gathering Skills: Nix

Look Out For This Little Pickpocket

Nix vs BD-1: Which Star Wars Companion Is Better?

In response to commands, BD-1 isn’t able to collect items for Cal, however, he can provide Cal with soothing balms instead. These are convenient and simple to apply, which is beneficial since the battles in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor can be quite challenging and intense.

In the game “Star Wars Outlaws”, Nix isn’t just limited to standing still; he can move around, like going over to a table to fetch healing items for Kay. He’s also capable of stealing from opponents for some quick cash. What’s more, Nix can provide disposable guns to Kay, which comes in handy when players are hiding behind cover and need a quick solution for taking down enemies with heavier firepower.

4 Traversal Skills: BD-1

Grind Through The Many Planets Of Star Wars

Nix vs BD-1: Which Star Wars Companion Is Better?

In the game “Star Wars Jedi: Survivor,” character BD-1 receives various navigation enhancements that enable Cal to navigate the game’s world more efficiently. Despite its open-world structure, the game shares similarities with Metroidvania games, meaning that as new skills are acquired, they will unlock previously inaccessible paths.

Example: Koboh Matter is a dangerous material that could injure Cal if touched. BD-1 possesses a component capable of penetrating this substance. Moreover, BD-1 assists Cal in navigating along rails, an activity as exhilarating as it might seem. Kay owns a grappling hook, which proves handy, but Nix is not of assistance when it comes to deploying this tool.

3 Interactivity Skills: Nix

This Little Guy Loves Alien Corn

Nix vs BD-1: Which Star Wars Companion Is Better?

In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, players don’t have many opportunities to develop a strong bond with BD-1. The only interaction players can initiate is making BD-1 dance on Cal’s shoulders using the D-Pad. However, most of the relationship between them is centered around story development rather than interactive play.

In the game Star Wars Outlaws, players can take advantage of additional interactions with Nix by participating in a mini-game centered around food. Initiating a meal triggers a mini-game involving Quick Time Events that enable players to feed Nix. One of the initial levels on Toshara is called Che Mosska, which appears to be an extraterrestrial adaptation of Mexican Street Corn.

2 Cuteness Factor: BD-1

Shiny Metal Beeps And Boops

Nix vs BD-1: Which Star Wars Companion Is Better?

Whether players find BD-1 or Nix more appealing is subjective. Both companions are not fuzzy adorable little monsters on the level of Pikachu or any of the other Pokemon from that massive franchise.

Nix bears a resemblance to a lizard, sporting a bit of fur, yet boasts exceptional facial expressions and an infectious grin. Unlike some chatty characters in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, BD-1 appears more alive as a robot. His design is streamlined, reminiscent of the timeless charm that R2-D2 exhibited in 1977, which BD-1 effectively maintains even after all these years.

1 Verdict: BD-1

Who Can Resist This Happy Rescue?

Nix vs BD-1: Which Star Wars Companion Is Better?

Tallying everything up, it seems like BD-1 is the clear winner. As a service droid, it is built to help humans and human-like alien races. From the tools like the binoculars to the hacking dart, BD-1 is loaded for bear. Nix, of course, is beyond useful too from his gathering skills to his ability to explode enemies at the drop of a hat.

Although BD-1 takes the spot on this list, it doesn’t imply that Nix is less capable or unworthy. Both characters are exceptional Star Wars companions, swimming in a vast pool of them. Here’s to hoping we’ll see them both in numerous future games.

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2024-09-06 22:24