No Man’s Sky Fishing Tips

No Man's Sky Fishing Tips

Key Takeaways

  • Hot and cold planets in No Man’s Sky have different fish species.
  • Stormy weather affects fishing speed and difficulty.
  • Utilize specific baits and the Lost Angler’s Rig for better fishing success.

As a seasoned intergalactic angler who’s spent more time reeling in space fish than I have back on good old Earth, let me share some of my hard-earned wisdom with you.

In the Aquarius update for the game “No Man’s Sky”, they added a new aspect – fishing. This is something players have been asking for quite some time. Although the fishing mechanics themselves aren’t particularly intricate, the challenge of catching specific fish species makes it quite satisfying when you succeed.

In the vast universe of No Man’s Sky, not every type of aquatic creature is within my reach on each planet. Some thrive in hot climates while others prefer cold environments. Moreover, certain creatures can only be caught during specific times – night or day. The depth of water I’m casting my line into also plays a role in determining the species I encounter. Lastly, selecting the appropriate bait is crucial for a successful catch in this interstellar fishing adventure.

6 Planetary Biomes Impact Fishing

Hot And Cold Planets Have Different Fish

No Man's Sky Fishing Tips
  • Some species can only be caught on hot or cold planets.
  • Use the star map to look for systems with water and the right planet type.

In the latest update, known as the Aquarius, for the game “No Man’s Sky,” a variety of fish species have been added. These new creatures can be discovered on planets with distinct biomes, with some preferring warmer climates while others thrive in colder waters, such as tropical fish and cold-water fish respectively.

To capture a creature native to a particular ecosystem, players should consult the star map to locate a system with a suitable planet and, importantly, evidence of water. Not every system necessarily features water bodies.

5 The Weather Impacts Fishing

Some Fish Can Only Be Caught In A Storm

No Man's Sky Fishing Tips
  • Look for planets that have a volatile weather system.
  • Fishing in a storm will be slower.

Just like certain fish can’t be found outside of specific ecosystems, there are creatures that can only be captured during specific weather events, like storms. This poses challenges for some gamers, as their exosuits may not be well-equipped to handle such extreme conditions.

In addition to safety issues, stormy conditions pose challenges for fishing due to the enormous waves that form. These large waves not only slow down the process of catching fish but also disrupt the placement of the bait. As a wave raises the fisher’s bobber, it moves the bait away from any nearby fish that might be about to bite. The fisher must then swim back towards the bait, only for another wave to potentially carry it away before the fish can get close enough again, creating a frustrating cycle.

4 The Day/Night Cycle Impacts Fishing

Some Fish Can Only Be Caught At Night Or In The Daytime

No Man's Sky Fishing Tips
  • Players may need to wait for the day/night cycle to progress.
  • Check the fish database to find out which species are impacted by the day/night cycle.

As a fishing enthusiast, I’ve noticed that a planet’s biome and weather significantly influence my catches, yet the time of day plays an equally crucial role. Some aquatic creatures prefer the cover of darkness to reveal themselves, making nighttime the optimal moment for reeling them in. Conversely, other species are more active during the day, only becoming available to me when the sun is high in the sky.

Anglers aiming to catch a particular type of fish should determine if they must wait for sunset or sunrise before they begin their fishing. Not every world shares the same duration of day and night, so locating a planet with an extended day/night cycle is advisable because it provides ample time for fishing during the optimal hours until those hours change.

3 Shallow And Deep Water Have Different Species

Deep Water Species Are Generally Larger

No Man's Sky Fishing Tips
  • Deep sea fishing yields larger catches.
  • The player needs a suitable platform to fish from out at sea.

In the game ‘No Man’s Sky’, different strategies are required for fishing in shallow and deep waters. Typically, larger fish species can only be found and caught in deeper waters. Therefore, players must venture further out into the sea or ocean to find these elusive catches.

As a gamer, I’ve found that this game presents a unique challenge: finding a spot to cast my line. The solution I’ve discovered is utilizing the Exo-Skiff, a reward earned during the Aquarius expedition. However, if you don’t have an Exo-Skiff, fear not! A hovercraft with a flat roof works just as well for casting over the water and serving as your fishing platform.

2 Select The Correct Bait

Bait Can Be Used To Target Specific Species

No Man's Sky Fishing Tips
  • There are bait recipes to target specific fish types.
  • Not all bait is cooked, some are simply crafted.

Earlier in this list, we’ve discussed how a planet’s weather, temperature, and time of day influence the types of fish you can catch. But don’t worry, there are special lures designed to handle such situations effectively.

For example, there is bait that is intended to attract fish that can only be caught at night, or during the day. There are also baits that attract larger fish, or higher-tier fish. Bait can either be crafted or cooked from a standard recipe, or created by trial and error, trying different raw resources as bait.

1 Use The Lost Angler’s Rig

The Best Fishing Rig In The Game

No Man's Sky Fishing Tips
  • This is a reward from the Aquarius expedition.
  • It is much better than the basic fishing rig.

Completing phase 4 of the Aquarius expedition in No Man’s Sky will grant you the blueprints for the advanced fishing rig, the Lost Angler’s Rig. Unlike the standard fishing rig that players can unlock during regular gameplay, this one offers superior performance.

Spending a bit of your gaming time on stage 4 of the journey is definitely beneficial, as it enhances the likelihood of reeling in big and elusive fish. Plus, it’s not too taxing – you should be able to unlock it within a couple of hours or so.

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2024-09-10 19:53