Rainbow Six Siege: Skopos Operator Guide

Rainbow Six Siege: Skopos Operator Guide

As an experienced gamer with countless hours poured into Rainbow Six Siege, I can confidently say that the introduction of Skopos, the new defender, has brought a refreshing twist to the game’s strategy. Her unique ability to control two V10 Pantheon Shells offers an unparalleled level of map control, making her a formidable asset on any team.

Rainbow Six Siege stands out among other military shooter games due to its strong emphasis on collaboration between players. The intricate interplay between characters such as Thermite and Thatcher or Mira and Bandit is a key feature that sets it apart. Nevertheless, there are instances when independent action, rather than teamwork, becomes crucial.

In numerous scenarios during the game ‘Rainbow Six Siege’, you may often find yourself in a dilemma between exploring the map to buy time for defense or reinforcing the site with additional team members. However, the latest addition of Operation Twin Shells provides an effective solution, enabling you to excel at both strategies.

New Defender Skopos

Skopos, whose actual name is Kure Galanos, hails from Cyprus and is a 42-year-old operator in the defense sector. She stands out with her exceptional skills in both data collection and assistance roles, making her a two-faceted, two-capacity operative. Skopos brings something distinctive to the table in the game Rainbow Six Siege, as she allows players to command two distinct entities, albeit not at the same time.

Skopos Weapon Loadout

Although Skopos might not have a wide variety of choices for her gear, her tools at hand are more than sufficient for completing the task successfully.

Primary Weapon

Her main weapon is the PCX-33 Assault Rifle, a fresh and unique choice in her inventory. This rifle distinguishes itself through its minimal recoil, high firepower, and satisfactory magazine capacity, making it perfect for long-distance battles. The drawback is its average firing speed, but it remains quite effective nonetheless. She is among the select few defenders who opt for an Assault Rifle as their primary weapon.

Secondary Weapon

In her second weapon slot, she carries a P229 handgun primarily. This handgun delivers acceptable damage and has controllable recoil. Normally, you’d resort to this secondary weapon only when your primary weapon runs out of bullets. Keep in mind that changing to your pistol is quicker than reloading the primary one.

Secondary Gadget

For her secondary item, she has two options: either two Impact Fragments (similar to grenades) or two Proximity Warning Devices (similar to alarms). Typically, it’s advised to select the Impact Fragments. They can be utilized to make breach points on the spot or help in escaping while moving around. Her main ability is explained in more detail below.

Skopos Primary Ability Explained

Rainbow Six Siege: Skopos Operator Guide

In the game Rainbow Six Siege, Skopos won’t personally participate in matches, but she can unleash two V10 Pantheon Shells, which are autonomous robots controlled by players. Her special skill allows her to command these two bots, although she can manage only one at a given moment. She has the flexibility to switch between the robots or even use one as a static surveillance camera for monitoring purposes.

While controlling Skopos, you’ll find two robots on the playing field. The robot you directly control is your ‘active’ one, while the other is your ‘non-active’ companion, standing crouched with a protective shield in front. Whenever you wish, you can swap control between these two robots. This action makes your previously active robot become non-active and assume the shield stance, while the opposite happens to the one you’ve taken control of.

The shield of the non-active robot can be destroyed by explosives, while both the active and non-active robots can be taken down by gunfire. If attackers destroy the non-active robot, Skopos will remain alive and continue the round. However, if the active robot is destroyed, Skopos is eliminated like any other operator.

Each robot has an individual health reserve, enabling you to switch amongst them when one’s health gets depleted. You can make as many switches as necessary without any restriction or waiting period. The robots also possess distinct ammo supplies for their weapons, but special tools like Impact Grenades and Proximity Alarms are shared between the two robots; switching to another robot won’t replenish these specific items.

How To Use Skopos’ V10 Pantheon Shells

Rainbow Six Siege: Skopos Operator Guide

The Skopos V10 Pantheon Shells provide exceptional control over maps compared to any other operator. To maximize this advantage, place one of your robots in a secure position at the site while using the other for exploration and delaying attackers as long as feasible. If you ever find yourself pursued or in an escape-impossible situation, switching back to your onsite robot becomes ideal.

By making your roaming robot elusive, this tactic makes attackers spend precious time trying to locate it, thereby distracting them from their main objective. If they neglect it, you’ll have the opportunity to strike them unexpectedly from behind, while they are preoccupied with penetrating the site.

Instead, if you’d rather keep your second robot on location, consider concealing it in a secluded area at the edge of the map instead. This way, you can catch opponents off guard by launching a sneak attack from behind as they advance towards the site. The secret to mastering Skopos lies in maintaining an unpredictable and adaptable strategy.

Things To Remember When Playing Skopos

Because Skopos manages a robot, these robots are resistant to Smoke’s Gas Canisters, enabling you to move through gas haze unscathed and surprise adversaries. However, it’s important to note that Skopos’ robots cannot be restored by Doc or Thunderbird. Nevertheless, this isn’t a significant disadvantage as you already have two robots with distinct health reserves at your disposal.

Attackers have several counters to Skopos’ robots. Key counters include:

  • Thatcher EMP or secondary gadget EMPs: These will temporarily distort vision and prevent Skopos from swapping between robots.
  • Brava’s Kludge Drone: Brava can hack the non-active robot. Skopos receives a warning when this happens and has a few seconds to switch back to the robot before it’s permanently hacked.
  • IQ’s gadget: IQ can detect Skopos when she’s swapping between robots.
  • Deimos’ ability: Deimos can track Skopos’ active robot, but switching to the other robot will stop the tracking.
  • Dokkaebi’s calls: A Dokkaebi call stops Skopos from swapping robots until the call timer ends or the player hangs up.

These counters force Skopos players to adapt and be mindful of when to swap between robots.

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2024-09-14 14:03