Dead by Daylight September Developer Update Reveals Changes Coming to the Game

Dead by Daylight September Developer Update Reveals Changes Coming to the Game

Key Takeaways

  • Dead by Daylight’s patch 8.3.0 brings significant changes to perks and the mori system, along with killer updates.
  • Players can test the changes on the PTB before they go live, providing feedback to the devs.
  • Killer updates include changes to The Skull Merchant, The Hillbilly, The Twins, and The Unknown.

As someone who has spent countless hours in the foggy realms of the Fog, I must say that these recent changes have certainly shaken things up! The reworked Deathbound now feels more menacing than ever, as Survivors will never be able to outrun your grasp once you’re on their tail.

In their latest update, Dead by Daylight has unveiled the details for changes coming in patch 8.3.0, which is currently under testing before public release. This update for Dead by Daylight includes numerous adjustments to various perks, significant improvements to game mechanics, and modifications to a handful of killers within the game.

After making some successful modifications to certain killers and perks in “Dead by Daylight” last month, it’s time for another round of updates on the testing servers. The significant adjustments in Patch 8.3.0 are now being tested on the public test build before they move to the live game servers. This allows players to experiment with the proposed changes and understand how they might reshape the game before the patch is officially launched. Meanwhile, the creators of “Dead by Daylight” can observe the effects of these updates, make necessary adjustments, and prepare for the full release later this month.

In the September Developer Update on the Reddit page for “Dead by Daylight”, the upcoming changes for the game have been disclosed and can already be tested on the public test build. The next patch, version 8.3.0, introduces a significant number of modifications to the game, with several updates targeted at killers such as The Skull Merchant, The Hillbilly, The Twins, and The Unknown. Among these killers, The Skull Merchant is undergoing the most extensive alterations, including revisions to her drones and tweaks to the hindered and haste status effects that occur during scanning.

In addition to substantial changes, the Mori system in “Dead by Daylight” is also undergoing a significant overhaul. From now on, killers can mori the last survivor in a game without using an offering. During a mori animation, any objects obstructing the view will fade away, ensuring that the brutal kills are unobscured. Lastly, memento moris will now grant killers a substantial amount of blood points when they mori the final survivor.

As a dedicated fan of Dead by Daylight, I can’t help but feel the excitement surging through me now that we’re seeing some significant changes in the game’s perk system. The Teamwork survivor perks are getting a bit of a facelift, with their abilities being tweaked slightly. This is coupled with the fact that they’ll no longer have cooldown periods. Additionally, meta-defining perks like Distortion and Dead Man’s Switch are in for some adjustments to balance out their potency.

These modifications for “Dead by Daylight” are currently accessible on the Public Test Build (PTB), allowing players to experiment with them before they go live. For now, players can engage with the revamped game mode “Lights Out,” which has been reintroduced by “Dead by Daylight“, as well as enjoying the recently incorporated “Castlevania” collection.

Dead by Daylight Patch 8.3.0 Updates


Finishing Mori

  • [NEW] The Killer can now perform a Mori on the final Survivor without using an Offering.
  • [NEW] Objects obstructing the camera during the Mori animation will fade away.
  • [REWORK] Memento Mori Offerings have a new effect: Gain a large Bloodpoint bonus when performing a Mori on the final Survivor.

Survivor Perks

Teamwork: Power of Two

  • [NEW] This effect will linger for a few seconds when out of range. Re-entering this range before the linger time expires will maintain the effects.
  • [CHANGE] Increased range to 8/12/16 meters (was 12 meters).
  • [REMOVED] Teamwork: Power of Two no longer has a cooldown (was 180/160/140 seconds).
  • [REMOVED] No longer deactivates when either Survivor loses a health state.

Teamwork: Collective Stealth

  • [NEW] This effect will linger for a few seconds when out of range. Re-entering this range before the linger time expires will maintain the effects.
  • [CHANGE] Increased range to 8/12/16 meters (was 12 meters).
  • [REMOVED] Teamwork: Collective Stealth no longer has a cooldown (was 180/160/140 seconds).
  • [REMOVED] No longer deactivates when either Survivor loses a health state.

Corrective Action

  • [CHANGE] Now applies to Survivors within 8 meters (was cooperating on the same action).
  • [CHANGE] Prevented failed Skill Checks now become Great Skill Checks (was Good Skill Checks).

Inner Focus

  • [CHANGE] Increased aura reading duration to 6/8/10 seconds (was 3/4/5 seconds).
  • [REMOVED] Removed range requirement.

We’re Gonna Live Forever

  • [CHANGE] Increased healing speed bonus to 150% (was 100%).
  • [REMOVED] Endurance effect no longer needs to be activated.
  • [NEW] Added a 30 second cooldown to the Endurance effect.


