Wrathful Book & Shouting Tiaras Boss Guide In Episode Aigis

Wrathful Book & Shouting Tiaras Boss Guide In Episode Aigis

As a seasoned veteran of the Metaverse, I can confidently say that the battle against the Wrathful Book & Shouting Tiaras in Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis is a formidable one, but nothing a seasoned Phantom Thief can’t handle!

Similar to Tartarus in Greek mythology, the game Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis features obstacles in the form of tough boss battles that players will encounter every few levels or so. Just like the original game, Episode Aigis presents a greater challenge than the base game, with these bosses serving as a testament to this increased difficulty.

In most battles, enemy groups won’t consist of just one type, making it challenging to defeat them all. Even seemingly weak enemies now come equipped with buffs and debuffs to gain an edge. The initial boss encounter in the DLC is against The Wrathful Book & Shouting Tiaras; here’s a guide on how to conquer them.

Wrathful Book & Shouting Tiaras Weaknesses In Episode Aigis

The Wrathful Book is much stronger than the Shouting Tiaras and has roughly triple the amount of health. The Wrathful Book’s affinities are:

Weak Block Repel Absorb
  • Fire
  • Light
  • Ice
  • Electric

Prioritize disabling the Loud Crowns initially, as they can be easily dealt with and will help reduce the overall barrage of assaults. These crowns have specific traits:

Weak Absorb
  • Ice
  • Electric
  • Fire

Best Personas & Party

Before beginning this fight, head back to the Velvet Room and fuse Lamia. She naturally knows Agilao, which is one of the first tier-two spells available to the party, and will be able to hit the weakness of the stronger enemy with a powerful attack. There are multiple options for Personas that know Ice spells, though Aigis should use Lamia and not switch off as her focus should be hitting the Wrathful Book with Agilaos the entire fight except for one Fusion Spell.

Additionally, by combining a Principality and Power, Aigis can unlock the next Fusion Spell, Justice. This spell inflicts Medium Piercing damage on all opponents with a good probability of causing a critical hit. Enhance this Fusion Spell using Tarunda from Metis, and it will come close to defeating the Shouting Tiaras by itself.

For this battle, consider teaming up Metis and Yukari, leaving the third spot open for your preferred character. It’s advisable to exclude Akihiko from this fight unless you intend to boost his level for future purposes. If you do include him, he might struggle but will still provide additional firepower in the final slot.

How To Beat The Wrathful Book & Shouting Tiaras

Before initiating the battle, ensure Aigis’s Therapy gauge is fully charged so you can use Justice promptly at the start. This Fusion Spell inflicts heavy damage and should knock down at least one opponent, paving the way for a Shift chain to trigger an All Out Attack. As Metis targets the Shouting Tiaras’ vulnerability and Aigis can obtain the Wrathful Book, the latter often employs Tetrakarn to shield the following Physical attack on an adversary. Concentrate on casting spells during this fight, and the Wrathful Book won’t pose a problem.

In the battle against The Shouting Tiaras, they will employ Provoke to instigate Rage among party members. It would be strategic for Yukari to prioritize removing Rage rather than healing, as Tetrakarn can severely retaliate if an attack misses its mark. Having party members exploit the boss’s weaknesses can help transition back to Yukari for a subsequent Media. This boss doesn’t deal significant damage with its own attacks, but prolonged Rage or failing to strike weak points may make it more challenging. In summary, maintain an aggressive stance in attacking weaknesses and avoid allowing Rage to persist beyond a single turn to keep this boss under control.

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2024-09-10 13:03