How to Herd Animals in Age of Mythology: Retold

How to Herd Animals in Age of Mythology: Retold

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that Age of Mythology: Retold has taken the strategy genre to new heights. The addition of animal husbandry as a resource-gathering method is nothing short of genius!

In the game “Age of Mythology: Retold“, players need to accumulate large amounts of Food, one of four primary resources, to build more units, upgrade, and progress to the next age. Gathering Food can be achieved through various methods within “Age of Mythology : Retold“, and one such approach includes animal husbandry.

This manual provides essential information for gamers on how to manage livestock in the revamped version of Age of Mythology, offering tips on maximizing their experience in the process.

How to Find Herd Animals

How to Herd Animals in Age of Mythology: Retold

In the game “Age of Mythology: Retold“, livestock will carry on grazing, thereby boosting their Food production. Moreover, players can manage these herd animals provided they are near one of their Town Centers. The combination of these two aspects makes animal farming a valuable source of Food in “Age of Mythology: Retold“.

In the game “Age of Mythology: Retold”, players need to explore their surroundings to locate herd animals. These creatures will show up on the mini-map in the color of the player’s civilization if they are close enough to the settlement to be herded. If that’s the case, gamers can simply select the animals and guide them back to their base. Keep an eye out for these herdable animals:

  • Pigs
  • Goats
  • Cows

How to Herd Animals

How to Herd Animals in Age of Mythology: Retold

After locating several grazing herbivores close to your Town Centers, it’s now appropriate to begin collecting them and nurturing them towards plumpness.

As previously noted, I, as a player, enjoy choosing different animals and strategically positioning them near productive locations like Town Centers or Granaries for optimal food gathering. There’s a handy meter above my characters’ heads that fills up over time, indicating when an animal has reached its maximum weight. At this point, the animal is at peak value and ready for harvest.

Players aiming to boost their town’s output of livestock should consider researching Husbandry at the Granary. This research offers the following advantages:

  • Herd animals fatten faster (25% fatten speed)
  • Villagers gather Food from herd animals faster (10% work rate)
  • Villagers carry more Food (+15 carry capacity)

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2024-09-11 12:43