Civilization 6: Best Build Order For The Early Game

Civilization 6: Best Build Order For The Early Game

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent exploring the vast landscapes of Civilization 6, I can wholeheartedly affirm that the opening moves set the stage for the grand tapestry of conquest that unfolds. A strategic start lays the groundwork for a triumphant conclusion, and this guide serves as a beacon to those seeking victory in this digital realm.

Starting off a round in Civilization 6 sets the tone for the entire game, and securing a solid beginning significantly boosts your chances of emerging victorious by the end of the game.

In this guide, fans are taken step-by-step as they navigate the initial stages of a Civilization VI game. Once their civilization is established, players should prioritize resources that align with their chosen victory condition. Additionally, we’ll offer useful suggestions for each possible win scenario.

What Should You Build First in Civilization 6?

Civilization 6: Best Build Order For The Early Game

1. Scout or Slinger

In each game of Civilization VI, players initially get a Settler and a Warrior. Subsequently, they need to manufacture units and construct improvements and Districts according to the terrain and surrounding conditions. The majority of the map will be hidden due to the ‘fog of war’, requiring players to create exploratory units that uncover what’s beyond the horizon.

In the game Civilization 6, players might initially opt for constructing a Scout unit. This choice enables them to explore their surroundings and decide on their subsequent actions more effectively.

On tougher levels of Civilization VI, players could encounter an early conflict or have barbarians attacking them immediately. In such a scenario, choosing a Slinger or Warrior unit as the initial military selection may be advantageous.

As the player’s city is busy with its initial output, gamers might want to position their Warrior unit to explore their surroundings instead.

2. Slinger or Scout

If the game doesn’t immediately involve combat, the player should construct a Slinger once the Scout unit has been built. On the other hand, if the player chooses to produce a Slinger initially, it would be appropriate to begin crafting a Scout at that point instead.

3. Monument

In Civilization 6, I find myself eagerly constructing a Monument at the game’s onset. This move significantly boosts my Culture output, enabling me to zip through the Civics Tree swifter than ever before. The quicker I progress through the tree, the more advantageous policies and governments I can unlock. To top it off, an accelerated Culture output also propels the expansion of my city borders at a pace that leaves opponents trailing behind.

4. Builder

In a game setting, if players possess suitable resources and means to enhance those resources, they might consider incorporating a Builder into their society. Initially, Builders come with three uses, so players should utilize them judiciously and maximize the impact of each use.

5. Settler

After mastering the essentials in their initial city, players may find themselves yearning to expand their territories and establish a second city. To accomplish this, it’s advisable to construct a settler. This action will cause a decrease in the city’s population by one, as the settler departs from the city to found settlements elsewhere.

What District Should You Build First in Civilization 6?

As gamers advance through their civics and technology branches, they gain the capacity to construct Districts, which often correlates with the type of victory strategies they prefer. While it isn’t compulsory, carefully selecting the appropriate District can significantly aid in achieving specific goals.

Players should analyze what each District can provide before making their decision:

  • Campus: A District that focuses on Science. Players must research Writing to unlock it. Generates Great Scientist points.
  • Holy Site: A District that focuses on Faith. Players must research Astrology to unlock it. Generates Great Prophet points. Allows players to found a religion.
  • Theater Square: A District that focuses on Culture. Players must research Drama and Poetry to unlock it. Generates Great Writer, Artist, and Musician points.
  • Commercial Hub: A District that focuses on Gold and Trade Routes. Players must research Currency to unlock it. Generates Great Merchant points.

Even though these four Districts are usually the ones that gamers will go for first, there are others they can build early into the game, such as the Harbour and the Government Plaza. Ultimately, players must analyze their civilization’s leader, their unique perks, and their end game before deciding on a District.

Typically, players pursuing a Science Victory focus on constructing Campus Districts. On the other hand, those aiming to establish a religion early in the game might prefer building Holy Sites, which can potentially lead to a Religious Victory. Lastly, Theater Square Districts are beneficial for gamers who want to accumulate Great Works and boost their Culture output.

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2024-09-09 09:23