  • [NEW] When you first start repairing a generator, see the Killer’s aura for 6 seconds.
  • [CHANGE] Increased duration to 10/12/14 seconds (was 6/8/10 seconds).

Blood Rush

  • [CHANGE] Blood Rush now activates for 40/50/60 seconds after being unhooked (previously activated permanently when you were one hook away from death).
  • [NEW] Blood Rush now deactivates upon performing a Conspicuous Action.
  • [NEW] Blood Rush now deactivates when the exit gates are powered.
  • [REMOVED] Blood Rush no longer heals or provides the Broken Status Effect.

Quick Gambit

  • [NEW] When chased, see the auras of other Survivors.
  • [NEW] Quick Gambit now has a 60 second cooldown upon losing a health state.
  • [CHANGE] Reduced repair speed bonus to 3/4/5% (was 6/7/8%).
  • [REMOVED] Repair speed bonus no longer has a limited range.


  • [REWORK] Distortion no longer has tokens and instead deactivates once used until the next time you are chased.
  • [CHANGE] Increased duration to 8/10/12 seconds (was 6/8/10 seconds).

Lucky Star

  • [CHANGE] Now suppresses grunts of pain and pools of blood as long as you are in the locker. This effect lingers for 30 seconds after exiting the locker (was 10 seconds after entering).
  • [REMOVED] No longer reveals Survivors or generator auras.

Killer Perks

Genetic Limits

  • [REWORK] Anytime a Survivor loses a health state, they suffer from the Exhaustion for 6/7/8 seconds.


  • [REWORK] When a Survivor performs an unhook, their healing speed is reduced by 30/40/50% for 30 seconds.


  • [REWORK] THWACK! now starts with 3 tokens. Gain 1 token upon hooking a Survivor. When breaking a pallet or breakable wall, consume one token and cause Survivor within 24 meters to scream and reveal their location for 3/4/5 seconds.

Machine Learning

  • [CHANGE] The most recently damaged generator becomes Compromised.


  • [REMOVED] Deathbound no longer has a distance requirement to activate.
  • [REMOVED] Deathbound no longer has a duration and instead deactivates when the healer is hooked.

Zanshin Tactics

  • [REWORK] When a Survivor is within 6 meters of a dropped pallet within 16 meters of your location, their aura is revealed for 6/8/10 seconds.

Dead Man’s Switch

  • [CHANGE] Now applies only to the first Survivors who stops repairing a generator.
  • [CHANGE] Increased duration to 40/45/50 seconds (was 20/25/30 seconds).

Blood Echo

  • [REMOVED] Blood Echo no longer has a cooldown.
  • [CHANGE] Reduced duration to 20/25/30 seconds.

Hex: Crowd Control

  • [REWORK] The last 3/4/5 vaults which Survivors rush vault are blocked by The Entity. This lasts until the hex totem is cleansed.


  • [REWORK] When a Survivor escapes a chase, reveal their aura for 6 seconds. This Perk then goes on cooldown for 60/50/40 seconds.


The Skull Merchant

  • [CHANGE] Decreased Hindered penalty when scanned by a drone to 5% (was 10%).
  • [REMOVED] The Skull Merchant no longer gains Haste when scanning a Survivor.
  • [CHANGE] Reduced number of drone scan lines to 1 (was 2).
  • [CHANGE] Drones are now always in their active state.
  • [CHANGE] Drone scan lines are now invisible beyond 16 meters.

The Hillbilly

  • [CHANGE] Decreased time before Overdrive starts to dissipate to 8 seconds (was 15 seconds).
  • [CHANGE] Decreased Overdrive movement speed to 11.5m/s (was 13m/s).
  • [CHANGE] Decreased Overdrive charges gained while revving and sprinting to 1.5/second (was 2/second).
  • [CHANGE] Increased Chainsaw missed attack cooldown to 2.7 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).

The Twins

  • [CHANGE] Increased Victor’s cooldown when crushed to 20 seconds (was 15 seconds).
  • [CHANGE] Increased cooldown after Victor downs a Survivor to 3.2 seconds (was 2.7 seconds).

The Unknown

  • [NEW] HUD update to display Teleport cooldown & Hallucination spawn time.
  • [CHANGE] Movement speed now decreases sooner when charging your Power.
  • [CHANGE] Increased teleport recovery speed by 15%.
  • [CHANGE] Adjustments to Blurry Photo and Vanishing Box Add-Ons.
  • [CHANGE] Improved visual and audio feedback when using UVX.

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2024-09-13 03:35